九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > pdouglas.thecodex >



小说: pdouglas.thecodex 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃We're together。〃
 The man stared up at Tom fixedly。
 〃What's wrong with him?〃
 〃He's got a fever。 He stopped speaking two days ago。
 Tom pulled the medicine chest out of their supplies and stepped into the other dugout。 The Teacher followed his every movement with his eyes。 Tom bent over and felt the man's forehead。 It was burning hot; a temperature of at least 104 degrees。 The pulse was thready and fast。 He listened with a stethoscope: The lungs sounded clear; the heart was beating normally; albeit very fast。 Tom injected him with a broad…spectrum antibiotic and an antimalarial。 Without access to any kind of diagnostic tests; it was the best he could do。
 〃What kind of fever does he have?〃 Vernon asked。
 〃Impossible to know without a blood test。〃
 〃Is he going to die?〃
 〃I don't know。〃 Tom switched into Spanish。 〃Don Alfonso; do you have any idea what disease this man has?〃
 Don Alfonso climbed into the boat and bent over the man。 He tapped his chest; looked into his eyes; felt his pulse; examined his hands; then looked up。 〃Yes; I know well this disease。〃
 〃What is it?〃
 〃It's called death。〃
 〃No;〃 said Vernon; agitated。 〃Don't say that。 He's not dying。〃
 Tom was sorry he had asked for Don Alfonso's opinion。 〃We'll bring him back to camp in the dugout。 Chori can pole that dugout; and I'll pole ours。〃 Tom turned to Vernon。 〃We found one dead guide back there。 Where's the other?〃
 〃A jaguar dropped down on him at night and dragged him up into a tree。〃 Vernon shuddered。 〃We could hear his screams and the crunching of his bones。 It was 。。。〃 The sentence finished in a choking sound。 〃Tom; get me out of here。〃
 〃I will;〃 Tom said。 〃We'll send you and your Teacher back down to Brus with Pingo。〃
 They arrived back at the camp just after nightfall。 Vernon put up one of their tents; and they carried the Teacher up from the boat and put him inside。 He refused all food and remained silent; staring at them in the most unsettling way。 Tom wondered if the man was still sane。
 Vernon insisted on spending the night with him in the tent。 The next morning; as the sun was just catching the treetops; Vernon roused them all with a call for help。 Tom was the first to arrive。 The Teacher was sitting up in his sleeping bag; highly agitated。 His face was pale and dry; and his eyes glittered like chips of blue porcelain; darting about wildly; focusing on nothing。 His hands were grasping at the air。
 All at once he spoke。 〃Vernon!〃 he cried; groping about with his hands。 〃Oh my God; where are you; Vernon? Where am I?〃
 With a shock Tom realized he must have gone blind。
 Vernon grasped his hand and knelt。 〃I'm here; Teacher。 We're in the tent。 We're taking you back to America。 You're going to be fine。〃
 〃What a goddamn fool I was!〃 the Teacher shouted; his mouth twisting with the effort to speak; causing spittle to fly。
 〃Teacher; please。 Please don't excite yourself。 We're going home; back to Big Sur; back to the Ashram 。。。〃
 〃I had everything!〃 the Teacher roared。 〃I had money。 I had teenage girls to fuck。 I had a house by the sea。 I was surrounded by people who revered me。 I had everything!〃 The veins were popping out on his forehead。 Drool ran down and dangled from his chin。 His whole frame trembled so violently that Tom fancied he could hear his bones rattling。 The blind eyes roved madly in his head; like whirling pinballs。
 〃We're going to get you to a hospital; Teacher。 Don't talk; everything's going to be all right; all right 。。。〃
 〃So what did I do? Ha! It wasn't enough! Like a fool I wanted more! I wanted a hundred million dollars more! And look what happened to me!〃 He roared out these last words and; having uttered them; fell back heavily; his body making the sound of a dead fish hitting the floor。 He lay there; his eyes staring wide open; but the glitter was gone。
 He was dead。
 Vernon stared in horror; unable to speak。 Tom put his hand on his brother's shoulder and found him shaking。 It had been an ugly death。
 Don Alfonso was badly shaken as well。 〃We must leave;〃 he said。
 〃A bad spirit came and took that man away; and he did not want to go。
 〃Prepare one of the boats to return;〃 Tom said to Don Alfonso。 〃Pingo can take Vernon back to Brus while we go on…if you don't have any objections。〃
 Don Alfonso nodded。 〃It is better this way。 The swamp is no place for your brother。〃 He began shouting orders to Chori and Pingo; who rushed about; equally terrified; only too happy to be leaving。
 〃I can't understand it;〃 Vernon said。 〃He was such a good man。 How could he die like that?〃
 Vernon was always being taken in by swindlers; Tom thought…financial; emotional; and spiritual。 But now wasn't the time to point it out。 He said; 〃Sometimes we think we know someone; and we don't。〃
 〃I spent three years with him。 I knew him。 It must have been the fever。 He was delirious; out of his mind。 He didn't know what he was saying。〃
 〃Let's bury him and move on。〃
 Vernon went to work on digging a grave; and Tom and Sally joined in。 They cleared out a small spot behind the camp; chopping through roots with Chori's axe and digging down into the soil underneath。 In twenty minutes a shallow grave had been hollowed out of the hard…clay soil。 They dragged the Teacher's body to the hole; laid him in; packed a layer of clay on top of him; then filled the grave with smooth boulders from the riverbank。 Don Alfonso; Chori; and Pingo were already in the boats; fretting; waiting to go。
 〃Are you all right?〃 Tom asked; putting his arm around his brother。
 〃I've made a decision;〃 Vernon said。 〃I'm not going back。 I'm going on with you。〃
 〃Vernon; it's all arranged。〃
 〃What have I got to go back to? I'm dead broke; and I don't even have a car。 I certainly can't go back to the Ashram。〃
 〃You'll figure out something。〃
 〃I've already figured out something。 I'm ing with you。〃
 〃You're in no condition to e with us。 You almost died back there。〃
 〃This is something I have to do;〃 said Vernon。 〃I'm all right now。〃
 Tom hesitated; wondering if Vernon really was all right。
 〃Please; Tom。〃
 There was such a depth of pleading in Vernon's voice that Tom was surprised…and; despite himself; a little glad。 He grasped Vernon's shoulder。 〃All right。 We'll do this together; just as Father wanted。〃
 Don Alfonso clapped his hands。 〃Enough talking? We go now?〃
 Tom nodded; and Don Alfonso gave the order to push off。
 〃Now that we have two boats;〃 Sally said; 〃I'll do my share of the poling。〃
 〃Puah! Poling is a man's job。〃
 〃Don Alfonso; you are a sexist pig。〃
 Don Alfonso crinkled his brow。 〃Sexist pig? What kind of animal is this? Have I been insulted?〃
 〃You certainly have;〃 said Sally。
 Don Alfonso gave his boat a good pole; and it glided forward。 He grinned。 〃Then I am happy。 To be insulted by a beautiful woman is always an honor。〃
 Marcus Aurelius Hauser examined his white shirtfront; and; finding a small beetle making its laborious way up it; he plucked it off; crushed it between spatulate thumb and forefinger with a satisfying chitinous crackle; and tossed it away。 He turned his attention back to Philip Broadbent。 All that archness; that fey effeteness; was gone。 Philip squatted on the ground; shackled hand and foot; filthy; bug bitten; unshaven。 It was disgraceful how some people just could not maintain their personal hygiene in the jungle。
 He glanced over to where the guide; Orlando Ocotal; was being held by three of his soldiers。 Ocotal had caused him considerable trouble。 He had almost made good his escape; which Hauser had only prevented by the most dogged pursuit。 A whole day had been wasted。 Ocotal's fatal flaw had been in assuming a gringo; a yanqui; would not be able to track him in the swamp。 He evidently hadn't heard of a place called Vietnam。
 So much the better。 Now it was out in the open。 They were almost through the swamp anyway; and Ocotal had outlived his usefulness。 The lesson he would teach Ocotal would be a good one for Philip; too。
 Hauser inhaled the fecund jungle air。 〃Do you remember; Philip; when we were packing the boats? You wanted to know what we were going to do with these manacles and chains?〃
 Philip did not answer。
 Hauser r

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