九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > jr.shapechangers >



小说: jr.shapechangers 字数: 每页4000字

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 He released her chin。 〃How did a tree limb e to desire the taste of your skin?〃
 She slid a look at Finn; who remained exceedingly silent。 But the other man saw the exchange and laughed softly; surprising her。 It also drew quick resentment from her。
 〃Do you propose to force me; shapechanger; as your brother intended?〃
 He studied her solemnly。 〃I force no woman。 Did Finn?〃
 Alix gritted her teeth。 〃He tried。 He wished to。 The wolf would not allow it。〃
 〃The lir are often much wiser than we;〃 he said significantly。
 Alix was shocked as she saw dark color move through Finn's face。 For a moment her perception of him altered through the eyes of his older brother。 Alix saw him as a rash young man instead of a fierce; threatening warrior。 The image surprised her。
 〃Shapechanger。。。〃 she began。
 〃My name is Duncan。 Calling me by it will not make you accursed; gyri。〃
 She recoiled from his reprimand and answered glumly; 〃What is it you want of me; now I am made prisoner?〃
 Duncan's lips twitched。 〃If you are indeed Hale's daughter; you are no prisoner。 You arc of the clan; gyri。〃
 Finn shifted。 〃Do you see; nyAo? She will not listen。〃
 〃Then I will have to convince her。〃
 Alix blanched and drew away from him。 He let her get as far
 as the doorflap; then smoothly reached out and caught her arm;
 〃If you will remain with me; I will answer me questions in your mind。 This is new for you。 Understanding; I promise; will e with time。〃
 His hand pulled her steadily away from the doorflap。 Alix was frightened again。 〃I do not believe what he has said。 I am Homanan。 I am not Cheysuli。〃
 〃If you will be seated; I will tell you a story;〃 Duncan said quietly。 〃I am no shar tahl to give you the birth lines and the prophecy; but I can tell you much of what you must know。〃 His eyes flicked to Finn。 〃Leave her with me。 You had best tend to Carillon。〃
 Finn smiled crookedly。 〃The princeling sleeps; rujho。 The
 earth magic has removed his cares for a time。〃 He straightened under the silent mand。 〃But I will see to him; for all that。 Tend her well; rujho; she was gently reared。〃
 His departure left Alix alone in the pavilion with Duncan。 She waited mutely; unable to force her mind into coherent thought。
 Duncan gestured to a spotted gray pelt on the floor and she assented silently; gathering her skirts about her knees as she sat。 〃What will you do with me?〃
 He stood over her; arms folded。 The torch painted his dark angular face and danced in his yellow eyes。 Like Finn; he wore his black hair cut to his neck; where it fell loosely。 Unlike Finn; he did not seem so inherently violent。
 Duncan settled himself cross…legged before her; hands resting on his knees。 〃I do nothing with you save wele you to your clan。 Do you expect to be slain?〃
 She stared at her own hands; clasped tightly in her lap。 〃You are shapechangers。 I have been raised to fear you。 What else can you expect?〃
 〃Finn said your jehan was arms…master to Shaine when the qu'mahlin began。 Surely he has not raised you to believe me lies。〃 His calm voice forced her to look at him。 〃Toirin was a faithful man; and honorable。 He would not plant the seeds of untruth; even at Shame's bidding。〃
 〃You speak as if you know my father。〃
 Duncan snook his head。 〃I never met him。 I know few Homanans; now; because of Shaine's qu'mahtin。 But Hale spoke of him when he came to the Keep。〃
 〃I do not understand。〃
 He sighed。 〃It will take much time。 But first you must believe Hale is your father。 Not Ton…in。〃
 Her chin rose stubbornly。 〃I cannot accept that。〃
 Duncan scowled at her; suddenly very like Finn。 〃Foolishness has no place here。 Will you listen?〃
 〃I will listen。〃
 But it does not mean I will believe。
 He seemed to hear her rebellious; unspoken words。 For a moment Alix was nonplussed by the feeling but dismissed h quickly as Duncan began the story。
 〃Hale took Lindir into the forests。 Her jehana hame's wife; EUinda died soon after。 Shaine took another wife; who miscarried three times and then bore him a stillborn son; which made her barren。 The Mujhar claims it was Cheysuli sorcery mat stole his daughter; slew his first wife and denied his second living children。〃 Duncan paused。 〃And that began the qu'mahlw。〃
 〃War;〃 she said softly。
 〃The qu'mahlin is more than war。 It is annihilation for the Cheysuli race。 The Mujhar wants every last one of us slain; me race destroyed。〃 His yellow eyes met hers。 〃His decree touches even his granddaughter。〃
 Alix felt color drain from her face。 〃Shame's granddaughter。。。〃
 〃'Y(jehana was Lindir of Homana。 You are the Mujhar's granddaughter。〃
 〃No。 No; you tell me lies。〃
 Duncan smiled for the first time。 〃I do not lie; small one。 But if you wish; you may ask my lir。 Cai has told me you have a gift of the gods; and can converse with all the;i'r。〃
 〃The hawk。。。〃 she whispered。
 A golden tone stirred within her mind; softly。 You are Hole's daughter; liren; and bloodkin to us all。 Do not deny your heritage; or the gift of the gods。
 Duncan saw the anguish and fear in her face。 He touched her trembling hands gently。 〃If you wish to rest; I can finish the story another time。〃
 〃No!〃 she said wildly。 〃No; I will listen! What more can you say that will not destroy what prehension I have left to me?〃
 He took his hand away。 〃Hale was slain in me qu'mahlin by Shaine's troops; as he sought from me beginning。 Lindir; carrying a child; returned to her jehan to beg his understanding。 She wanted shelter for her child。〃 Duncan's face was grim。 〃The Mujhar needed an heir。 He had no son; and his lady…wife made barren。 Lindir's child; were it a boy; Ч would be that heir。〃
 A chill washed through her; leaving apprehension in its wake。
 〃But there was no son。。。〃
 〃No。 Lindir bore a daughter; and died… The Mujhar; still dedicated to his purge; ordered the halfling girl…child taken to the forests and left to die。〃
 〃But it was only a child。。。〃
 〃A shapechanger。 A demon。〃 His voice was rough as he said the Homanan words。 〃A halfling best left to the beasts。〃
 Alix looked up into his impassive face。 She saw it soften into understanding and sympathy and sternness。 He had told her; she realized; and he expected her to believe him。
 〃How do you know this?〃 she asked。 〃You?〃
 〃It has been told to the shar tahl; who has given it to me clan。〃
 〃The shar tahl
 〃Our priest…historian; the Homanans would call him。 He keeps me rituals and the traditions; and makes certain all know me proper heritage of me Cheysuli。 Mostly he tends to me words of me prophecy。〃
 〃What is this prophecy you prate of?〃 she asked; irritable。
 〃Finn speaks of little else。〃
 〃That is not for me to say。 The shar tahl will speak with you when it is the proper time。〃 He shrugged; lifting his spread…fingered palm。 〃Tahlmorra。〃
 Alix looked at him in the flickering shadows of the slate…colored pavilion。 He was alien to her; part of the vague dreams she had dreamed over the years; growing up knowing the Cheysuli were accursed and outlawed and sentenced to death by the Mujhar。 But she knew he did not lie to her; for all she wished to believe it。 There was no deceit in his eyes。
 〃If what you tell me is true; there is one more thing;〃 she said hollowly。 〃You are my brother; like Finn。〃
 Duncan smiled。 〃No。 Finn and I share ajehana; but Hale was to me what the Homanans call foster…father。 My jehan died when I was very young。〃
 She smoothed the weave of her skirts。 〃I do not entirely understand。 You said Hale took Lindir away and got a child on her。 Me。〃 The word was dry in her mourn。 〃But if he was father to Finn; and foster…father to you。。。 I do not understand。〃
 〃Hale was liege man to Shaine。 It is a Cheysuli thing; hereditary service to the Mujhars and their blood。 Until the purge; the Mujhars of Homana ever had a Cheysuli liege man;〃 Duncan smiled faintly。 〃Hale spent most of his dme at Homana…Mujhar; serving this lord; according to custom。 Lindir was a golden child who took great joy in teasing berjehan's fierce liege man; it was a game to her。 Then she was no longer a child; and Hale was no longer indifferent to the promise of her beauty。 She had fulfilled mat promise。〃 He saw Alix's shocked face and laug

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