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小说: jg.thepelicanbrief 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃And you have no idea?〃
  〃Look; Thomas; I'm not involved in the investigation; so you'll have to ask those guys。 I'm sure they know a helluva lot more than I do。 I'm just a lowly government lawyer。〃
  〃Yeah; who just happens to be on a first…name basis with the Chief Justice。〃
  〃He calls occasionally。 This is boring。 Let's get back to women。 I hate lawyer talk。〃
  〃Have you talked to him lately?〃
  〃Picking; Thomas; always picking。 Yes; we chatted briefly this morning。 He's got all twenty…seven law clerks scouring the federal dockets high and low looking for clues。 It's fruitless; and I told him so。 Every case that reaches the Supreme Court has at least two parties; and each party involved would certainly benefit if one or two or three justices would disappear and be replaced by one or two or three more sympathetic to its cause。 There are thousands of appeals that could eventually end up here; and you can't just pick one and say 'This is it! This is the one that got 'em killed。' It's silly。〃
  〃What did he say?〃
  〃Of course he agreed with my brilliant analysis。 I think he called after he read the Post story to see if he could squeeze something out of me。 Can you believe the nerve?〃 
  The waiter hovered over them with a hurried look。 
  Verheek glanced at the menu; closed it; and handed it to him。 〃Grilled swordfish; blue cheese; no vegetable。〃
  〃I'll eat the mushrooms;〃 Callahan said。 The waiter disappeared。 
  Callahan reached into his coat pocket and removed a thick envelope。 He laid it on the table next to the empty Moosehead。 〃Take a look at this when you get a chance。〃
  〃What is it?〃
  〃It's sort of a brief。〃
  〃I hate briefs; Thomas。 In fact; I hate the law; and the lawyers; and with the exception of you; I hate law professors。〃
  〃Darby wrote it。〃
  〃I'll read it tonight。 What's it about?〃
  〃I think I told you。 She is very bright and intelligent; and a very aggressive student。 She writes better than most。 Her passion; other than me of course; is constitutional law。〃
  〃Poor thing。〃
  〃She took off four days last week; totally ignored me and the rest of the world; and came up with her own theory; which she has now discarded。 But read it anyway。 It's fascinating。〃
  〃Who's the suspect?〃 
  The Arabs erupted in screaming laughter; slapping each other and spilling whiskey。 They watched them for a minute until they died down。
  〃Don't you hate a bunch of drunks?〃 Verheek said。
  〃It's sickening。〃 
  Verheek stuffed the envelope into his coat on the back of his chair。 〃What's her theory?〃
  〃It's a bit unusual。 But read it。 I mean; it can't hurt; can it? You guys need the help。〃
  〃I'll read it only because she wrote it。 How is she in bed?〃
  〃How's your wife in bed?〃
  〃Rich。 In the shower; in the kitchen; at the grocery。 She's rich in everything she does。〃
  〃It can't last。〃
  〃She'll file by the end of the year。 Maybe I'll get the townhouse and some change。〃
  〃No prenuptial agreement?〃
  〃Yes; there is; but I'm a lawyer; remember。 It's got more loopholes than a tax reform act。 A buddy of mine prepared it。 Don't you love the law?〃
  〃Let's talk about something else。〃
  〃I've got an idea。 You want to meet the girl; right?〃
  〃We're talking about Darby?〃
  〃Yes。 Darby。〃
  〃I'd love to meet her。〃 
  〃We're going to St。 Thomas during Thanksgiving。 Why don't you meet us there?〃
  〃Do I have to bring my wife?〃
  〃No。 She's not invited。〃
  〃Will she run around in a little string job on the beach? Sort of put on a show for us?〃
  〃Wow。 I can't believe this。〃
  〃You can get a condo next to us; and we'll have a ball。〃
  〃Beautiful; beautiful。 Just beautiful。〃 
  *  *  *
  HE PHONE RANG four times; the answering machine clicked on; the recorded voice echoed through the apartment; the beep; then no message。 It rang again four times; same routine; and no message。 A minute later it rang again; and Gray Grantham grabbed it from bed。 He sat on a pillow; trying to focus。
  〃Who is it?〃 he asked in pain。 There was no light ing through the window。 
  The voice on the other end was low and timid。 〃Is this Gray Grantham with the Washington Post?〃
  〃It is。 Who's calling?〃 
  Slowly; 〃I can't give you my name。〃 
  The fog lifted and he focused on the clock。 It was five…forty。 〃Okay; forget the name。 Why are you calling?〃
  〃I saw your story yesterday about the White House and the nominees。〃
  〃That's good。〃 You and a million others。 〃Why are you calling me at this obscene hour?〃
  〃I'm sorry。 I'm on my way to work and stopped at a pay phone。 I can't call from home or the office。〃 
  The voice was clear; articulate; and appeared to be intelligent。 〃What kind of office?〃
  〃I'm an attorney。〃 
  Great。 Washington was home for half a million lawyers。 〃Private or government?〃 
  A slight hesitation。 〃Uh; I'd rather not say。〃
  〃Okay。 Look; I'd rather be sleeping。 Why; exactly; did you call?〃
  〃I may know something about Rosenberg and Jensen。〃 
  Grantham sat on the edge of the bed。 〃Such as〃 
  A much longer pause。 〃Are you recording this?〃
  〃No。 Should I?〃
  〃I don't know。 I'm really very scared and confused; Mr。 Grantham。 I prefer not to record this。 Maybe the next call; okay?〃
  〃Whatever you want。 I'm listening。〃
  〃Can this call be traced?〃
  〃Possibly; I guess。 But you're at a pay phone; right? What difference does it make?〃
  〃I don't know。 I'm just scared。〃
  〃It's okay。 I swear I'm not recording and I swear I won't trace it。 Now; what's on your mind?〃
  〃Well; I think I may know who killed them。〃 
  Grantham was standing。 〃That's some pretty valuable knowledge。〃
  〃It could get me killed。 Do you think they're following me?〃
  〃Who? Who would be following you?〃
  〃I don't know。〃 The voice trailed off; as if he was looking over his shoulder。 
  Grantham was pacing by the bed。 〃Relax。 Why don't you tell me your name; okay。 I swear it's confidential。〃
  〃That's not a real name; is it?〃
  〃Of course not; but it's the best I can do。〃
  〃Okay; Garcia。 Talk to me。〃
  〃I'm not certain; okay。 But I think I stumbled across something at the office that I was not supposed to see。〃
  〃Do you have a copy of it?〃
  〃Look; Garcia。 You called me; right。 Do you want to talk or not?〃
  〃I'm not sure。 What will you do if I tell you something?〃
  〃Check it out thoroughly。 If we're gonna accuse someone of the assassinations of two Supreme Court Justices; believe me; the story will be handled delicately。〃 There was a very long silence。 Grantham froze by the rocker and waited。 〃Garcia。 Are you there?〃
  〃Yeah。 Can we talk later?〃
  〃Of course。 We can talk now。〃
  〃I need to think about this。 I haven't eaten or slept in a week; and I'm not thinking rationally。 I might call you later。〃
  〃Okay; okay。 Thrt's fine。 You can call me at work at〃
  〃No。 I won't call you at work。 Sorry I woke you。〃 He hung up。 Grantham looked at the row of numbers on his phone and punched seven digits; waited; then six more; then four more。 He scribbled a number on a pad by the phone; and hung up。 The pay phone was on Fifteenth Street in Pentagon City。 
  *  *  *
  GAVIN VERHEEK slept four hours and woke up drunk。 When he arrived at the Hoover Building an hour later; the alcohol was fading and the pain was settling in。 He cursed himself and he cursed Callahan; who no doubt would sleep until noon and wake up fresh and alive and ready for the flight to New Orleans。 They had left the restaurant when it clo

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