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小说: pp.thegoldencompass 字数: 每页4000字

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  The old man said; 〃Ask him to wait on the afterdeck; child。〃
  The goose made his stately way to the stern of the ship; where he looked around; elegant and wild simultaneously; and a cause of fascinated terror to Lyra; who felt as though she were entertaining a ghost。
  Then Farder Coram came up; wrapped in his cold…weather gear; closely followed by John Faa。 Both old men bowed respectfully; and their daemons also acknowledged the visitor。
  〃Greetings;〃 said Farder Coram。 〃And I'm happy and proud to see you again; Kaisa。 Now; would you like to e inside; or would you prefer to stay out here in the open?〃
  〃I would rather stay outside; thank you; Farder Coram。 Are you warm enough for a while?〃
  Witches and their daemons felt no cold; but they were aware that other humans did。
  Farder Coram assured him that they were well wrapped up; and said; 〃How is Serafina Pekkala?〃
  〃She sends her greetings to you; Farder Coram; and she is well and strong。 Who are these two people?〃
  Farder Coram introduced them both。 The goose daemon looked hard at Lyra。
  〃I have heard of this child;〃 he said。 〃She is talked about among witches。 So you have e to make war?〃
  〃Not war; Kaisa。 We are going to free the children taken from us。 And I hope the witches will help。〃
  〃Not all of them will。 Some clans are working with the Dust hunters。〃
  〃Is that what you call the Oblation Board?〃
  〃I don't know what this board may be。 They are Dust hunters。 They came to our regions ten years ago with philosophical instruments。 They paid us to allow them to set up stations in our lands; and they treated us with courtesy。〃
  〃What is this Dust?〃
  〃It es from the sky。 Some say it has always been there; some say it is newly falling。 What is certain is that when people bee aware of it; a great fear es over them; and they'll stop at nothing to discover what it is。 But it is not of any concern to witches。〃

  〃And where are they now; these Dust hunters?〃
  〃Four days northeast of here; at a place called Bolvangar。 Our clan made no agreement with them; and because of our longstanding obligation to you; Farder Coram; I have e to show you how to find these Dust hunters。〃
  Farder Coram smiled; and John Faa clapped his great hands together in satisfaction。
  〃Thank you kindly; sir;〃 he said to the goose。 〃But tell us this: do you know anything more about these Dust hunters? What do they do at this Bolvangar?〃
  〃They have put up buildings of metal and concrete; and some underground chambers。 They burn coal spirit; which they bring in at great expense。 We don't know what they do; but there is an air of hatred and fear over the place and for miles around。 Witches can see these things where other humans can't。 Animals keep away too。 No birds fly there; lemmings and foxes have fled。 Hence the name Bolvangar: the fields of evil。 They don't call it that。 They call it 'the station。' But to everyone else it is Bolvangar。〃
  〃And how are they defended?〃
  〃They have a pany of Northern Tartars armed with rifles。 They are good soldiers; but they lack practice; because no one has ever attacked the settlement since it was built。 Then there is a wire fence around the pound; which is filled with anbaric force。 There may be other means of defense that we don't know about; because as I say they have no interest for us。〃
  Lyra was bursting to ask a question; and the goose dasmon knew it and looked at her as if giving permission。
  〃Why do the witches talk about me?〃 she said。
  〃Because of your father; and his knowledge of the other worlds;〃 the daemon replied。
  That surprised all three of them。 Lyra looked at Farder Coram; who looked back in mild wonder; and at John Faa; whose expression was troubled。
   〃Other worlds?〃 John Faa said。 〃Pardon me; sir; but what worlds would those be? Do you mean the stars?〃
  〃Indeed no。〃
  〃Perhaps the world of spirits?〃 said Farder Coram。
  〃Nor that。〃
  〃Is it the city in the lights?〃 said Lyra。 〃It is; en't it?〃
  The goose turned his stately head toward her。 His eyes were black; surrounded by a thin line of pure sky…blue; and their gaze was intense。
  〃Yes;〃 he said。 〃Witches have known of the other worlds for thousands of years。 You can see them sometimes in the Northern Lights。 They aren't part of this universe at all; even the furthest stars are part of this universe; but the lights show us a different universe entirely。 Not further away; but interpenetrating with this one。 Here; on this deck; millions of other universes exist; unaware of one another 。 。 。 。〃
  He raised his wings and spread them wide before folding them again。
  〃There;〃 he said; 〃I have just brushed ten million other worlds; and they knew nothing of it。 We are as close as a heartbeat; but we can never touch or see or hear these other worlds except in the Northern Lights。〃
  〃And why there?〃 said Farder Coram。
  〃Because the charged particles in the Aurora have the property of making the matter of this world thin; so that we can see through it for a brief time。 Witches have always known this; but we seldom speak of it。〃
  〃My father believes in it;〃 Lyra said。 〃I know because I heard him talking and showing pictures of the Aurora。〃
  〃Is this anything to do with Dust?〃 said John Faa。
  〃Who can say?〃 said the goose daemon。 〃All I can tell you is that the Dust hunters are as frightened of it as if it were deadly poison。 That is why they imprisoned Lord Asriel。〃
  〃But why?〃 Lyra said。
  〃They think he intends to use Dust in some way in order to make a bridge between this world and the world beyond the Aurora。〃
  There was a lightness in Lyra's head。
  She heard Farder Coram say; 〃And does he?〃
  〃Yes;〃 said the goose daemon。 〃They don't believe he can; because they think he is mad to believe in the other worlds in the first place。 But it is true: that is his intention。 And he is so powerful a figure that they feared he would upset their own plans; so they made a pact with the armored bears to capture him and keep him imprisoned in the fortress of Svalbard; out of the way。 Some say they helped the new bear king to gain his throne; as part of the bargain。〃
  Lyra said; 〃Do the witches want him to make this bridge? Are they on his side or against him?〃
  〃That is a question with too plicated an answer。 Firstly; the witches are not united。 There are differences of opinion among us。 Secondly; Lord Asriel's bridge will have a bearing on a war being waged at the present between some witches and various other forces; some in the spirit world。 Possession of the bridge; if it ever existed; would give a huge advantage to whoever held it。 Thirdly; Serafina Pekkala's clan…my clan…is not yet part of any alliance; though great pressure is being put on us to declare for one side or another。 You see; these are questions of high politics; and not easily answered。〃
  〃What about the bears?〃 said Lyra。 〃Whose side are they on?〃
  〃On the side of anyone who pays them。 They have no interest whatever in these questions; they have no daemons; they are unconcerned about human problems。 At least; that is how bears used to be; but we have heard that their new king is intent on changing their old ways 。 。 。 。At any rate; the Dust hunters have paid them to imprison Lord Asriel; and they will hold him on Svalbard until the last drop of blood drains from the body of the last bear alive。〃
  〃But not all bears!〃 Lyra said。 〃There's one who en't on Svalbard at all。 He's an outcast bear; and he's going to e with us。〃
  The goose gave Lyra another of his piercing looks。 This time she could feel his cold surprise。
  Farder Coram shifted unfortably; and said; 〃The fact is; Lyra; I don't think he is。 We heard he's serving out a term as an indentured laborer; he en't free; as we thought he might be; he's under sentence。 Till he's discharged he won't be free to e; armor or no armor; and he won't never have that back; either。〃
  〃But he said they tricked him! They made him drunk and stole it away!〃
  〃We heard a different story;〃 said John Faa。 〃He's a dangerous rogue; is what we heard。〃
  〃If…〃 Lyra was passionate; she could hardly speak for indigna

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