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小说: pdouglas.thecodex 字数: 每页4000字

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hen reprovisioning of the boat; holding back the supplies they would need for their journey。
 〃We may be gone for two or three days;〃 Don Alfonso said。 〃We must prepare to spend several nights in the dugout。 There might be rain。〃
 〃No kidding;〃 said Sally。
 Tom handed Sally the monkey。 〃Take care of him while I'm gone; okay?〃
 〃Of course。〃
 The boat pulled away。 Tom watched her in the pouring rain; a dim figure growing dimmer。 〃Tom; please take care of yourself;〃 she called; just as her figure vanished。
 Chori poled strongly down the channel; the unburdened boat moving swiftly。 Five minutes later Tom heard a screeching noise in the branches above the boat; and a little black ball came bouncing from branch to branch and finally shot out of an overhead tree and landed on his head; shrieking like a lost soul。 It was Hairy Bugger。
 〃You rascal; you didn't wait long to escape;〃 said Tom; taking the tiny monkey back into his pocket; where he snuggled down and instantly fell silent。
 The dugout pushed deeper into the rain…rotten swamp。
 The storm reached a climax of fury as their dugout reached the channel to the Black Place。 Flashes of lightning and bursts of thunder echoed through the forest; sometimes ing only seconds apart; like an artillery barrage。 The tops of the trees; two hundred feet above their heads; shook and thrashed。
 The channel soon divided into a maze of shallow waterways winding amid shivery expanses of stinking mud。 Don Alfonso stopped from time to time to check for pole marks in the shallow bottom。 The drenching rain never let up; and night came so imperceptibly that Tom was startled when Don Alfonso called a halt。
 〃We will sleep in the dugout like savages;〃 Don Alfonso said。 〃Here is a good place to stop as there are no thick branches above us。 I do not want to wake up to the rotten smell of jaguar breath。 We must take care not to die here; Tomasito; for our souls would never find their way out。〃
 〃I'll do my best。〃
 Tom bundled himself in his mosquito netting; found a place in their heap of gear; and tried to go to sleep。 The rain finally ceased; but he was still soaked to the skin。 The jungle was filled with the sound of dripping water; punctuated with the cries and moans and gasping shrieks of animals; some of which seemed almost human。 Maybe they were human; the lost souls Don Alfonso had talked about。 Tom thought of his brother Vernon; lost in this swamp; sick perhaps; maybe even dying。 He remembered him as a boy who always had a hopeful; friendly; and perpetually lost look on his face。 He subsided into a troubled night of dreams。
 They found the dead body the next day。 It was floating in the water; a hump with red and white stripes。 Chori poled toward it。 The hump turned out to be a wet shirt inflated with the gases of deposition。 As the dugout approached; a cloud of angry flies rose up。
 Carefully; Chori brought the dugout alongside。 A dozen dead piranhas floated around the corpse; their goggle eyes filmed over; their mouths open。 The rain drizzled down。
 The hair was short and black。 It was not Vernon。
 Don Alfonso said something; and Chori prodded the body with a pole。 The gas escaped from under the wet shirt with a blabbering sound; and there was a foul smell。 Chori placed the pole under the corpse and; using the bottom as a fulcrum point; heaved it over。 The flies roared up。 The water boiled and flashed with silver as the fish that had been feasting underneath the body darted away in fright。
 Tom stared with shock at the body; now face up in the water; if 〃face up〃 could even describe it。 Piranhas had eaten the face off along with the entire ventral side of the body; leaving only the bones。 The nose had been chewed down to a withered piece of cartilage; the lips and tongue were gone; the mouth a hole。 A minnow; trapped in an eye socket; thrashed about; trying to escape。 The smell of deposition hit him like a wet rag。 The water began to swirl as the fish began to work on the fresh side。 Bits of cloth from the shirt floated to the surface。
 〃It is one of those boys from Puerto Lempira;〃 said Don Alfonso。 〃He was bitten by a poisonous snake while clearing this brush。 They left him here。〃
 〃How do you know he was killed by a snake?〃 Tom asked。
 〃You see the dead piranhas? Those are the ones who ate the flesh in the area of the snakebite。 They were poisoned; and the animals that eat them will also be poisoned。〃
 Chori pushed the body away with the pole; and they paddled on。
 〃This is not a good place to die。 We must get out of here before nightfall。 I do not want to meet that Lempira man's ghost in a dream tonight; asking me for directions。〃
 Tom did not answer。 The sight of the corpse had left him shaken。 He tried to fight down a sense of foreboding。 Vernon; who was panicky and disorganized to begin with; would be a basket case。 God knows; he might even be dead; too。
 〃Why they do not turn around and leave this place; I cannot say。 Perhaps a demon has gotten in the dugout with them and is whispering lies into their ears。〃
 They continued on; making slow work of it。 The swamp was endless; the boat grazing the muddy bottom and frequently getting stuck; forcing them to get out and push。 Often they had to double back again and again; following tortuous channels。 Toward midafternoon; Don Alfonso held up his hand; Chori stopped paddling; and they listened。 Tom could hear a distant voice; distraught…someone crying hysterically for help。
 Tom leapt to his feet and cupped his hands。 〃Vernon!〃
 There was a sudden silence。
 〃Vernon! It's me; Tom!〃
 There was a burst of desperate shouting that echoed through the trees; distorted and unintelligible。
 〃It's him;〃 said Tom。 〃Hurry。〃
 Chori paddled forward; and soon Tom could see the vague outlines of a dugout canoe in twilight of the swamp。 A person was in the bow; screaming and gesturing。 It was Vernon。 He was hysterical; but at least he was standing。
 〃Faster!〃 Tom cried。
 Chori pushed ahead。 They reached the boat; and Tom pulled Vernon into their own。
 Vernon collapsed into his brother's arms。 〃Tell me I'm not dead;〃 he cried。
 〃You're okay; you're not dead。 We're here now。〃
 Vernon broke down sobbing。 Tom; clasping his brother; had a sudden sense of déjà vu; the memory of a time when Vernon came home one day after school; having been chased by a gang of bullies。 He threw himself into Tom's arms the same way; clutching and sobbing hysterically; his skinny body shaking。 Tom had had to go out there and fight them himself…Tom; the younger brother; fighting his older brother's fights。
 〃It's okay;〃 said Tom。 〃It's okay。 We're here。 You're safe。〃
 〃Thank God。 Thank God。 I was sure the end had e 。。。〃 His voice trailed away into a choke。
 Tom helped Vernon sit。 He was shocked at his brother's appearance。 His face and neck were swollen with bites and stings and smeared with blood from scratching。 His clothes were indescribably filthy; his hair was tangled and foul; and he was even skinnier than usual。
 〃Are you okay?〃 Tom asked。
 Vernon nodded。 〃Aside from being eaten alive I'm all right。 Just scared。〃 Vernon wiped his face with a filthy sleeve that left more dirt than it removed and choked another sob。
 Tom took a moment to look at his brother。 His mental state worried him even more than his physical state。 As soon as they got back to camp; he would send Vernon back to civilization with Pingo。
 〃Don Alfonso;〃 Tom said; 〃let's turn the boat around and get out of here。〃
 〃But the Teacher;〃 Vernon said。
 Tom stopped。 〃The Teacher?〃
 Vernon nodded toward the dugout。 〃Sick。〃
 Tom leaned over and peered down。 There; lying in a sodden sleeping bag in the bottom of the canoe; almost hidden among the mess of equipment and soggy supplies; was the swollen face of a man; with a wild head of white hair and a beard。 He was fully conscious and stared back up at Tom with baleful blue eyes; saying nothing。
 〃Who's this?〃
 〃My Teacher from the Ashram。〃
 〃What the hell is he doing here?〃
 〃We're together。〃
 The man stared up at Tom fixedly。
 〃What's wrong with him?〃
 〃He's got a fever。 He stopped speaking two days ago。
 Tom pulled the medicine chest out of their supplies an

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