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小说: csf.thecommodore 字数: 每页4000字

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 well and good。 Otherwise he would have to devise some other plan。
 〃The telegraph hasn't ceased working since Basse reached shore;〃 mented Bush; glass to eye。 The three gaunt black arms of the semaphore on the top of the fortress were whirling busily round transmitting messages to the next station higher up the bay。 Otherwise there was almost nothing to be seen; across the low land of the island were visible a few masts to mark the site of the naval dockyard; two or three merchant ships swung at anchor in that direction; and a few fishing…boats plied their trade。
 〃There goes a boat!〃 said Montgomery suddenly。
 A smart pinnace was shooting out from the direction of the dockyard heading across the channel almost directly away from Nonsuch。
 〃Russian Imperial colours;〃 said Bush。 〃Can anyone see who's onboard?〃
 But the pinnace was too far away for any details to be visible by telescope。
 〃I think I can see gold lace;〃 said Carlin; doubtfully。
 〃Much good that is;〃 said Bush。 〃A blind man would guess there was gold lace in a Russian navy pinnace at Kronstadt。〃
 The pinnace passed away into the distance; quartering across the broad channel until her white sail dwindled to a speck。
 〃Call me if anything happens; if you please; Captain Bush;〃 said Hornblower。
 He went off below to his cabin; Brown relieved him of his heavy full…dress coat with the epaulettes; and; once more alone; he began to fidget about the cabin。 He opened the case of pistols which Barbara had given him; read the card inside it … the last word he had received from her … and shut the case again。 He stepped out into the stern gallery and returned to the cabin。 The realization that he was worried annoyed him; he took down Archdeacon Coxe's travels from the bookshelf and set himself seriously to read the Archdeacon's intensely wearisome remarks about the condition of Russia; in the endeavour to inform himself more fully about the northern powers。 But the words made sheer nonsense to him; he took up the slim volume of Childe Harold instead。
 〃Bombast and fustian;〃 he said to himself; flipping through the pages。
 He heard six bells strike; it was still no later than eleven in the morning; and he could not possibly dine before two。
 He got up from his chair and made himself lie on his cot; shut his eyes and grimly clenched his hands and tried to force himself to doze。 He could not possibly go up on deck again and walk up and down; as he wanted to … that would be a public admission that he was restless and nervous。 The minutes passed on leaden feet; he felt he had never felt so caged and unhappy before in his life。
 Eight bells went; and he heard the watch relieved; it was like an eternity before he heard a bustle on the half…deck outside and someone knocked on the door。 Hornblower settled himself in an attitude of plete relaxation on his cot。
 〃e in!〃 he called; and he blinked and peered at the midshipman as if he had just awakened from a sound sleep。
 〃Boat heading towards us; sir;〃 said the midshipman。
 〃I'll e up;〃 said Hornblower。 〃Pass the word for my cox'n。〃
 Brown helped him into his dress…coat; and he reached the deck while the boat was still some distance off。
 〃The same pinnace that we saw before; sir;〃 mented Hurst。
 The pinnace came into the wind; and took in her mainsail while the bowman hailed the ship in Russian。
 〃Where's Mr Braun?〃 said Hornblower。
 The hail was repeated; and Braun translated。
 〃He is asking permission to hook on to us; sir。 And he says he has a message for you。〃
 〃Tell him to e alongside;〃 said Hornblower; This dependence upon an interpreter always irritated him。
 The boat's crew was smart; dressed in something like a uniform with blue shirts and white trousers; and in the stern…sheets; ready to mount the side; was an officer in military uniform; frogged across the breast in Hussar fashion。 The Hussar came clumsily up the side; and glanced round; saluting the mass of gold lace which awaited him。 Then he produced a letter; which he offered with a further explanation in Russian。
 〃From His Imperial Majesty the Tsar;〃 translated Braun with a catch in his voice。
 Hornblower took the letter; it was addressed in French … 
 Apparently the Tsar's secretary; however petent he might be in other ways; was shaky regarding both British titles and spelling。 The letter within was written in French as well … it was pleasant to be able to translate without Braun's assistance。
 The Imperial Palace of Peterhof
 Grand Marshalate of the Imperial Court
 May 30; 1812
 I am manded by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias to express to you His Imperial Majesty's pleasure at hearing of your arrival in His Imperial Majesty's waters。 His Imperial Majesty and His Royal Highness the Prince of Sweden further mand you to dinner at this palace to…day at four o'clock acpanied by your staff。 His Excellency the Minister of Marine has put at your disposal a boat which will convey you and your party direct to the quay; and the officer who conveys this letter to you will serve as your guide。
 Accept; sir; the assurances of my highest consideration;
 KOTCHUBEY; Grand Marshal of the Court
 〃I am invited to dinner with the Tsar and Bernadotte;〃 said Hornblower to Bush; he handed over the letter; and Bush looked at it wisely with his head on one side as if he could read French。
 〃You're going; I suppose; sir?〃
 It would hardly be tactful to begin his first encounter with the Russian and Swedish authorities by refusing an Imperial and a royal mand。
 Hornblower suddenly glanced round to find half the officers of the ship hanging on his words。 This public discussion of his affairs was not in the least dignified; and detracted vastly from the pomp and mystery which should surround a modore。 He had fallen sadly away from his old standards。
 〃Have none of you anything better to do than stand about and gape?〃 he bellowed; rounding on the herd。 〃I can find mastheads even for senior officers if necessary。〃
 They began to slink away in gratifying fright; each one doing his best to avoid catching his eye as he glowered round him。 That was a very desirable result。 Then he became aware that the Hussar had yet another letter in his hand。 He took it from him and glanced at the superscription。
 〃Here; Colonel; this is for you;〃 he said; handing it to Wychwood before turning back to Bush。 〃The Tsar and Bernadotte are at Peterhof … the place is marked on the chart; on the Oranienbaum shore over there。 You will be in mand in my absence; of course。〃
 Bush's face reflected a plexity of emotions; Hornblower knew that he was remembering other occasions when Hornblower had left him in mand; to go on shore to beard a mad tyrant on the coast of Central America; or to undertake some harebrained adventure on the coast of France。
 〃Aye aye; sir;〃 said Bush。
 〃I have to take my staff;〃 said Hornblower。 〃Who do you think would care to dine with the Tsar?〃
 He could afford to be jocose with Bush; who held the same substantive rank as himself … especially after his recent assertion of his dignity。
 〃You'll need Braun; I suppose; sir?〃
 〃I suppose so。〃
 Dinner with the Tsar would be a notable experience for any young officer; something he would be able to yarn about for the rest of his life。 Good service could be rewarded by an invitation; and at the same time some future Admiral might gain invaluable experience。
 〃I'll take Hurst;〃 decided Hornblower; there were not the makings of an Admiral in the first lieutenant; but discipline demanded that he be included in the party。 〃And young Mound; if you'll signal for him。 And a midshipman。 Who do you suggest?〃
 〃Somers is the brightest; sir。〃
 〃The fat one? Very good; I'll take him。 Have you been invited; too; Colonel?〃
 〃I have; sir;〃 answered Wychwood。
 〃We must be there at four。 How long will it take to arrive?〃
 He looked at the Hussar; who did not understand him; and then looked round for Braun; who had left the deck; which was perfectly infuriating。 When Hornblower had turned on the idling crowd he had not meant Braun to go; of

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