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小说: p&c.thunderhead 字数: 每页4000字

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 in both directions。 She was uncertain whether the nervousness she felt had to do with the events of the night before or with the impending meeting。 Had word of her shenanigans at JPL somehow gotten out? No; that was impossible。 But maybe this was going to be a dismissal anyway。 Why else would Ernest Goddard want to see her? Her head ached from lack of sleep。 
 All she knew about the chairman was what she had read; along with the rare newspaper photo and even rarer glimpse of his striking figure around campus。 Although Dr。 Blakewood might have been prime mover and chief architect of the Institute's vision; Nora knew that Goddard was the real power and money behind Blakewood's throne。 And unlike Blakewood; Goddard had an almost supernatural ability to cultivate the press; managing to get the occasional tasteful and laudatory article placed in just the right venue。 She had heard several explanations for the man's tremendous wealth; from inheriting a motor oil fortune to discovering a submarine full of Nazi gold…none of which seemed credible。 
 She took a deep breath and grasped the doorknob firmly。 Maybe a dismissal would be a good thing at this point。 It would free her to pursue Quivira unhindered。 The Institute; in the person of Dr。 Blakewood; had already passed judgment on her proposed expedition。 Holroyd had given her the ammunition she needed to take the idea somewhere else。 If the Institute wasn't interested; she knew she would find a place that was。 
 A small; nervous secretary ushered her through the reception area to the inner office。 The space was as cool and spare as a church; with whitewashed adobe walls and a Mexican tiled floor。 Instead of the imposing power desk Nora had expected; there was a huge wooden worktable; badly scuffed and dented。 She looked around in surprise; it was the exact opposite of Dr。 Blakewood's office。 Except for a row of pots on the worktable; lined up as if at attention; the room was devoid of ornamentation。 
 Behind the worktable stood Ernest Goddard; longish white hair haloing his gaunt face; a salt…and…pepper beard below lively blue eyes。 One hand held a pencil。 A rumpled cotton handkerchief drooped from his jacket pocket。 His body was thin and frail; and his gray suit hung loosely on his bony frame。 Nora would have thought he was ill; except that his eyes were clear; bright; and full of fire。 
 〃Dr。 Kelly;〃 he said; laying down the pencil and ing around the worktable to shake her hand。 〃So good to meet you at last。〃 His voice was unusual: low; dry; barely higher than a whisper。 And yet it carried enormous authority。 
 〃Please call me Nora;〃 she replied guardedly。 This cordial reception was the last thing she expected。 
 〃I believe I will;〃 Goddard paused to remove the handkerchief and cough into it with a delicate; almost feminine gesture。 〃Have a seat。 Oh; but before you do; take a look at these ceramics; will you?〃 He poked the handkerchief back into his pocket。 
 Nora approached the table。 She counted a dozen painted bowls; all peerless examples of ancient pottery from the Mimbres valley of New Mexico。 Three were pure geometrics with vibrant rhythms; and two contained abstract insect designs: a stinkbug and a cricket。 The rest were covered with anthropomorphics…splendidly precise; geometric human figures。 Each pot had a neat hole punched in the bottom。 
 〃They're magnificent;〃 Nora said。 
 Goddard seemed about to speak; then turned to cough。 A buzzer sounded on the worktable。 〃Dr。 Goddard; Mrs。 Henigsbaugh to see you。〃 
 〃Send her in;〃 Goddard said。 
 Nora threw him a glance。 〃Shall I…〃 
 〃You stay right here;〃 Goddard said; indicating the chair。 〃This will only take a minute。〃 
 The door opened and a woman of perhaps seventy swept into the room。 Immediately; Nora recognized the type: Santa Fe society matron; rich; thin; tan; almost no makeup; in fabulous shape; wearing an exquisite but understated Navajo squash blossom necklace over a silk blouse; with a long velveteen skirt。 
 〃Ernest; how delightful;〃 she said。 
 〃Wonderful to see you; Lily;〃 Goddard replied。 He waved a spotted hand at Nora。 〃This is Dr。 Nora Kelly; an assistant professor here at the Institute。〃 
 The woman glanced from Nora to the worktable。 〃Ah; very good。 These are the pots I told you about。〃 
 Goddard nodded。 
 〃My appraiser says they're worth five hundred thousand if they're worth a penny。 Extremely rare; he said; and in perfect condition。 Harry collected them; you know。 He wanted the Institute to have them when he died。〃 
 〃They're very nice…〃 
 〃I should say they are!〃 the woman interrupted; patting her impeccable hair。 〃Now about their display。 I realize; of course; that the Institute doesn't have a formal museum or anything of that sort。 But in light of the value of these pots; obviously you'll want to create something special。 In the administration building; I imagine。 I've spoken to Simmons; my architect; and he's drawn up plans for something we're calling the Henigsbaugh Alcove…〃 
 〃Lily。〃 Goddard's whispery voice assumed a very subtle edge of mand。 〃As I was about to say; we're deeply appreciative of your late husband's bequest。 But I'm afraid we can't accept it。〃 
 There was a silence。 
 〃I beg your pardon?〃 Mrs。 Henigsbaugh asked; her voice suddenly cold。 
 Goddard waved his handkerchief at the worktable。 〃These bowls came from graves。 We can't take them。〃 
 〃What do you mean; from graves? Harry bought the pots from reputable dealers。 Didn't you get the papers I sent along? There's nothing about graves in them。〃 
 〃The papers are irrelevant。 Our policy is not to accept grave goods。 Besides;〃 Goddard added more gently; 〃these are very beautiful; it's true; and we're honored by the gesture。 But we have better examples in the collection。〃 
 Better examples? thought Nora。 She had never seen finer Mimbres bowls; not even in the Smithsonian。 
 But Mrs。 Henigsbaugh was still digesting the grosser insult。 〃Grave goods! How dare you insinuate they were looted…〃 
 Goddard picked up a bowl and poked one finger through the hole in its bottom。 〃This pot has been killed。〃 
 〃Yes。 When the Mimbres buried a pot with their dead; they punched a hole in the bottom to release the spirit of the pot; so it could join the deceased in the underworld。 Archaeologists call it killing the pot。〃 He replaced the bowl on the table。 〃All these pots have been killed。 So you see they must have e from graves; no matter what the provenience says。〃 
 〃You mean you're going to turn down a half…million…dollar gift; just like that?〃 the woman cried。 
 〃I'm afraid so。 I'll have them carefully crated and returned to you。〃 He coughed into his handkerchief。 〃I'm very sorry; Lily。〃 
 〃I'm sure you are。〃 The woman spun around and left the office abruptly; leaving a faint cloud of expensive perfume in her wake。 
 In the silence that followed; Goddard settled onto the edge of the table; a thoughtful look on his face。 〃You're familiar with Mimbres pottery?〃 he asked。 
 〃Yes;〃 Nora replied。 She still could not believe he had turned down the gift。 
 〃What do you think?〃 
 〃Other institutions have killed Mimbres pots in their collections。〃 
 〃We are not other institutions;〃 Goddard replied in his soft whisper。 〃These pots were buried by people who respected their dead; and we have an obligation to continue that respect。 I doubt Mrs。 Henigsbaugh would approve of us digging up her dear departed Harry。〃 He settled into a chair behind the worktable。 〃I had a visit from Dr。 Blakewood the other day; Nora。〃 
 She stiffened。 This was it; then。 
 〃He mentioned that you were behind in your projects; and that he felt your tenure review might go poorly。 Care to tell me about it?〃 
 〃There's nothing to tell;〃 Nora said。 〃I'll submit my resignation whenever。〃 
 To her surprise; Goddard grinned at this。 〃Resignation?〃 he asked。 〃Why on earth would you want to resign?〃 
 She cleared her throat。 〃There's no way; in six months; I'm going to be able to write up the Rio Puerco and Gallegos Divide projects; and…〃 She stopped。 
 〃And what?〃 Goddard asked。 
 〃Do what I need to do;〃 she finished。 〃So I might as well resign now; and save you the trouble。〃 
 〃I see。〃 Goddard's g

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