九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 Finally she wrenched her eyes away and sought a place。
 An indigo curtain shrouding a huge casement billowed and she ran for the wide bench of stone sill。 Alix climbed up and pressed her back against the cold stone; dragging the velvet around her body。 But she left gap enough to watch。
 Duncan slew the Atvian soldier and stood over the body; gasping as he tried to recover breath through his torn throat。
 〃And who prophesied your death; shapechanger?〃 asked Keough from the door。
 Duncan straightened instantly; meeting the Atvian's satisfied; expectant eyes。 The Cheysuli stood spraddle…legged over the dead soldier as Keough advanced into the room through the only door。 Behind him stood his son; blocking the exit。
 〃Where is your vaunted bow; shapechanger?〃 Keough challenged。 〃Where is your animal?〃
 Duncan said nothing as he stepped around the body and settled into a readied position。
 Keough laughed。 〃Before you had your bow。 Now you bear only a knife; and I a sword。〃
 Duncan watched the gleaming blade dance before his eyes。
 The lord of Atvia was huge and unbelievably swift for a man of
 his bulk。 Thome; smirking in the door; folded his arms and watched his father drive the Cheysuli across the hall until his back pressed against a colorful tapestry。
 Keough smiled in his red beard; sword tip drifting to touch Duncan's neck gently。 〃It seems someone has already tried to take your head; shapechanger。 Shall I finish it for him?〃
 The sword flashed to the side lightly and Duncan brought up his knife; flipping it to throw。
 Keough slapped it from his hand with a frighteningly smooth motion。 The sword tip moved again to the bruising on Duncan's throat。 A trickle of fresh blood welled in the ugly wire cut。
 〃Here; shapechanger? Do I strike heref〃
 Thome cried out as the ruddy wolf flashed from the casement; ripping through the velvet arras。 Duncan's yellow eyes widened in unfeigned surprise and Keough; warned by it; whipped me sword around。
 He met the snarling jaws of a wolf…bitch; pact body hurling itself against me Atvian's huge chest。 Off…balance; Keough went down at Duncan's feet。 A terrified cry broke from his wailing throat。
 Thome rushed the length of the hall; sword drawn and raised to strike the wolf from his father's body。 Duncan bent swiftly and grasped his knife; thrusting himself forward to block Thome's furious charge。
 Keough's son went down with a cry of pain; clutching at the knife buried in his chest。 Duncan straightened and turned; mov…ing unsteadily to the wolf…bitch。
 The animal stood across the unmoving lord of Atvia; feral eyes blazing with silent rage。 Slowly knowledge crept into them as she saw Duncan staring wordlessly at her; face drawn。
 〃He is slain;〃 he said hoarsely。
 Keough; face congested; bore no wound。 But the man lay dead within Homana…Mujhar。
 〃Cheysula;〃 Duncan whispered。
 The wotf…bitch blurred before his eyes and Alix moved to him; arms crossed slackly across her stomach as if to protect me child。
 〃He would have slain you。〃
 〃Aye; Alix。〃
 She blinked empty eyes。 〃I know you said I should not shapechange; cheysul; but you would have died。 I think 1 would be like a lirless man if you died; and lose my very soul。〃
 〃It was done out of fear and a wolfs fierce protectiveness for its mate。 I could not have asked for or expected different; child or no。〃
 〃Then you are not angry with me?〃
 He put out his arms and took her to him; cradling her head against his shoulder。 〃I am not angry; small one。〃
 〃Duncan。。。 we are losing Homana…Mujhar。〃
 〃Aye。 Carillon will have to wait a while longer before he can assume the Mujhar's throne。 We must gather ourselves and go before Bellam finishes the qu'mahlin Shaine began。〃
 Thome; at Atix's feet; groaned。 She shuddered and whipped her head around to look; hand to her mouth。 Duncan took her away from the young Atvian; heading toward the door。
 〃Duncan+he is still alive!〃
 〃He will have to remain that way。 We can spare no more time; Alix。 e。〃
 Getting out of Homana…Mujhar safely proved more difficult than getting in。 Twice Duncan had to fend off Solindish soldiers and Alix shrieked once as  wounded Atvian rose from the floor…A thrown knife bearing Carillon's royal crest quivered in the man's back and she looked up to meet Finn's eyes across the corridor。
 〃So; meijha; you still trail after my rujho。〃
 Alix; faced with Finn's obvious exhaustion and blood…smeared features; laughed at him; 〃Aye; I still do。 And ever will。〃
 Finn smiled at her and retrieved the knife that was now his; shooting his brother a searching look。 Duncan gestured for him to follow and they moved down the corridor silently。
 〃The prince?〃 Duncan asked hoarsely。
 **I left him in Shame's own chambers; effectively dispatching two Atvians。 Our princeling has learned how to kill。 He did not need my help。〃
 〃Are you ready to go from this place?〃
 Finn laughed shortly。 〃Though I hate leaving such work unfinished; I am more than ready。 All we do here is die。〃 He sighed。 〃We will take Homana…Mujhar another time。〃
 〃Carillon might not wish to go。〃
 〃He will when I have told him。 He may be my liege lord; but I have more sense。〃
 〃Do you?〃 Alix demanded; grasping Duncan's belt as they moved。
 〃Aye; mei jha; I do。〃
 〃Well; ruifw;〃 Duncan said; 〃perhaps you have gained some in the past months。 You never had any before。〃
 Finn; affronted; followed them as Storr moved closely at his heels。
 They found Carillon where Finn had said and convinced him
 to join their flight from the palace。 He was not particularly happy
 with the idea; bat gave in when Duncan explained their chances。
 Carillon sighed and pushed a forearm across his damp forehead。
 His hair had dried into unruly curls。
 〃This way;〃 he said and led them through winding corridors。
 Twisting and turning in the bowels of the immense palace; they followed the prince out of Homana…Mujhar; glad of a respite。 They found no Atvian or Solindish troops and it gave them all a chance to breathe again。
 Alix followed Carillon out of a recessed doorway into the small bailey at the back of the palace… Behind her were Duncan and Finn; murmuring to one another in the Old Tongue she had not yet quite learned。 Then she came to an abrupt stop as Carillon halted before her; and stepped around him to question their pause。
 She came face…to…face with a cloaked figure very like the man she had slain in the streets of Mujhara; and suddenly she was very afraid。
 A gloved hand slid the hood back; baring exquisitely fine features and a sweetly beguiling smile。 〃Alix;〃 he said softly。 〃And my lord prince of Homana。 I could not have hoped for better fortune。〃
 〃Tynstar。。。〃 she whispered。
 Duncan stepped beside her; keeping her between himself and the prince。 Finn stood at Carillon's right hand; making certain the prince had room to use his sword。 Storr; hackled and growling; waited at Finn's right side。
 Tynstar smiled。 〃A tableau。 I have before me the three men most responsible for attempting to ruin Bellam's bid to take Homana。〃 His black eyes flickered。 〃And the woman。〃 He moved closer soundlessly; staring into her face。 〃Alix; I said you should remain insignificant。 You have not heeded me。〃
 She swallowed heavily and fought down the fear that threat…ened to turn her knees to water。 The man who had been so kind and unassuming when first they met displayed his true colors to her at last; and she understood the magnitude of his dedication to his dark gods。
 Tynstar smiled more broadly。 〃Shaine is dead。 And Keough。 Even Prince Thome lies dying of a Cheysuli knife。 You have accounted for a large toll; this night。〃 His voice dropped to a whisper。 〃But it is for naught。〃
 〃Naught!〃 Carilton echoed。
 〃Aye。 Bellam holds Homana…Mujhar。 Homana is his。〃
 〃Yours;〃 Alix said softly。 〃Homana is yours。〃
 The Ihlini smiled sweetly。
 Carillon's hand settled on his sword hilt。 Tynstar's eyes moved from Alix to him。
 〃Were I you; my young Mujhar; I would leave Homana…Mujhar instantly。〃
 Carillon's hand twitched。 〃You tell me to go。。。〃
 Tynstar affected a casual shrug。 〃You are nothing to me。 Bellam wants you for parading before his men; and to show the Homanans 

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