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小说: csf.thecommodore 字数: 每页4000字

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that stretched before him; and then; walking round the dome along the gallery; he turned his attention the view of Riga; with its spires; beyond the huge river。 Far off; well down the channel; he could just see the masts of his own squadron; where it swung at anchor at the point where the river blended with the Gulf。 Tiny specks of ships; minute in their present surroundings and yet of such vast importance in the history of the world。
 Hornblower was asleep in his cabin in the Nonsuch when the alarm was given。 Even while he was asleep … or perhaps it may be granted that he woke occasionally without knowing it … his subconscious mind had been taking note of conditions。 At least; when he woke fully; he was already vaguely aware of the changes that had occurred during the night。 His sleeping; or half…awakened; mind had noted the veering of the wind that had swung Nonsuch round to her anchor; and the brief sharp rain squalls that had pelted down on the deck。 Certainly he had awakened to the sharp cry of the watch on deck; and had heard the footsteps overhead of the midshipman of the watch running to him with the news。 He was fully awake by the time the midshipman pounded on the door and burst in。
 〃Rocket from Raven; sir。〃
 〃Very good;〃 said Hornblower; swinging his legs out of his cot。
 Brown; the good servant; was already in the cabin … God only knew how he had picked up the warning … with a lighted lantern to hang on the deck beam above; and he had trousers and coat ready for Hornblower to pull over his nightshirt。 Hornblower rushed up to the dark quarter…deck; cannoning into another hurrying figure as he did so。
 〃Damn your eyes;〃 said the figure; in Bush's voice; and then; 〃I beg your pardon; sir。〃
 The ship was alive with the twittering of the pipes as the hands were summoned from their hammocks; and the main…deck resounded with the drumming of bare feet。 Montgomery; officer of the watch; was at the starboard rail。
 〃Raven sent up a rocket; sir; two minutes back。 Bearin' sou'…by…east。〃
 〃Wind's west…by…north;〃 decided Bush; looking down into the tiny light of the binnacle。
 A westerly wind and a dark blustery night; ideal conditions for Macdonald to try and push a force across the river mouth。 He had twenty big river barges; into which he could cram 5;000 men and a few guns; if he once managed to push a force of that size across the river the Russian position would be hopelessly turned。 On the other hand; if he were to lose a force of that size … 5;000 men killed or drowned or prisoners … it would be a staggering blow which might well give him pause and so gain time for the Russians。 A fortified position; in the final analysis; was only a means of gaining time。 Hornblower hoped most passionately that the French flotilla had been allowed to thrust its head well into the noose before Cole in the Raven gave the alarm。
 A shout from the mast…head claimed his attention。
 〃Gunfire to loo'ard; sir!〃
 From the deck they could just see a pinpoint of flame stab the darkness far to the westward; and then another one。
 〃That's too far to the west'ard;〃 said Hornblower to Bush。
 〃I'm afraid it is; sir。〃
 At anchor on the very edge of the shoals in that direction was the Raven; it was her light draught that had dictated her position there。 Vickery in Lotus guarded the other bank of the river; while Nonsuch perforce still lay anchored in the fairway。 All the armed boats of the squadron were rowing guard in the mouth of the river … a navy cutter with a three…pounder could be counted on to deal with a river barge; even if the latter did carry 300 soldiers。 But from the direction of the gunfire it looked as if Vickery had given the alarm prematurely。 Another gun flashed to leeward; the wind prevented them from hearing the sound of it。
 〃Call my barge;〃 ordered Hornblower。 He felt he could not stay here in useless suspense。
 The boat pushed off from the Nonsuch; the men tugging at the oars to move the boat in the teeth of the wind。 Brown; in the darkness beside Hornblower; felt his captain's restlessness and anxiety。
 〃Pull; you b…!〃 he shouted at the rowers。 The boat crawled forward over the tossing water; with Brown standing in the sternsheets with his hand on the tiller。
 〃'Nother gun; sir。 Right ahead;〃 he reported to Hornblower。
 〃Very good。〃
 A tedious quarter of an hour followed; while the boat lurched and pitched over the steep little waves; and the hands slaved away at the oars。 The wash of the seas overside and the groaning of the oars against the thole…pins made a monotonous acpaniment to Hornblower's racing thoughts。
 〃There's a whole lot o' guns firin' now; sir;〃 reported Brown。
 〃I can see them;〃 replied Hornblower。 The darkness was pierced by shot after shot; it was evident that the guard…boats were all clustered round a single victim。 〃There's Raven; sir。 Shall I make for her?〃
 〃No。 Steer for the firing。〃
 The dark shape of the sloop was just visible ahead; Brown put his helm over a little to lay the barge on a course that would take her past the sloop at a cable's length distance; heading for the gunfire。 They had drawn up abeam of the sloop when there came a flash and a roar from her side; and a shot howled close overhead。
 〃Jesus!〃 said Brown。 〃Ain't the fools got eyes in their heads?〃
 Presumably the sloop had hailed the passing boat; and; receiving no reply … the hail being carried away by the wind … had incontinently fired。 Another shot came from the Raven; and someone in the barge squawked with dismay。 It was demoralizing to be fired upon by one's own side。
 〃Turn towards her;〃 ordered Hornblower。 〃Burn a blue light。〃
 At any moment the sloop might fire a full broadside; with every chance of blowing the barge out of the water。 Hornblower took the tiller while Brown wrestled; cursing under his breath; with flint and steel and tinder。 The hand pulling at the stroke said something to try to quicken his movements。
 〃Shut your mouth!〃 snapped Hornblower。
 Everything was in a muddle; and the men knew it。 Brown caught a spark on the tinder; jabbed the fuse of the blue light upon it; and then blew the fuse into a glow。 A moment later the firework burst into an unearthly glare; lighting up the boat and the water round it; and Hornblower stood up so that his features and his uniform should be visible to the sloop。 It was poor revenge to think of the consternation in the Raven when they saw that they had been firing on their own modore。 Hornblower went up the sloop's side in a state of cold fury。 Cole was there to receive him; of course。
 〃Well; Mr Cole?〃
 〃Sorry I fired on you; sir; but you didn't answer my hail。〃
 〃Did it occur to you that with this wind blowing I could not hear you?〃
 〃Yes; sir。 But we know the French are out。 The boats fired on them an hour back; and half my crew is away in the boats。 Supposing I were boarded by two hundred French soldiers? I couldn't take chances; sir。〃
 It was no use arguing with a man as jumpy and as nervous as Cole evidently was。
 〃You sent up the alarm rocket?〃
 〃Yes; sir。 I had to inform you that the bridges were at sea。〃
 〃You did that the first moment you knew?〃
 〃Yes; sir。 Of course; sir。〃
 〃Did it occur to you that you would alarm the French as well?〃
 〃I thought that was what you wanted; sir。〃
 Hornblower turned away in disgust。 The man in his excitement had clean forgotten every order given him。
 〃Boat approaching from to wind'ard; sir;〃 reported someone; his white shirt just visible in the gathering dawn。 Cole ran forward excitedly; with Hornblower striding after him; catching up to him as he stood at the knightheads staring at the boat。
 〃Boat ahoy!〃 yelled Cole through his speaking trumpet。
 〃Aye aye〃 came the answering hail downwind。 That was the correct reply for an approaching boat with officers on board。 She was a ship's cutter under a dipping lugsail; as Hornblower watched she took in the sail with considerable clumsiness and came dropping down to the sloop under oars。 Level with the bow she turned; clumsily again; and headed in to lie alongside the sloop。 Hornblower could see she was crammed with men。
 〃Soldiers!〃 suddenly exclaimed Cole; pointing at the boat w

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