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小说: pdouglas.thecodex 字数: 每页4000字

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ne who looked like the least petent liar。
 〃Our father sent us a letter。〃
 〃What about?〃
 〃Well 。。。〃 Vernon glanced at his brothers nervously。 〃He didn't say。〃
 〃Any guesses?〃
 〃Not really。〃
 Barnaby switched his gaze。 〃Philip?〃
 〃I haven't the slightest。〃
 He swiveled his gaze to the other one; Tom。 He found he liked Tom's face。 It was a no…bullshit face。 〃So Tom; you want to help me out here?〃
 〃I think it was to talk to us about our inheritance。〃
 〃Inheritance? How old was your father?〃
 〃Sixty 。。。〃
 Fenton leaned forward to interrupt; his voice harsh。 〃Was he sick?〃
 〃How sick?〃
 〃He was dying of cancer;〃 said Tom coldly。
 〃I'm sorry;〃 said Barnaby; putting a restraining arm on Fenton as if to stop him from asking more tactless questions。 〃Any of you got your copy of the letter?〃
 All three produced the same letter; handwritten; on ivory laid paper。 Interesting; Barnaby thought; that each one had his copy。 Said something about the importance they attached to this meeting。 Barnaby took one and read:
 Dear Tom;
 I want you to e to my house in Santa Fe; on April 15; at exactly 1:00 P。M。; regarding a very important matter affecting your future。 I've asked Philip and Vernon as well。 I have enclosed funds to pay for your travel。 Please be on time: one o'clock sharp。 Do your old man this one last courtesy。
 〃Any chance of a recovery from the cancer; or was he a goner?〃 Fenton asked。
 Philip stared at Fenton and then turned to Barnaby。 〃Who is this man?〃
 Barnaby shot a warning glance at Fenton; who often got out of hand。 〃We're all on the same side here; trying to solve this crime。〃
 〃As I understand it〃 Philip said grudgingly; 〃there was no chance of recovery。 Our father had gone through radiation treatments and chemotherapy; but the cancer had metastasized and there was no getting rid of it。 He declined further treatment。〃
 〃I'm sorry;〃 said Barnaby; trying unsuccessfully to summon up a modicum of sympathy。 〃Getting back to this letter; it says something here about funds。 How much money came with it?〃
 〃Twelve hundred dollars in cash;〃 said Tom。
 〃Cash? In what form?〃
 〃Twelve one…hundred…dollar bills。 Sending cash like that was typical of Father。〃
 Fenton interrupted again。 〃How long did he have to live?〃 He asked this question directly at Philip; thrusting his head forward。 Fenton's was an ugly head; very narrow and sharp; with thick eyebrow ridges; deep…set eyes; a huge nose with each nostril projecting a thicket of black nosehairs; crooked brown teeth; and a receding chin。 He had olive skin; despite the Anglo name; Fenton was a Hispano from the town of Truchas; way back up in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains。 He was scary; if you didn't know he was the kindliest man alive。
 〃About six months。〃
 〃So he invited you here for what? To do a little eeny meeny meiny moe with his stuff?〃
 Fenton could be awful when he wanted。 But the man got results。
 Philip said icily; 〃That's a charming way of putting it。 I suppose that's possible。〃
 Barnaby broke in smoothly。 〃But with a collection like this; Philip; wouldn't he have made arrangements to leave it to a museum?〃
 〃Maxwell Broadbent loathed museums。〃
 〃Museums had taken the lead in criticizing our father's somewhat unorthodox collecting practices。〃
 〃Which were?〃
 〃Buying artwork of dubious provenance; dealing with tomb robbers and looters; smuggling antiquities across borders。 He even robbed tombs himself。 I can appreciate his antipathy。 Museums are bastions of hypocrisy; greed; and cupidity。 They criticize in everyone else the very methods they themselves employed to get their collections。〃
 〃What about leaving the collection to a university?〃
 〃He hated academics。 Tweedy…dums and tweedy…dees; he called them。 The academics; especially the archaeologists; accused Maxwell Broadbent of looting temples in Central America。 I'm not spilling any family secrets here: It's a well…known story。 You can pick up just about any copy of Archaeology magazine and read about how our father was their version of the devil incarnate。〃
 〃Was he planning to sell the collection?〃 Barnaby pushed on。
 Philip's lip curled with contempt。 〃Sell? My father had to deal with auction houses and art dealers all his life。 He would die the death of a thousand cuts before he'd consign them one mediocre print to sell。〃
 〃So he planned to leave it all to you three?〃
 There was an awkward silence。 〃That;〃 said Philip finally; 〃was the assumption。〃
 Fenton broke in。 〃Church? Wife? Girlfriend?〃
 Philip removed the pipe between his teeth and; in a perfect imitation of Fenton's clipped style; answered him: 〃Atheist。 Divorced。 Misogynist。〃
 The other two brothers broke out laughing。 Hutch Barnaby even found himself enjoying Fenton's disfort。 It was so rare that anyone got the better of him during an interrogation。 This Philip character; despite his pretensions; was tough。 But there was something sad in the long; intelligent face; something lost。
 Barnaby held out the bill of lading for the shipment of cookware。 〃Any idea what this is all about or where the stuff might have gone?〃
 They examined it; shook their heads; and handed it back。 〃He didn't even like to cook;〃 said Tom。
 Barnaby shoved the document into his pocket。 〃Tell me about your father。 Looks; personality; character; business dealings; that sort of thing。〃
 It was Tom who spoke again。 〃He's 。。。 one of a kind。〃
 〃How so?〃
 〃He's a physical giant of a man; six foot five; fit; handsome; broad shoulders; not a trace of flab; white hair and white beard; solid as a lion with a roaring voice to match。 People say he looks like Hemingway。〃
 〃He's the kind of man who's never wrong; who rides roughshod over everyone and everything to get what he wants。 He lives by his own rules in life。 He never graduated high school; but he knows more about art and archaeology than most Ph。D's。 Collecting is his religion。 He despises other people's religious beliefs; and that's one reason why he takes so much pleasure in buying and selling things stolen from tombs…and robbing tombs himself。〃
 〃Tell me more about this tomb robbing。〃
 Philip spoke this time; 〃Maxwell Broadbent was born into a working…class family。 He went to Central America when he was young and disappeared into the jungle for two years。 He made a big discovery; robbed some Mayan temple; and smuggled the stuff back。 That's how he got started。 He was a dealer in questionable art and antiquities…everything from Greek and Roman statues that had been spirited out of Europe to Khmer reliefs chiseled out of Cambodian funerary temples to Renaissance paintings stolen in Italy during the war。 He dealt not to make money but to finance his own collecting。〃
 〃Maxwell's methods;〃 Philip said; 〃were really the only way a person nowadays could acquire truly great art。 There probably wasn't a single piece in his collection that was clean。〃
 Vernon spoke: 〃He once robbed a tomb that had a curse on it。 He quoted it at cocktail parties。〃
 〃A curse? What did it say?〃
 〃Something like He who disturbs these hones shall he skinned alive and fed to diseased hyenas。 And then a herd of asses will copulate with his mother。 Or words to that effect。〃
 Fenton let a laugh escape。
 Barnaby shot him a cautionary glance。 He directed his next question to Philip; now that he had the man talking。 Funny how people liked to plain about their parents。 〃What made him tick?〃
 Philip frowned; his broad brow furrowing。 〃It was like this。 Maxwell Broadbent loved his Lippi Madonna more than he loved any real woman。 He loved his Bronzino portrait of little Bia de' Medici more than he loved any of his real children。 He loved his two Braques; his Monet; and his Mayan jade skulls more than the real people in his life。 He worshiped his collection of thirteenth…century French reliquaries containing the alleged bones of saints more than he worshiped any real saint。 His collections were his lovers; his children; and his religion。 That's what made him tick: beautiful things。〃
 〃None of that's true;〃 said Vernon。 〃He loved us。〃
 Philip gave a little snort of derision。
 〃You say he was divo

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