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小说: csf.thecommodore 字数: 每页4000字

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 They were bringing further news to St Petersburg; too。 Wellington was on the offensive in Spain; in two desperate strokes he had cleared his front by storming Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz; and now was ready to strike into the heart of the Peninsula。 The knowledge that a large part of Bonaparte's army was hotly engaged in the South might bring firmness to the councils of the North。
 His brother…in…law was an Earl now … another victory or two would make him a Duke; reflected Hornblower。 Barbara would be proud of him; and to Hornblower that was another reason for him to dread failure for himself; Barbara had a high standard of parison。 But she would understand。 She would know how high were the stakes he was playing for in the Baltic … as high as those her brother was playing for in Spain; she would know what moral courage was needed to make the kind of decisions he had made。 She would be considerate; and at that moment Hornblower told himself that he did not want his wife to have to be considerate on his account。 The thought revolted him; drove him to make his excuses to Wychwood and plunge out on deck; into the pouring rain under the grey sky; to walk the quarter…deck while the other officers eyed him askance and kept well clear of him。 There was not a soul in the squadron who had not heard that only fools crossed the modore's hawse when he was walking the deck。
 The brisk wind was chill; even in late May; here in the North Baltic; the squadron pitched and rolled over the short steep waves; leaden…hued under the leaden sky; as it drove ever northward towards the Gulf of Finland; towards Russia; where the destiny of the world hung in the balance。 The night was hardly darker than the sky; up here in the sixtieth degree of north latitude; when the sky cleared; for the sun was barely hidden below the horizon and the moon shone coldly in the twilight as they drove past Hoghland and hove to in sight of Lavansaari so as to approach Kronstadt after sunrise。
 Braun was on deck early; leaning against the rail; craning over in fact; that faint grey smear on the horizon to the northward was his native land; the Finland of lake and forest which the Tsar had just conquered and from which he was a hopeless exile。 Hornblower noted the dejection of the poor devil's pose and was sorry for him; even in the keen excitement of anticipation regarding the reception they might be accorded。 Bush came bustling up; in all the glory of epaulettes and sword; darting eager glances over the deck and aloft to make quite sure that everything in the ship was ready to bear the inspection of an unfriendly power。
 〃Captain Bush;〃 said Hornblower; 〃I'd be obliged if you would square away for Kronstadt。〃
 〃Aye aye; sir。〃
 Hornblower would have liked to have asked if the arrangements for saluting were properly in train; but he forbore。 He could trust Bush with any routine duty; and he had to be very careful not to interfere with the working of the ship。 He was glad that so far he had never forgotten to make use of the polite forms of request when giving orders to Bush; who was his equal in substantive rank。 'I'd be obliged' and 'if you please' still came strangely enough to his lips as a preface to an order。
 He turned his back on the dawn and trained his glass aft on the squadron; they were squaring away and taking up their stations astern in succession; the two sloops; and then the two bomb…vessels; and the cutter last。
 〃General signal;〃 he snapped; 〃'Keep better station'。〃
 He wanted his squadron to e up the difficult channel in exact; regular order; like beads on a string。 Out of the tail of his eye he saw Basse and Wychwood e on deck; and he ignored them。
 〃Make that signal again;〃 he rasped; 〃with Harvey's number。〃
 Harvey was yawing slightly from her course; young Mound had better keep a sharp eye on his helmsman; or he would be in trouble。 To starboard; where the wide shoals extended from the Oranienbaum shore; there were buoys to mark the limits of the channel; which serpentined back and forth in unpredictable fashion。 If ever he had to penetrate this channel as an enemy he would find it a tricky business。 There were the low grey fortifications of Kronstadt on the port bow; a turn in the channel sent the Nonsuch heading directly for them; so that in the event of fighting the fire of the guns there would enfilade the whole line。 Then the channel swung back again; and then it straightened out so that all ships would be forced to pass close under the guns of Kronstadt。 Through his glass Hornblower made out the blue and white flag of Imperial Russia flying above the grey walls。
 〃Make the signal; 'anchor';〃 said Hornblower to the signal midshipman; and then he darted a meaning glance at Bush; who nodded。 He had everything ready。 The ship crept forward; closer and closer under the guns。
 〃Haul down;〃 said Hornblower; and the signal to anchor came down in a flash; putting the order into force at that moment。 Six cables roared through six hawseholes。 In the six ships a thousand men poured aloft; and the canvas vanished as though by magic as the ships swung round to their cables。
 〃Pretty fair;〃 said Hornblower to himself; realizing; with an inward smile at his own weakness; that no evolution could ever be carried out to his perfect satisfaction。 Forward the saluting gun began to crash out its marks of respect for the Russian flag; Hornblower saw a puff of smoke from the fortress and then the sound of the first gun of the return salute reached his ears。 Eleven guns; they recognized his broad pendant; then; and knew what pliments were due to a modore。 Here came the doctor's boat to give them pratique; the doctor was a man with a large black beard who spoke limping French。 His visit was a good opportunity to test Braun's ability to speak Russian … Braun translated with facility Hornblower's declaration that there was no infectious disease on board。 Everyone in the ship was a little excited at this visit to Russia; and crowded the side to look down at the Russian boat's crew; seated in their boat with the bowman hooking on to the chains; but they appeared no different from any other boat's crew … much the same kind of coloured shirts and ragged trousers and bare feet; and they handled their craft capably enough。 It was Bush who drove the Nonsuch's crew from the side; he was hotly indignant about their blatant curiosity and the noise they made。
 〃Chattering like a herd of monkeys;〃 said Bush indignantly to the first lieutenant。 〃Making more noise than a tree full of jackdaws。 What'll these Russians think of us? Set the men to work and keep 'em at it。〃
 In these conditions of doubtful neutrality it would be best for the first contact with the shore to be made by Basse。 At least ostensibly the squadron had e to Kronstadt merely to bring him with his news to the Swedish Crown Prince。 Hornblower had his barge hoisted out and sent Basse away in it; and the boat returned without him but with no other information。 Basse had landed at the jetty; and the barge; in accordance with Hornblower's orders; had immediately returned。 Apart from the salute and the doctor's visit the Russian Empire chose to ignore the British squadron's existence。
 〃What sort of people do they think we are?〃 grumbled Bush; fretting; as usual; at inaction。 Bush knew as well as Hornblower that in all matters of diplomacy it was best to display no eagerness at all; but he could not force himself to appear calm as Hornblower could。 He gave a meaning glance at Hornblower's full uniform and ribbon and star; donned so as to be ready for any official occasion whatever; he wanted Hornblower to proceed on shore to call on the local governor and put the whole situation to the test; but Hornblower was obstinate。 He was waiting for an invitation。 England had survived the storm in Europe so far without a Russian alliance; and future relations would be simplified if Russia were to make the first advances now … provided she did make them。 His squadron was present merely to bring Basse to report to Bernadotte; if the Russian Government chose to take advantage of his presence to approach him; well and good。 Otherwise he would have to devise some other plan。
 〃The telegraph hasn't ceased w

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