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小说: pdouglas.thecodex 字数: 每页4000字

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father for weeks; but he seems to have dropped off the face of the earth。 So finally in desperation I tracked you down。〃
 Tom stared at her in the gathering twilight; and then he began to laugh。
 〃What's so funny?〃 she asked hotly。
 Tom took a deep breath。 〃Sally; I've got some bad news for you。〃
 When he had finished telling her everything; there was a long silence。 Sally said; 〃You've got to be joking。〃
 〃He had no right!〃
 〃Right or not; that's what he did。〃
 〃So what are you going to do about it?〃
 Tom sighed。 〃Nothing。〃
 〃Nothing? What do you mean; nothing? You're not giving up your inheritance; are you?〃
 Tom didn't answer at once。 They had reached the top of the plateau; and they paused to look at the view。 The myriad canyons running down to the San Juan River were etched like dark fractals into the moonlit landscape; beyond; he could see the yellow cluster of lights of the town of Bluff and; at the edge of town; the cluster of buildings that made up his modest veterinary practice。 To the left the immense stone vertebrae of b Ridge rose up; ghostly bones in the moonlight。 It reminded him all over again of why he was here。 In the days following the shock of learning what his father had done with their inheritance; he had picked up one of his favorite books: Plato's Republic。 He read once again the passages on the myth of Er; in which Odysseus was asked what kind of existence he would choose in his next life。 What had the great Odysseus; warrior; lover; sailor; explorer; and king; chosen to be? An anonymous man living in some out…of…the way corner; 〃disregarded by the others。〃 All he wanted was a life of peace and simplicity。
 Plato had approved。 And so did Tom。
 That; Tom reminded himself; was why he had originally e to Bluff。 Life with Maxwell Broadbent as a father was impossible: a never…ending drama of exhortation; challenge; petition; criticism; and instruction。 He had e here to escape; to find peace; to leave all that behind。 That; and of course; Sarah。 Sarah: His father had even tried to select their girlfriends…disastrously。
 He ventured a glance at Sally。 A cool night breeze was stirring her hair; and her face was turned into the moonlight; her lips slightly parted in pleasure and awe at the stupendous view。 One hand lay on her thigh; her slender body resting lightly in the saddle。 God; she was beautiful。
 He angrily pushed that out of his mind。 His life was now pretty much how he wanted it。 He hadn't managed to bee a paleontologist…his father had scotched that…but being a vet in Utah was the next best thing。 Why screw it up? He'd been down that road before。 〃Yes;〃 he finally responded。 〃I'm giving it up。〃
 〃I'm not sure I can explain it。〃
 〃You have to understand my father。 All my life; he tried to control everything my two brothers and I did。 He managed us。 He had big plans for us。 But no matter what I did; what any of us did; it was never good enough。 We were never good enough for him。 And now this。 I'm not going to play his game any longer。 Enough is enough。〃
 He paused; wondering why he was telling her so much。
 〃Go on;〃 she said。
 〃He wanted me to bee a doctor。 I wanted to be a paleontologist; to hunt for dinosaur fossils。 Father thought that was ridiculous…'infantile;' he called it。 We promised on vet school。 Naturally; he expected me to go to Kentucky and doctor million…dollar racehorses and maybe bee an equine medical researcher; making great discoveries and putting the Broadbent name in the history books。 Instead I came out here to the Navajo reservation。 This is what I want to do; this is what I love doing。 These horses need me and these people need me。 And this landscape; southern Utah; is the most beautiful in the world; with some of the greatest Jurassic and Cretaceous fossil beds anywhere。 But my father thought that me ing out here to the rez was a huge failure and disappointment。 There was no money in it; no prestige; nothing splendid about it。 Here I'd taken his money to go to vet school and cheated him by ing out here。〃
 He stopped。 Now he'd really said too much。
 〃And so that's it? You're just going to let the whole inheritance go; Codex and all?〃
 〃That's right。〃
 〃Just like that?〃
 〃Most people live their lives without a legacy。 My vet practice isn't a bad living。 I love this life; this country。 Look around。 What more could you want?〃
 He found Sally looking at him instead; her hair faintly luminous in the silvery light of the moon。 〃How much are you giving up; if I may ask?〃
 He felt a twinge; not for the first time; at the sheer size of it。 〃A hundred million; give or take。〃
 Sally whistled。 There was a long silence。 A coyote howled somewhere in the canyons below them; answered by a further howl。 She finally said; 〃Jesus; you've got guts。〃
 He shrugged。
 〃And your brothers?〃
 〃Philip's joined with my father's old partner to go find the hidden tomb。 Vernon's going it alone; I hear。 Why don't you team up with one of them?〃
 He found her looking at him rather intently in the dark。 Finally she said; 〃I already tried。 Vernon left the country a week ago; and Philip's also disappeared。 They went to Honduras。 You were my last choice。〃
 Tom shook his head。 〃Honduras? That was fast。 When they return with the loot; you can get the Codex from them。 I'll give you my blessing。〃
 Another long silence。 〃I can't risk it。 They have no idea what it is; what it's worth。 Anything could happen。〃
 〃I'm sorry; Sally; I can't help you。〃
 〃Professor Clyve and I need your help。 The world needs your help。〃
 Tom stared into the dark cottonwood groves in the floodplain of the San Juan River。 An owl called from a distant juniper。
 〃My mind is made up;〃 he said。
 She remained looking at him; her hair in heavy disarray down her shoulders and back; her lower lip firmly set。 The cottonwoods were casting a dappled moonlight over her body; the fuzzy silver spots of light rippling and shifting with the breeze。 〃Really?〃
 He sighed。 〃Really。〃
 〃At least give me a little help here。 I'm not asking for much; Tom。 e to Santa Fe with me。 You can introduce me to your father's lawyers; his friends。 You can tell me about his travels; his habits。 Give me two days。 Help me do this。 Just two days。〃
 〃Ever had a horse die on you?〃
 〃All the time。〃
 〃A horse you loved?〃
 Tom immediately thought of his own horse Pedernal; who died from an antibiotic…resistant strain of strangles。 He would never again own a horse as beautiful。
 〃Would better drugs have saved it?〃 Sally asked。
 Tom looked toward the distant lights of Bluff。 Two days wasn't much; and she did have a point。 〃All right。 You win。 Two days。〃
 Lewis Skiba; CEO of Lampe…Denison Pharmaceuticals; sat motionless at his desk; looking down the file of gray skyscrapers along Avenue of the Americas in midtown Manhattan。 A late…afternoon rain was darkening the city。 The only sound in his paneled office was the mutter of a real wood fire in an eighteenth…century Siena marble fireplace; a sad reminder of fatter times。 It was not a cold day; but Skiba had cranked up the A/C in order to have the fire。 He found it soothing。 It reminded him somehow of his childhood; of the old stone fireplace in the battenboard cabin by the lake; with the crossed snowshoes over the mantelpiece and the loons calling off the water。 God; if only he could be there now 。。。
 Almost without knowing it; his hand unlocked the little front drawer of his desk and closed on a cool plastic bottle。 He popped the top off with his thumbnail; fished out a dry little ovoid; put it in his mouth; and chewed。 Bitter; but it cut the wait。 That and a scotch chaser。 Skiba reached to his left; slipped open a wall panel and took out a bottle of sixty…year…old Macallan and a whiskey glass; and poured himself a good slug。 It was the color of rich mahogany。 A dash of cool Evian released the flavor; and he brought it to his lips; sucked in a goodly amount; savoring the taste of peat; hops; the cold sea; the Highland moors; fine Spanish Amontillado。
 As the feeling of peace stole over him he thought longingly of the big swim; of floating away on a sea of light。 If it came to that; all it would take would be two 

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