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小说: p&c.thunderhead 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃It seemed like an offering;〃 Nora heard herself say。 
 〃Yes;〃 said Aragon。 〃But even more than that; it was a sacrifice。 From the marks on the skeletons; it seems the two individuals had been dismembered…butchered…and the cuts boiled or roasted。 The cooked meats were probably arranged in those two bowls you found。 There were bits of a brown; dusty substance lying with the bones: no doubt those were the mummified pieces of meat that had retracted and fallen off the bone。〃 
 〃How revolting;〃 Smithback said; writing eagerly。 
 〃The individuals were also scalped; and their brains extracted and made into a kind of…how does one say it?…a pote; a mousse; spiced with chiles。 I found the 。 。 。 the substance placed inside each of the skulls。〃 
 As if on a macabre cue; the cook emerged from his tent; fastidiously zipped up the flap; then approached the fire。 
 Black shifted restlessly。 〃Enrique; you're the last person I would have suspected of jumping to sensational conclusions。 There are dozens of ways bones could be scratched and polished other than cannibalism。〃 
 〃It is you who use the term 'cannibalism;'〃 Aragon said。 〃I'll keep my conclusions to myself for the moment。 I am merely reporting what I've seen。〃 
 〃Everything you've said has hinted at that conclusion;〃 Black bellowed。 〃This is irresponsible。 The Anasazi were a peaceful; agrarian people。 There's never been any evidence of cannibalism。〃 
 〃That's not true;〃 Sloane said in a low voice; leaning suddenly forward。 〃Several archaeologists have theorized about cannibalistic practices among ancient Native Americans。 And not only among the Anasazi。 For example; how do you explain Awatovi?〃 
 〃Awatovi?〃 Black repeated。 〃The Hopi village destroyed in 1700?〃 
 Sloane nodded。 〃After the villagers of Awatovi were converted to Christianity by the Spanish; the surrounding Indian towns massacred them。 Their bones were found thirty years ago; and they bear the same kind of marks Aragon found here。〃 
 〃They may have been facing a period of starvation;〃 said Nora。 〃There are plenty of examples of starvation cannibalism in our own culture。 And anyway; this is far from Awatovi; and these people are not related to the Hopi。 If this was cannibalism; it was ritualized cannibalism on a grand scale。 Institutionalized; almost。 A lot like…〃 She stopped and glanced at Aragon。 
 〃A lot like the Aztecs;〃 he said; finishing the sentence。 〃Dr。 Black; you said Anasazi cannibalism is impossible。 But not Aztec cannibalism。 Cannibalism not for food; but as a tool of social control and terror。〃 
 〃What's your point?〃 Black said。 〃This is America; not Mexico。 We're digging an Anasazi site。〃 
 〃An Anasazi site with a ruling class? An Anasazi site protected by a god with a name like Xochitl? An Anasazi site that features royal burial chambers; filled with flowers? An Anasazi site that may or may not display signs of ritual cannibalism?〃 Aragon shook his head。 〃I also did a number of forensic tests on skulls from both the upper and lower set of bones in the Crawlspace。 Differences in cranial features; variations in incisor shoveling; point to the two groups of skeletons as being from entirely different populations。 Anasazi slaves beneath; Aztec rulers above。 All the evidence I've found at Quivira demonstrates one thing: a group of Aztecs; or rather their Toltec predecessors; invaded the Anasazi civilization around A。D。 950 and established themselves here as a priestly nobility。 Perhaps they were even responsible for the great building projects at Chaco and elsewhere。〃 
 〃I've never heard anything so ridiculous;〃 Black said。 〃There's never been any sign of Aztec influence on the Anasazi; let alone enslavement。 It goes against a hundred years of scholarship。〃 
 〃Wait;〃 Nora said。 〃Let's not be too hasty to dismiss it。 Nobody's ever found a city like this before。 And that theory would explain a lot of things。 The city's strange location; for one thing。 The annual pilgrimages you discovered。〃 
 〃And the concentration of wealth;〃 Sloane added; in a low; thoughtful voice。 〃Maybe trade with the Aztecs has been the wrong word all along。 These were foreign invaders; establishing an oligarchy; maintaining power through religious ritual and sacrificial cannibalism。〃 
 As Smithback began to ask a question; Nora heard a distant shout。 In unison; the group turned toward the sound。 Roscoe Swire was running down the canyon; bashing and stomping crazily through the brush as he approached camp。 
 He came to a frantic stop before them; still dripping wet from the slot canyon; breathing raggedly。 Nora stared at him in horror。 Bloody water dripped from his hair; and his shirt was stained pink。 
 〃What is it?〃 she asked sharply。 
 〃Our horses;〃 Swire said; gasping for air。 〃They've been gutted。〃 
 NORA RAISED HER HANDS TO SILENCE THE immediate explosion of talk。 〃Roscoe;〃 she said; 〃I want you to tell us exactly what happened。〃 
 Swire sat down near the fire; still heaving from his scramble through the slot canyon; oblivious to a nasty gash on his arm that was bleeding freely。 〃I got up around three this morning; just as usual。 Reached the horses about four。 The cavvy had drifted over to the northern end of the valley…looking for grass; I figured…but when I reached them; I found they were all lathered up。〃 He stopped a moment。 〃I thought maybe a mountain lion had been after them。 A couple were missing。 Then I saw them 。 。 。 what was left of them; anyway。 Hoosegow and Crow Bait; gutted like 。 。 。〃 His face darkened。 〃When I catch the sons…a…bitches that did this; I'll…〃 
 〃What makes you think humans did it?〃 Aragon asked。 
 Swire shook his head。 〃It was done all scientific。 They slit open the bellies; pulled out the guts; and…〃 He faltered。 
 〃Sort of made them into a display。〃 
 〃What?〃 Nora asked sharply。 
 〃They unwound the guts and laid them out in a spiral。 There were sticks with feathers; shoved into the eyes。〃 He paused。 〃Other stuff; too。〃 
 〃Any tracks?〃 
 〃No footprints that I could see。 Must've all been done from the backs of horses。〃 
 At the mention of the spirals; the feathers shoved into the eyes; Nora had gone cold。 〃e on;〃 she heard Smithback say。 〃Nobody could do all that from the back of a horse。〃 
 〃There ain't no other explanation;〃 Swire snapped。 〃I told you; I saw no footprints。 But 。 。 。〃 He paused again。 〃Yesterday evening; when I was about to leave the horses for the night; I thought I saw a rider atop the hogback ridge。 Man on a horse; just standing there; looking down at me。〃 
 〃Why didn't you mention this before?〃 Nora asked。 
 〃I thought it was my imagination; a trick of the setting sun。 Can't say I expected to see another horse atop that goddamned ridge。 Who'd be way the hell out here?〃 
 Who indeed? Nora thought; desperation rising within her。 Over the past several days; she'd grown certain she had left the strange apparitions from the ranch house far behind。 Now that certainty was fading。 Perhaps they'd been followed; after all。 But who could have had the skill; or the desperate resolve; to track them across such a harsh and barren landscape? 
 〃That's dry sandy country;〃 Swire was saying; the dark uncertain look replaced with a new resolve。 〃They can't hide a track in it forever。 I just came in here to tell you I'm going after them。〃 He stood up abruptly and went into his tent。 
 In the ensuing silence; Nora could hear the rattle of metal; the sound of bullets being pushed into chambers。 A moment later he reemerged; rifle slung behind his back; revolver buckled around his waist。 
 〃Wait a minute; Roscoe;〃 Nora said。 
 〃Don't try to stop me;〃 Swire said。 
 〃You can't just rush off;〃 she replied sharply。 〃Let's talk about this。〃 
 〃Talking to you only causes trouble。〃 
 Bonarotti walked wordlessly to his cabinet and began loading a small sack with food。 
 〃Roscoe;〃 Sloane said; 〃Nora's absolutely right。 You can't just head off like…〃 
 〃You shut your mouth。 I'm not going to have a bunch of goddamn women telling me what to do with my own horses。〃 
 〃Well; how about a goddamn man; then;〃 said Black。 〃This is foolhardy。 You could get hurt; or worse。〃 
 〃I'm done with discussion;〃 Swire said; acc

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