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小说: csf.thecommodore 字数: 每页4000字

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iery bed of cloud; but there were two hours more of daylight left; and Nonsuch crept steadily closer to Riga。 Bush came up to him and touched his hat。
 〃Pardon; sir; but do you hear anything? Gunfire; maybe?〃
 Hornblower strained his attention。
 〃Yes; gunfire; by God;〃 he said。
 It was the lowest; faintest muttering; ing upwind from the distant shore。
 〃The Frogs have got there before us; sir;〃 said Bush。
 〃Be ready to anchor;〃 said Hornblower。 Nonsuch crept steadily on; gliding at three or four knots towards the land; the water around her was greyish yellow with the mud borne down by a great river。 The mouth of the Dwina was only a mile or two ahead; and with the spring rains and the melting of the snows the river must be in full flood。 The buoys of a middle…ground shoal enabled Hornblower to make sure of his position; he was ing within long cannon…shot of those flat green shores。 As though standing in the yellow water there was a church visible on the starboard bow; with an onion…shaped dome surmounted by a cross which reflected back to him; even at that distance; the red glare of the sunset。 That must be the village of Daugavgriva; on the left bank; if it were in French hands entrance to the river would be dangerous; perhaps impossible; as soon as they had big guns mounted there。 Maybe they already had。
 〃Captain Bush;〃 said Hornblower; 〃I'd be obliged if you would anchor。〃
 The cable roared out through the hawsehole; and Nonsuch swung round to the wind as the hands; pouring aloft; took in the sails。 The rest of the squadron came up and prepared to anchor just when Hornblower was beginning to feel he had been too precipitate; or at least when he was regretting bitterly that night had e upon him before he could open munication with the shore。
 〃Call away my barge;〃 he ordered。 〃Captain Bush; I am shifting to Harvey。 You will assume mand of the squadron during my absence。〃
 Mound was at the side to wele him as he swung himself up over Harvey's low freeboard。
 〃Square away; Mr Mound。 We'll close the shore in the direction of that church。 Set a good hand at work with the lead。〃
 The bomb…ketch; with anchor catted and ready to go; stole forward over the still water。 There was still plenty of light from the sky; for here in 57° North; within a few days of the solstice; the sun was not very far below the horizon。
 〃Moon rises in an hour's time; sir;〃 said Mound; 〃three…quarters full。〃
 It was a marvellous evening; cool and invigorating。 There was only the tiniest whisper of water round the bows of the ketch as she glided over the silvery surface; Hornblower felt that they only needed a few pretty women on board and someone strumming a guitar to make a yachting expedition of it。 Something on shore attracted his attention; and he whipped his glass to his eye at the very moment when Mound beside him did the same。
 〃Lights on shore;〃 said Mound。
 〃Those are bivouac fires;〃 said Hornblower。
 He had seen bivouac fires before … the fires of el Supremo's army in Central America; the fires of the landing force at Rosas。 They sparkled ruddily in the twilight; in roughly regular lines。 Traversing his glass round; Hornblower picked up further groups of lights; there was a dark space between one mass and the other; which Hornblower pointed out to Mound。
 〃That's no…man's…land between the two forces; I fancy;〃 he said。 〃The Russians must be holding the village as an outwork on the left bank of the river。〃
 〃Couldn't all those fires be French fires; sir?〃 asked Mound。 〃Or Russian fires?〃
 〃No;〃 said Hornblower。 〃Soldiers don't bivouac if they can billet in villages with roofs over their heads。 If two armies weren't in presence they'd all be fortably asleep in the cottagers' beds and barns。〃
 There was a long pause while Mound digested this。
 〃Two fathoms; sir;〃 he said; at length。 〃I'd like to bear up; if I may。〃
 〃Very good。 Carry on。 Keep as close inshore as you think proper。〃
 The Harvey came round with the wind abeam; half a dozen hands hauling lustily on the mainsheet。 There was the moon; rising round and red over the land; the dome of the church was silhouetted against it。 A sharp cry came from the forward lookout。
 〃Boat ahead! Fine on the port bow; sir。 Pulling oars。〃
 〃Catch that boat if you can; Mr Mound;〃 said Hornblower。
 〃Aye aye; sir。 Starboard two points! Clear away the gig。 Boat's crew stand by!〃
 They could see the dim shape of the boat not far ahead; they could even see the splashes of the oars。 It occurred to Hornblower that the rowers could not be men of much skill; and whoever was in charge was not very quick in the uptake if he wanted to avoid capture; he should have headed instantly for shoal water if he wanted to avoid capture; while as it was he tried to pit oars against sails … a hopeless endeavour even with that light breeze blowing。 It was several minutes before they turned for the shore; and during that time their lead was greatly reduced。
 〃Hard…a…lee;〃 roared Mound。 〃Away; gig!〃
 Harvey came into the wind; and as she lost her way the gig dropped into the water with the boat's crew falling into it。
 〃I want prisoners!〃 roared Hornblower at the departing boat。
 〃Aye aye; sir;〃 came the reply as the oars tore the water。
 Under the impulse of the skilled oarsmen the gig rapidly was overtaking the strange boat; they could see the distance narrowing as the two boats disappeared in the faint light。 Then they saw the orange…red flashes of half a dozen pistol…shots; and the faint reports reached them over the water directly after。
 〃Let's hope they're not Russans; sir;〃 said Mound。
 The possibility had occurred to Hornblower as well; and he was nervous and unfortable; but he spoke bluffly …
 〃Russians wouldn't run away。 They wouldn't expect to find Frenchmen at sea。〃
 Soon the two boats; rowing slowly; emerged from the gloom。
 〃We've got 'em all; sir;〃 said a voice in reply to Mound's hail。
 Five prisoners were thrust up onto the deck of the Harvey; one of them groaning with a pistol bullet through his arm。 Someone produced a lantern and shone it on them; and Hornblower heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the star which glittered on the breast of the leader was the Legion of Honour。
 〃I would like to know monsieur's name and rank;〃 he said; politely; in French。
 〃Jussey; chef de bataillon du corps de Génie des armées de l'Empéreur。〃
 A major of engineers; quite an important capture。 Hornblower bowed and presented himself; his mind working rapidly on the problem of how to induce the major to say all he knew。
 〃I regret very much the necessity of taking M。 le chef de bataillon prisoner;〃 he said。 〃Especially at the beginning of such a promising campaign。 But good fortune may allow me the opportunity of arranging a cartel of exchange at an early date。 I presume M。 le chef de bataillon has friends in the French Army whom he would like informed of what has happened to him? I will take the opportunity of the first flag of truce to do so。〃
 〃The Marshal Duke of Tarentum would be glad to hear;〃 said Jussey; brightening a little。 〃I am on his staff。〃
 The Marshal Duke of Tarentum was Macdonald; the local French mander…in…chief … son of a Scottish exile who had fled after the Young Pretender's rebellion … so that it seemed likely that Jussey was the chief engineer; a bigger catch than Hornblower had hoped for。
 〃It was extremely bad fortune for you to fall into our hands;〃 said Hornblower。 〃You had no reason to suspect the presence of a British squadron operating in the bay。〃
 〃Indeed I had none。 Our information was to the contrary。 These Livonians …〃
 So the French staff was obtaining information from Livonian traitors; Hornblower might have guessed it; but it was as well to be sure。
 〃Of course they are useless; like all Russians;〃 said Hornblower; soothingly; 〃I suppose your Emperor has met with little opposition?〃
 〃Smolensk is ours; and the Emperor marches on Moscow。 It is our mission to occupy St Petersburg。〃
 〃But perhaps passing the Dwina will be difficult?〃
 Jussey shrugged in the lamplight。
 〃I do not expect so。 A bold push across the mouth of the river and the Russians will retreat the moment their flank is turned。〃

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