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astic bags for this shop。 Seller and buyer shook hands。 The transfer was plete。 The customer walked south toward Piccadilly; then turned right; heading west toward Green Park and downhill to the Palace。
    Cooley took the envelope that had been hidden in the book and tucked it away in a drawer。 He finished making his ledger entry; then called his travel agent to book a flight to Cork; where he would meet a fellow dealer in rare books and have lunch at the Old Bridge restaurant before catching a flight home。 Beatrix would have to manage the shop tomorrow。 It did not occur to him to open the envelope。 That was not his job。 The less he knew; the less was vulnerable if he were caught。 Cooley had been trained by professionals; and the first rule pounded into his head had been need…to…know。 He ran the intelligence operation; and he needed to know how to do that。 He didn't always need to know what specific information he gathered。

    〃Hello; Doctor Ryan。〃 It was an American voice; with a South Bay Boston accent that Jack remembered from his college days。 It sounded good。 The man was in his forties; a wiry; athletic frame; with thinning black hair。 He had a flower box tucked under his arm。 Whoever he was; the cop outside had opened the door for him。
    〃Howdy。 Who might you be?〃 
    〃Dan Murray。 I'm the Legal Attache at the embassy。 FBI;〃 he explained。 〃Sorry I couldn't get down sooner; but things have been a little busy。〃 Murray showed his ID to the cop sitting in with Ryan  Tony Wilson was off duty。 The cop excused himself。 Murray took his seat。 
    〃Lookin' good; ace。〃
    〃You could have left the flowers at the main desk。〃 Ryan gestured around the room。 Despite all his efforts to spread the flowers about; he could barely see the walls for all the roses。 
    〃Yeah; I figured that。 How's the grub?〃 
    〃Hospital food is hospital food。〃
    〃Figured that; too。〃 Murray removed the red ribbon and opened the box。 〃How does a Whopper and fries grab you? You have a choice of vanilla or chocolate shakes。〃 
    Jack laughed  and grabbed。
    〃I've been over here three years;〃 Murray said。 〃Every so often I have to hit the fast…food joints to remind myself where I e from。 You can get tired of lamb。 The local beer's pretty good; though。 I'd have brought a few of those but  well; you know。〃
    〃You just made a friend for life; Mr。 Murray; even without the beer。〃 
    〃Jack。〃 Ryan was tempted to wolf down the burger for fear of having a nurse e through the door and throw an immediate institutional fit。 No; he decided; I'll enjoy this one。 He selected the vanilla shake。 〃The local guys say you broke records identifying me。〃
    〃No big deal。〃 Murray poked a straw into the chocolate one。 〃By the way; I bring you greetings from the Ambassador  he wanted to e over; but they have a big…time party for later tonight。 And my friends down the hall send their regards; too。〃 
    〃Who down the hall?〃
    〃The people you have never worked for。〃 The FBI agent raised his eyebrows。
    〃Oh。〃 Jack swallowed a few fries。 〃Who the hell broke that story?〃
    〃Washington。 Some reporter was having lunch with somebody's aide  doesn't really matter whose; does it? They all talk too much。 Evidently he remembered your name in the back of the final report and couldn't keep his trap shut。 Apologies from Langley; they told me to tell you。 I saw the TV stuff。 You dodged that pretty good。〃
    〃I told the truth  barely。 All my checks came through Mitre Corporation。 Some sort of bookkeeping thing; and Mitre had the consulting contract。〃 
    〃I understand all your time was at Langley; though。〃 
    〃Yeah; a little cubbyhole on the third floor with a desk; a puter terminal; and a scratchpad。 Ever been there?〃 
    Murray smiled。 〃Once or twice。 I'm in the terrorism business; too。 The Bureau has a much nicer decorator。 Helps to have a PR department; don't you know?〃 Murray affected a caricatured London accent。 〃I saw a copy of the report。 Nice work。 How much of it did you do?〃
    〃Most。 It wasn't all that hard。 I just came up with a new angle to look at it from。〃
    〃It's been passed along to the Brits  I mean; it came over here two months ago for the Secret Intelligence Service。 I understand they liked it。〃 
    〃So their cops know。〃
    〃I'm not sure  well; you can probably assume they do now。 Owens is cleared all the way on this stuff。〃 
    〃And so's Ashley。〃
    〃He's a little on the snotty side; but he's damned smart。 He's 'Five。' 〃
    〃What?〃 Ryan didn't know that one。
    〃He's in MI…5; the Security Service。 We just call it Five。 Has a nice insider feel that way。〃 Murray chuckled。
    〃I figured him for something like that。 The other two started as street cops。 It shows。〃
    〃It struck a few people as slightly curious  the guy who wrote Agents and Agencies gets stuck in the middle of a terrorist op。 That's why Ashley showed up。〃 Murray shook his head。 〃You wouldn't believe all the coincidences you run into in my business。 Like you and me。〃
    〃I know you e from New England  oh; don't tell me。 Boston College?〃
    〃Hey; I always wanted to be an FBI agent。 It was either BC or Holy Cross; right?〃 Murray grinned。 That in…house FBI joke went back two generations; and was not without a few grains of truth。 Ryan leaned back and sucked the shake up the straw。 It tasted wonderful。
    〃How much do we know about these ULA guys?〃 Jack asked。 〃I never saw very much at Langley。〃
    〃Not a hell of a lot。 The boss…man's a chap named Kevin O'Donnell。 He used to be in the PIRA。 He started throwing rocks in the streets and supposedly worked his way up to head counterintelligence man。 The Provos are pretty good at that。 Have to be。 The Brits are always working to infiltrate the Organization。 The word is that he got a little carried away cleansing the ranks; and barely managed to skip out before they gave him Excedrin Headache number three…five…seven。 Just plain disappeared and hasn't been spotted since。 A few sketchy reports; like maybe he spent some time in Libya; like maybe he's back in Ulster with a new face; like maybe he has a lot of money  want to guess where from?  to throw around。 All we know for sure is that he's one malignant son of a bitch。
    〃His organization?〃 Murray set the milkshake down。 〃It's gotta be small; probably less than thirty。 We think he had part of the breakout from Long Kesh last summer。 Eleven hard…core Provos got out。 The RUC bagged one of 'em two days later and he said that six of the eleven went south; probably to Kevin's outfit。 He was a little pissed by that。 They were supposed to e back to the PIRA fold; but somebody convinced them to try something different。 Some very bad boys  they had a total of fifteen murders among them。 The one you killed is the only one to show up since。〃 
    〃Are they that good?〃 Ryan asked。
    〃Hey; the PIRA are the best terrorists in the world; unless you count those bastards in Lebanon; and those are mostly family groups。 Hell of a way to describe them; isn't it? But they are the best。 Well organized; well trained; and they believe; if you know what I mean。 They really care about what they're doing。 The level of mitment these characters have to the Cause is something you have to see to believe。〃 
    〃You've been in on it?〃
    〃Some。 I've been able to sit in on interrogations  the other side of the two…way mirror; I mean。 One of these guys wouldn't talk  wouldn't even give 'em his name!  for a week。 Just sat there like a sphinx。 Hey; I've chased after bank robbers; kidnappers; mob guys; spies; you name it。 These fellows are real pros  and that's the PIRA; maybe five hundred real members; not even as big as a New York Mafia family; and the RUC  that's the Royal Ulster Constabulary; the local cops  is lucky to convict a handful in a year。 They have a law of omerta up there that would impress the old…time Sicilians。 But at least the cops have a handle on who the bastards are。 The ULA  we got a couple of names; a few pictures; and that's it。 It's almost like the Islamic Jihad bums。 You only know them from what they do。〃 
    〃What do they do?〃 Ryan asked。
    〃They seem to specialize in high…risk; high…profile operations。 It took over a year to confirm that they

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