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小说: pdouglas.thecodex 字数: 每页4000字

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 And all this time he hadn't heard from Hauser。 What the hell was he doing? Had something happened to him? Had he given up? Skiba felt the sweat breaking out afresh on his brow。 He hated the fact that the fate of his pany and his own fate were in the hands of a man like that。
 The scrambler phone rang; and Skiba literally jumped。 It was ten o'clock in the morning。 Hauser never called in the morning。 But somehow he knew it was him。
 〃Yes?〃 He tried not to sound breathless。
 〃Yes; yes。〃
 〃How's it going?〃
 〃Slept on it yet?〃
 Skiba swallowed。 That lump was there again; that pig of lead in his gut。 He couldn't quite bring himself to speak; it was blocking his throat。 He'd already had his limit; but another sip wouldn't hurt。 Cradling the phone; he slid open the cabinet; poured a glass。 He didn't even bother with the water。
 〃Lewis; I know this is tough。 But the time's e。 Do you want the Codex or not? I can call it quits right now; head back。 What do you think?〃
 Skiba swallowed the hot golden liquid and found his voice; but it came out in a cracked whisper。 〃I've told you again and again; this has nothing to do with me。 You're five thousand miles away。 I have no control over you。 You do what you want。 Just bring me the Codex。〃
 〃I didn't catch that; with the scrambler and all 。。。〃
 〃Just do what you need to do!〃 Skiba roared。 〃Leave me out of it!〃
 〃Oh no; no; no; no; noooo。 No。 I already explained it to you; Skiba。 We're in this together; pard。〃
 Skiba's hand gripped the phone with murderous force。 His whole body was shaking。 He almost imagined he could throttle Hauser if he squeezed hard enough。
 〃Do I get rid of them or not?〃 the jocose voice went on。 〃If I don't; even if I get the Codex; they'll be ing right back out and making a claim against you; and you know what; Lewis? You can't win that one。 They'll take the Codex away from you。 You told me you wanted it clean; no plications; no lawsuits。〃
 〃I'll pay them royalties。 They'll make millions。〃
 〃They won't deal with you。 They have other plans for the Codex。 Didn't I tell you that? That woman; Sally Colorado; has got plans; big plans。〃
 〃What plans?〃 Skiba felt shaky all over。
 〃They don't involve Lampe; that's all you need to know。 Look; Skiba; that's the problem with all you business guys。 You don't know how to make the tough decisions。〃
 〃These are human lives you're talking about。〃
 〃I know。 This isn't easy for me; either。 Weigh the good against the bad。 A few people disappear in an unknown jungle。 That's on one side。 The other side is lifesaving drugs for millions; twenty thousand people who still have work; shareholders who love you instead of crying for your blood; and you the darling of Wall Street for pulling Lampe back from the abyss。〃
 Another swallow。 〃Give me another day to think about it。〃
 〃Can't。 Things have reached a head。 You remember what I said about stopping them before the mountains? Lewis; just to ease your mind; I'm not even going to do it myself。 There are some Honduran soldiers down here; renegades; and I can hardly keep them in check as it is。 These guys are crazy; liable to do anything。 These things happen all the time down here。 Hey; if I were to turn around now these soldiers would kill them anyway。 So Lewis; what should I do? Get rid of them and bring you the Codex? Or turn around and forget about it? I've got to go。 Your answer?〃
 〃Just do it!〃
 There was a buzz of static。
 〃Say it; Lewis。 Say what it is you want me to do。〃
 〃Do it! Kill them; goddamn you! Kill the Broadbents!〃
 Two and a half days after the snake attack; as they were poling along one more endless water channel; Tom noticed a brightening of the swamp; sunlight through the trees…and then with astonishing suddenness the two dugouts broke free of the Meambar Swamp。 It was like entering a new world。 They were on the edge of a huge lake; the water as black as ink。 The late afternoon sun was breaking through the clouds; and Tom felt a surge of relief in finally being in the open; released from the green prison of the swamp。 A fresh breeze swept away the blackflies。 Tom could see blue hills on the far shore; and beyond them a faint line of mountains rising into the clouds。
 Don Alfonso stood up in the bow of the boat and spread his arms; his corncob enclosed in one wrinkled fist; looking like a ragged scarecrow。 〃The Laguna Negra!〃 he cried。 〃We have crossed the Meambar Swamp! I; Don Alfonso Boswas; have guided well and true!〃
 Chori and Pingo lowered the boat engines and fired them up。 The boats set off for the far end of the lake。 Tom rested against the pile of supplies and enjoyed the delicious flow of air while his pet monkey; Hairy Bugger; climbed out of his pocket and rode on top of his head; eyes closed; smacking and chattering contentedly。 Tom had almost forgotten what a breeze felt like on his skin。
 They camped on a sandy beach at the far end of the lake。 Chori and Pingo went hunting and returned an hour later with a gutted and quartered deer; the bloody chunks wrapped in palm fronds。
 〃Splendid!〃 cried Don Alfonso。 〃Tomás; we will eat deer chops tonight and smoke the rest for our overland journey。〃
 Don Alfonso roasted the loin chops over the fire while Pingo and Chori built a smoking rack over a second fire nearby。 Tom watched with interest as they expertly sliced off long pieces of meat with their machetes and flipped them over the rack; then piled wet wood on the fire; generating fragrant clouds of smoke。
 The chops were soon done; and Don Alfonso served them out。 As they ate; Tom raised the question he had been wanting to ask。 〃Don Alfonso; where do we go from here?〃
 Don Alfonso tossed a bone into the darkness behind him。 〃Five rivers flow into the Laguna Negra。 We must find out which river your father went up。〃
 〃Where do they originate?〃
 〃They have their sources in the interior mountain ranges。 Some flow out of the Cordillera Entre Rios; some from the Sierra Patuca; and some flow out of the Sierra de las Neblinas。 The Macaturi is the longest river; and it rises in the Sierra Azul; which is halfway to the Pacific Ocean。〃
 〃Are they navigable by boat?〃
 〃The lower parts are said to be。〃
 〃 'Said to be'?〃 Tom asked。 〃You haven't been up them?〃
 〃None of my people have been up them。 The country back there is very dangerous。〃
 〃How so?〃 asked Sally。
 〃The animals are not afraid of people。 There are earthquakes; volcanoes; and bad spirits。 There is a city of demons from which no one ever returns。〃
 〃A city of demons?〃 Vernon asked; suddenly interested。
 〃Yes。 La Ciudad Blanca。 The White City。〃
 〃What kind of city is it?〃
 〃Built by gods long ago; it lies in ruins。〃
 Vernon gnawed on a bone; then tossed it into the fire。 Matter…of…factly; he said: 〃There's the answer。〃
 〃The answer to what?〃
 〃Where Father went。〃
 Tom stared at him。 〃That's a rather big leap。 How can you know?〃
 〃I don't know。 But that's just the kind of place Father would go。 He'd love a story like that。 He'd check it out for sure。 And stories like that are often based in reality。 I bet he did find a lost city there; some big old ruin。〃
 〃But there aren't supposed to be any ruins in those mountains。〃
 〃Says who?〃 Vernon pulled another roasted chop off the palm leaves and tucked in。
 Tom remembered the very red…faced Derek Dunn and his breezy assertion that anacondas didn't eat people。 He turned to Don Alfonso。 〃Is this White City mon knowledge?〃
 Don Alfonso nodded slowly; his face contracted into a mask of wrinkles。 〃It is talked about。〃
 〃Where is it?〃
 Don Alfonso shook his head。 〃It has no fixed location but moves about the highest peaks of the Sierra Azul; always shifting and hiding in the mists of the mountain。〃
 〃So it's a myth。〃 Tom glanced at Vernon。
 〃Oh no; Tomás; it's real。 They say it can only be reached by crossing a bottomless gorge。 Those who slip and fall die of fright; and then their bodies keep falling until they are bones; and the bones keep tumbling until they fall apart。 In the end there is nothing left but a plume of bone dust; which will fall in the darkness for eternity。〃
 Don Alfonso chucked a piece of wood into the fire。 Tom watch

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