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小说: pdouglas.thecodex 字数: 每页4000字

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 their guns; that sort of thing。 Sick people。 Hauser might be one of those; all talk and no action。
 The inter buzzed; and with a shaking hand he pressed the button。
 〃Mr。 Fenner from Dixon Asset Management for his two o'clock。〃
 Skiba swallowed。 This was the one meeting he couldn't miss。 〃Send him in。〃
 Fenner looked like most of the other stock analysts of his acquaintance; small; dry; emanating overweening self…confidence。 That was the key to his success: Fenner was a guy you just wanted to believe。 Skiba had done a lot of little favors for Fenner; tipped some hot IPOs his way; helped get his kids into an exclusive Manhattan private school; given a couple of hundred thousand to his wife's favorite charity。 In return; Fenner had been calling Lampe stock a 〃buy〃 all the way down; leading his hapless clients to the manure pile and shoving them in head first…all the while making millions himself。 In short; he was a typical successful analyst。
 〃How are you; Lewis?〃 said Fenner; taking a seat by the fire。 〃This can't be much fun。〃
 〃It isn't; Stan。〃
 〃I don't want to bandy civilities at a time like this。 We've known each other for too long。 I want you to give me one reason why I should advise my clients to keep holding Lampe。 I just need one good reason。〃
 Skiba swallowed。 〃Can I offer you anything; Stan? Mineral water? Sherry?〃
 Fenner shook his head。 〃The investment mittee is going to override me。 It's fire…sale time。 They're spooked and; frankly; so am I。 I trusted you; Skiba。〃
 What a crock。 Fenner had known the pany's real picture for months。 He was just too tempted by all the tidbits Skiba was tossing his way and by the investment banking business Lampe gave Dixon。 Greedy bastard。 On the other hand; if Dixon went from 〃buy〃 to 〃hold〃 or 〃sell;〃 that would finish Lampe。 It would be Chapter 11。
 He coughed; cleared his throat。 He couldn't quite manage to get a word out; and he coughed again to cover his paralysis。
 Fenner waited。
 Finally Skiba spoke。 〃Stan; there is something I can give you。〃
 Fenner tilted his head ever so slightly。
 〃It's privileged; it's confidential; and if you act on it it'd be a clear case of insider trading。〃
 〃It's only insider trading if you trade。 I'm looking for a reason not to。 I've got my clients up to their necks in Lampe stock; and I need to give them a reason to sit tight。〃
 Skiba took a deep breath。 〃Lampe is going to announce; in the next few weeks; the acquisition of a two…thousand…page manuscript; a unique copy; piled by the ancient Mayan Indians。 This manuscript lists every plant and animal in the tropical rainforest with medically active properties; along with prescriptions on how to extract the active ingredients; dosages; side effects。 The manuscript represents the sum total of ancient Mayan medical knowledge; refined over thousands of years from living in the richest pocket of biodiversity on the planet。 Lampe will own it; lock; stock; and barrel。 It will e to us free and clear; without royalty deals; partnerships; litigation; or encumbrances。〃
 He stopped。 Fenner's expression had not changed。 If he was thinking; it didn't show on his face。
 〃When will you announce this? Can I have a date?〃
 〃How certain is it?〃
 The lie was easy。 The Codex was their only hope; and if it fell through nothing else would matter anyway。
 A long silence。 Fenner allowed something that might have been a smile to form on the fine; astringent features of his face。 He collected his briefcase and rose。 〃I thank you; Lewis。 You take my breath away。〃
 Skiba nodded and watched Fenner make his small; careful way out of the office。
 If only he knew。
 As they came down from the mountains; the rainforest changed。 The terrain was extremely rough; a landscape cut by deep ravines and torrential rivers; with high ridges in between。 They continued following the animal trail; but it was so overgrown that they had to take turns hacking their way forward。 They slipped and fell going up the steep muddy trails and slid and fell going back down。
 For days they struggled forward。 There wasn't a level place to camp; and they were forced to sleep on slopes; hammocks strung between trees; sleeping all night in the rain。 In the mornings the jungle was dark and foggy。 In a hard day's travel they might make five miles; and by the end of each day they were all brutally exhausted。 The hunting was almost nonexistent。 They never had enough to eat。 Tom had never been so hungry in his life。 At night he dreamed of T…bone steaks and french fried potatoes; and by day he thought of ice cream and buttered lobsters; and all they talked about around the campfire at night was food。
 The days began to run together。 Not once did the rain stop or the mists lift。 Their hammocks rotted and had to be rewoven; their clothes began to fall apart; chiggers infested their clothing and dug into their skin; and the stitches of their shoes unraveled。 They had no change of clothes; and the jungle would soon reduce them to nakedness。 Their bodies were covered with stings; bites; scrapes; cuts; scabs; and sores。 On one climb out of a ravine Vernon slipped and grasped a bush to arrest his fall; causing a shower of fire ants to cascade over him; they bit him so viciously that he ran a fever for twenty…four hours and could barely walk。
 The only redeeming quality of the rainforest was its plant life。 Sally found a wealth of medicinal plants and was able to concoct an herbal ointment from them that worked wonders with bug bites; rashes; and fungal infections。 They drank a tea she made that she claimed was an antidepressant; but it didn't keep them from feeling depressed。
 And always; at night and even during the day; they could hear the coughing and prowling of the jaguar。 No one spoke about it…Don Alfonso had forbidden it…but it was never far from Tom's mind。 Surely there were other animals for it to eat in the forest。 What did it want? Why did it follow and never strike?
 On the fourth or fifth night…Tom had begun to lose count…they camped atop a ridge; wedged among massive rotting tree trunks。 It had rained; and steam rose from the ground。 They ate an early dinner…a boiled lizard with matta root。 After dinner Sally stood up with the gun。
 〃Jaguar or no jaguar; I'm going hunting。〃
 〃I'm ing;〃 Tom said。
 They followed a small stream downhill from camp; through a ravine。 The day was gray; and the forest around them was limp and bedraggled; the vegetation steaming。 The sound of dripping water mingled with the hollow calls of birds。
 For half an hour they picked their way down the ravine; over mossy boulders and tree trunks; until they reached a swift stream。 They moved along it; Indian file; through the curling mists。 Sally moved a bit like a cat herself; Tom thought; the way she silently insinuated herself through the understory。
 Sally paused; held up her hand。 Slowly she raised the gun; aimed; and fired。
 An animal thrashed and squealed in the undergrowth; the sounds quickly subsiding。
 〃I don't know what it was; except that it was stout and furry。〃 In the bushes they found the animal; lying on its side; its four legs sticking out horizontally。
 〃Some kind of peccary;〃 said Tom; looking down at it in distaste。 He would never get used to butchering animals。
 〃Your turn;〃 said Sally; flashing him a smile。
 He pulled out his machete and began cleaning the animal while Sally watched。 Steam rose up from the internal organs as Tom scooped them out。
 〃If we parboil it back in camp; then we can scrape the hair off;〃 Sally said。
 〃I can hardly wait;〃 said Tom。 He finished gutting it; cut a pole; and tied the legs together。 They slid it on and hefted it over their shoulders。 It didn't weigh more than thirty pounds; but it would make a fine meal with meat left over for smoking。 They began heading along the ravine; backtracking the way they had e。
 They hadn't gone more than twenty yards when they were stopped by the jaguar; standing in the middle of the trail directly in front of them。 It stared at them with green eyes; the tip of its tail flicking back and forth。
 〃Back up;〃 said Tom。 〃Nice and easy。〃 But as they backed up; the jaguar took a step forward; and anot

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