九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > pdouglas.thecodex >



小说: pdouglas.thecodex 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃When we get out; we'll report it to the FBI; Interpol…〃
 〃Hauser's going to get away with it; Philip; and you know it。 Which reminds me。 There was something odd about the boxes in the tomb; something that I've been wondering about。 As much as I hate to go back in there; there's something I've got to check out。〃
 〃I'll help you;〃 Philip said; springing to his feet。
 〃No。 I need to go in there alone。 Borabay; give me a light。〃
 Borabay lit a bundle of reeds and handed it to his father。
 The old man disappeared through the doorway; and Tom could see the yellow halo moving about in the tomb among the crates and boxes。 Maxwell Broadbent's voice boomed out。 〃God knows why all this bloody crap was so important to me once。〃
 The light moved deeper into the darkness and vanished。
 Philip stood up and walked a tight circle; stretching his legs。 He lit his pipe。 〃I hate to think of Hauser getting his hands on the Lippi。〃
 A voice; cool and amused; came floating toward them:
 〃I say; did someone mention my name?〃
 Hauser spoke softly; soothingly; his weapon leveled and ready to go at the slightest movement。 The three brothers and the Indian; sitting on the far side of the open tomb door; turned their heads toward him; blank terror in their eyes。
 〃Do not dismode yourselves by rising。 Do not move at all; except to blink your eyes。〃 He paused。 〃Philip; so good to see you recovered。 You've e a long way from the effete little snit that walked into my office two months ago; with that ridiculous briar pipe。〃
 Hauser took a light step forward; braced; ready to mow them down at the slightest movement。 〃How kind of you to guide me to the tomb。 And you've even opened the door for me! Very considerate。 Now listen carefully。 If you follow my directions no one will be hurt。〃
 Hauser paused to examine the four faces in front of him。 No one was panicking; and no one was gearing up to play the hero。 These were sensible people。 He said; as softly and pleasantly as possible; 〃Someone tell the Indian he needs to put his bow and arrows down。 Slowly and smoothly…no sudden movements; please。〃
 Borabay took off his quiver and bow and let them fall in front of him。
 〃So the Indian understands English。 Good。 And now I will ask each of you fellows to unsheath and drop your machetes one at a time。 You first; Philip。 Remain seated。〃
 Philip unsheathed his knife and dropped it。
 Vernon did the same and then Tom。
 〃Now; Philip; I want you to go over to where you have piled your packs; get them; and bring them to me。 Easy does it。〃 He made a little gesture with the muzzle of his gun。
 Philip collected the packs and placed them at Hauser's feet。
 〃Excellent! Now let's empty our pockets。 Turn the pockets inside out and leave them that way。 Drop everything on the ground in front of you。〃
 They plied。 Hauser was surprised to see that they had not; as he supposed; been loading up on treasure from the tomb。
 〃And now you'll stand up。 All at once; in unison; in slow motion。 Good! Now; just moving your legs from the knees down; taking small steps; keeping your arms very still; you will move back。 Keep in a group there; that's right。 One step at a time。〃
 As they shuffled back in this ridiculous fashion; Hauser stepped forward。 They had bunched up; instinctively; as people did when in danger…especially family members herded under gunpoint。 He had seen it before; and it made everything so much easier。
 〃Everything's just fine;〃 he said softly。 〃I don't want to hurt anybody…all I want is Max's grave goods。 I'm a professional; and like most professionals I dislike killing。〃 Right。 His finger caressed the smooth plastic curve of the trigger; found its place; began to tighten it back to full auto position。 They were in place。 There was nothing they could do now。 They were as good as dead。
 〃Nobody's going to get hurt。〃 And then he couldn't help adding: 〃Nobody's going to feel a thing。〃 He squeezed for real now; felt that imperceptible give in the trigger that he knew so well; that millisecond release after the feeling of resistance; and simultaneously Hauser saw a swift movement in his peripheral field of vision; and there was an explosion of sparks and flame and he fell; firing wildly as he went; the bullets ricocheting off the stone walls; and he had a terrifying glimpse of what had struck him before he hit the stone ground。
 The thing had e straight out of the tomb; half naked; face white as a vampire; sunken…eyed; stinking of deposition; its bony limbs as gray and hollow as death; holding aloft a burning brand that it had just struck him with; and it was still ing at him with a shrieking mouth full of brown teeth。
 Damned if it wasn't the ghost of Maxwell Broadbent himself!
 Hauser rolled when he hit the ground; still clutching his weapon。 He twisted; trying to get back into firing position; but it was too late and the ragged specter of Maxwell Broadbent had fallen on top of him; roaring and stabbing and slashing him across the face with the burning brand; there were showers of sparks; and he smelled burning hair as he tried to ward off the blows with one hand; clutching his gun with the other。 It was impossible to get off a shot while the attacker was trying to gouge out his eyes with the burning brand。 He managed to wrench free; and then fired blindly; from on his back; wildly sweeping the muzzle back and forth; hoping to hit something; anything。 But the specter seemed to have vanished。
 He stopped firing and gingerly sat up。 His face and right eye felt like they were on fire。 He yanked the canteen out of his pack and doused his face。
 Christ; how it hurt!
 He dabbed the water off his face。 Hot coals and sparks from the brand had lodged inside his nose; under one eyelid; in his hair and his cheek。 The monstrous thing that had e out of the tomb…could it really have been a ghost? He opened; painfully; his right eye。 As he gently probed around it with his fingertip; he realized the damage was all to the eyebrow and lid。 The cornea was intact; and he hadn't lost his vision。 He poured some water into his handkerchief; wrung it out; and blotted his face。
 What the hell happened? Hauser; who always expected the unexpected; had never been more shocked in his life。 He knew that face; even after forty years; he knew every detail of it; every expression; every tic。 There was no doubt: It was Broadbent himself who had e shrieking out of that tomb like a banshee…Broadbent; who was supposed to be dead and buried。 White as a sheet; ragged hair and beard; hollow; skeletal; wild。
 Hauser swore。 What had he been thinking? Broadbent was alive and at this very moment escaping。 Hauser shook his head in a sudden fury; trying to clear it。 What the hell was wrong with him? He had allowed himself to be blindsided and now; sitting here; he'd given them at least a three…minute head start。
 He quickly reshouldered his Steyr AUG; took a step forward; and stopped。
 There was blood on the ground…an attractive; half…dollar…sized splotch。 And farther along another generous splash。 Hauser felt the semblance of calm return。 As if he needed further confirmation; the so…called ghost of Broadbent was bleeding real blood。 He had managed to hit him and perhaps some of the others after all; and even a grazing shot from the Steyr AUG was no joke。 He took a moment to analyze the spray pattern; the amount; the trajectory。
 The wound was not trivial。 All in all; the advantage was still very much his。
 He looked up the stone staircase and began running; taking it two steps at a time。 He would get on their trail; he would track them down; and he would kill them。
 They ran up the carved staircase; the sound of the shots still echoing from the distant mountains。 They reached the trail at the top of the cliffs and sprinted for the green walls of lianas and creepers that covered the ruined ramparts of the White City。 As they reached the covering shade; Tom saw his father stumble。 Streaks of blood were running down one of his legs。
 〃Wait! Father's hit!〃
 〃It's nothing。〃 The old man stumbled again and grunted。
 They stopped briefly at the base of the wall。
 〃Leave me alone!〃 the old man roared。

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