九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > pdouglas.thecodex >



小说: pdouglas.thecodex 字数: 每页4000字

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 Vernon; oblivious to the undercurrent of tension; tucked into the dried plantains。 〃Delicious;〃 he said; his mouth full。 〃We should eat two lunches every day。〃
 〃Very good! Two lunches! Good idea!〃 said Borabay; laughing uproariously。
 And then it happened。 Without any noise or apparent movement; Tom suddenly realized they were surrounded by men on all sides; with bows drawn to the limit; a hundred stone…tipped arrows pointing at them。 It was as if the jungle had imperceptibly withdrawn; leaving the men exposed like rocks at low tide。
 Vernon let out a scream and fell to the ground and was instantly surrounded by bristling; tense men; with fifty arrows drawn and poised inches from his throat and chest。
 〃No move!〃 Borabay cried。 He turned and spoke rapidly to the men。 Slowly; the bows began to relax and the men stepped back。 He continued talking; less rapidly and at a lower pitch; but just as urgently。 Finally the men took another step back and lowered their arrows pletely。
 〃You move now;〃 said Borabay。 〃Stand up。 No smile。 No shake hand。 Look everyone in eye。 No smile。〃
 They did as they were told; rising。
 〃Go get packs and weapons and knifes。 Do not show you afraid。 Make angry face but say nothing。 Smile and you die。〃
 They followed Borabay's orders。 There was a brief flurry of raised bows as Tom picked up his machete; but when he sheathed it in his belt the bows went back down。 Tom; following Borabay's instructions; raked the warriors near them with a baleful stare; and they stared back so ferociously that he felt weak in the knees。
 Borabay was now talking in a lower voice; but he sounded angry。 He was directing his ments to one man; taller than the others; with a brilliant set of feathers bristling from rings on his muscled upper arms。 He wore a string around his neck; on which dangled as jewelry the detritus of Western technology; a CD…ROM offering six free months of AOL; a calculator with a hole drilled through it; a dial from an old telephone。
 The man looked at Tom and stepped forward。 Halted。
 〃Brother; take step toward man; tell him in angry voice he must apologize。〃
 Tom; hoping that Borabay understood the psychology of the situation; scowled and stepped toward the warrior; 〃How dare you draw your bows at us?〃 he demanded。
 Borabay translated。 The man answered angrily; gesturing with a spear close to Tom's face。
 Borabay spoke。 〃He say; 'Who are you? Why you e into Tara land without invitation?' You tell him in angry voice you e to save your father。 Shout at him。〃
 Tom obeyed; raising his voice; taking a step toward the warrior and shouting at him inches from his face。 The man answered in an even angrier voice; shaking his spear in front of Tom's nose。 At this; many of the warriors put up their bows again。
 〃He say Father cause big trouble for Tara and he very angry。 Brother; you must be very angry now。 You tell them to put down bows。 Say you no talk unless they put arrows away。 Make big insult。〃
 Tom; sweating now; tried to push aside the terror he felt and feign anger。 〃How dare you threaten us?〃 he cried。 〃We have e into your land in peace; and you offer us war! Is this how the Tara treat their guests? Are you animals or people?〃
 Tom caught a flash of approval from Borabay as he translated…no doubt adding his own nuances。
 The bows came down; and this time the men unnocked their arrows and put them back into their quivers。
 〃Now you smile。 Short smile; not big smile。〃
 Tom flashed a smile; then let his face settle back into sternness。
 Borabay spoke at length; then turned to Tom。 〃You must hug and kiss that warrior in Tara way。〃
 Tom gave the man an awkward hug and a pair of kisses on the neck; just as Borabay had done to him so many times。 He ended up with red and yellow paint on his face and lips。 The warrior returned the courtesy; smearing more paint on him。
 〃Good;〃 said Borabay; almost giddy with relief。 〃Everything fine now! We go to Tara village。
 The village consisted of an open plaza of packed dirt; surrounded by two irregular rings of thatched huts of the kind they had slept in a few nights before。 The huts had no windows; just a hole in the peak。 Cooking fires were burning in front of many of the huts; tended by women who; Tom noticed; were cooking with the French cooking pots; copper braising pans; and Meissen stainless steel cutlery that Maxwell Broadbent had brought them。 As he followed the group of warriors into the center of the plaza; thatched doors popped open and various people came out to stand and gape at them。 The small children were pletely naked; the older ones wore dirty shorts or breechclouts。 The women wore a piece of cloth tied around their waists and were naked above; with their breasts and chests smeared with red。 Many had disks in their lips and ears。 Only the men wore feathers。
 There was no formal greeting ceremony。 The warriors who had brought them in wandered off; going about their business with plete indifference; while the women and children of the village gaped。
 〃What do we do now?〃 Tom asked; standing in the middle of the dirt plaza and looking around。
 〃Wait;〃 said Borabay。
 A toothless old woman soon emerged from one of the huts; bent double from age; leaning on a stick; her short white hair made her look like a witch。 She made her way toward them with excruciating slowness; her beady eyes never leaving their faces; sucking on her lips and muttering to herself。 She finally arrived in front of Tom and peered up at him。
 Borabay said quietly; 〃Do nothing。〃
 She raised a withered hand and gave Tom a blow across the knees; then whacked him across the thighs; once; twice; three times…surprisingly painful blows for an old lady…all the while muttering to herself。 She then raised her stick and struck him across the shins and again on the buttocks。 She dropped the stick and reached up and groped him obscenely between his legs。 Tom swallowed and tried not to flinch as she made a thorough check of his masculinity。 Then she reached up toward Tom's head; making a motion with her fingers。 Tom bent slightly; and she grabbed his hair and gave such a yank that tears sprang to his eyes。
 She stepped back; the inspection apparently plete。 She gave him a toothless smile and spoke at length。
 Borabay translated。 〃She say contrary to appearance you are definitely a man。 She invite you and your brothers stay in village as guest of the Tara people。 She accept your help for fight against bad men in White City。 She say now you in charge。〃
 〃Who is she?〃 Tom glanced at her。 She was peering up and down; examining him from head to toe。
 〃She is wife of Cah。 Look out; Tom; she like you。 Maybe she e to your hut tonight。〃
 It broke the tension; and they all laughed; Philip most of all。
 〃What am I in charge of?〃 Tom asked。
 Borabay looked at him。 〃You now war chief。〃
 Tom was stunned。 〃How can that be? I've been here ten minutes。〃
 〃She say Tara warriors fail in attack against white man and many killed。 You white man; too; maybe you understand enemy better。 Tomorrow; you lead fight against bad men。〃
 〃Tomorrow?〃 Tom said。 〃Thanks; really; but I decline the responsibility。〃
 〃You not have choice;〃 said Borabay。 〃She say if you do not; Tara warriors kill us all。〃
 That night the villagers lit a bonfire; and a party of sorts got under way; starting with a multicourse feast; which arrived on leaves; culminating in a tapir roasted in a pit。 The men danced and then gave a hauntingly strange orchestral performance on flutes; led by Borabay。 Everyone went to bed late。 Borabay roused them a few hours later。 It was still dark。
 〃We go now。 You speak to people。〃
 Tom stared at him。 〃I have to give a speech?〃
 〃I help you。〃
 〃This I've got to see;〃 said Philip。
 The bonfire had been heaped with fresh logs; and Tom could see that the whole village was standing; silently and respectfully; waiting for his speech。
 Borabay whispered; 〃Tom; you tell me to get ten best warriors for fight。〃
 〃Fight? What fight?〃
 〃We fight Hauser。〃
 〃We can't…〃
 〃Be quiet and do what I say;〃 Borabay hissed。
 Tom gave the order; and Borabay then went through the crowd; clapping his hands; slapping the shoulders of various men; 

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