九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > p&c.thunderhead >



小说: p&c.thunderhead 字数: 每页4000字

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 AN HOUR LATER; THE ENTIRE EXPEDITION had gathered around the campfire in silence。 Swire joined them; wet from the slot canyon。 The rain had ended; but the afternoon sky was smeared with metal…colored clouds。 The air carried the mingled scents of ozone and humidity。 
 Nora glanced at each haggard face in turn。 Their expressions betrayed the same emotions she felt: numbness; shock; disbelief。 Her own feelings were augmented by an overpowering sense of guilt。 She'd approached Holroyd。 She'd convinced him to e along。 And; in some unconscious way; she realized she had manipulated his feelings for her to further her own goal of finding the city。 Her eyes strayed toward the sealed tent that now held his body。 Oh; Peter; she thought。 Please forgive me。 
 Only Bonarotti continued with business as usual; thumping a hard salami down on his serving table and setting loaves of fresh bread beside it。 Seeing that nobody was inclined to partake; the cook flung one leg over the other; leaned back; and lit a cigarette。 
 Nora licked her lips。 〃Enrique;〃 she began; careful to keep her voice even; 〃what can you tell us?〃 
 Aragon looked up; his black eyes unreadable。 〃Not nearly as much as I would like。 I didn't expect to be performing any postmortems out here; and my diagnostic tools are limited。 I've cultured him up…blood; sputum; urine…and I've stained and sectioned some tissue。 I took some exudate from the skin lesions。 But so far the results are inconclusive。〃 
 〃What could have killed him so fast?〃 Sloane asked。 
 Aragon turned his dark eyes to her。 〃That's what makes diagnosis so difficult。 In his last minutes; there were signs of cyanosis and acute dyspnea。 That would indicate pneumonia; but pneumonia would not present that quickly。 Then there was the acute paralysis 。 。 。〃 He fell silent for a moment。 〃Without access to a laboratory; I can't do a tap or a gastric wash; let alone an autopsy。〃 
 〃What I want to know;〃 Black said; 〃was whether this is infectious。 Whether others might have been exposed。〃 
 Aragon sighed and stared at the ground。 〃It's hard to say。 But so far; the evidence doesn't point in that direction。 Perhaps the crude bloodwork I've done; or the antibody tests; will tell us more。 I've got test cultures growing in petri dishes on the off chance it is some infectious agent。 I really hate to speculate 。 。 。〃 His voice trailed off。 
 〃Enrique; I think we need to hear your speculations;〃 Nora said quietly。 
 〃Very well。 If you asked me for my initial impression…it happened so fast; I would say it looked more like acute poisoning than disease。〃 
 Nora looked at Aragon in sudden horror。 
 〃Poisoning?〃 Black cried; visibly recoiling。 〃Who could have wanted to poison Peter?〃 
 〃It may not be one of us;〃 said Sloane。 〃It may have been whoever killed our horses and wrecked our munications gear。〃 
 〃As I said; it's speculation only。〃 Aragon spread his hands。 He looked at Bonarotti。 〃Did Holroyd eat anything that the others didn't?〃 
 Bonarotti shook his head。 
 〃And the water?〃 
 〃It es from the creek;〃 Bonarotti replied。 〃I run it through a filter。 We've all been drinking it。〃 
 Aragon rubbed his face。 〃I won't have test results for several hours。 I suppose we have to assume it might be infectious。 As a precaution; we should get the body out of camp as soon as possible。〃 
 Silence fell in the canyon。 There was a roll of distant thunder from over the Kaiparowits Plateau。 
 〃What are we going to do?〃 Black asked。 
 Nora looked at him。 〃Isn't it obvious? We have to leave here as quickly as possible。〃 
 〃No!〃 Sloane burst out。 
 Nora turned to her in surprise。 
 〃We can't leave Quivira; just like that。 It's too important a site。 Whoever destroyed our munications gear knows that。 It's obvious they're trying to drive us out so they can loot the city。 We'd be playing into their hands。〃 
 〃That's true;〃 said Black。 
 〃A man has just died;〃 Nora interrupted。 〃Possibly of an infectious disease; possibly even by murder。 Either way; we have no choice。 We've lost all contact with the outside world。 The lives of the expedition members are my first responsibility。〃 
 〃This is the greatest find in modern archaeology;〃 Sloane said; her husky voice now low and urgent。 〃There's not one of us here who wasn't willing to risk his life to make this discovery。 And now that somebody has died; are we going to just roll things up and leave? That would cheapen Peter's sacrifice。〃 
 Black; who paled a bit during this speech; still managed to nod his support。 
 〃For you; and me; and the rest of the scientific team; that may be true;〃 Nora said。 〃But Peter was a civilian。〃 
 〃He knew the risks;〃 Sloane said。 〃You did explain them; didn't you?〃 She looked directly at Nora as she spoke。 Though she said nothing more; the unspoken ment couldn't have been clearer。 
 〃I know Peter's presence here was partly my doing;〃 Nora replied; fighting to keep her tone even。 〃That's something I'll have to live with。 But it doesn't change anything。 The fact is; we still have Roscoe; Luigi; and Bill Smithback with us。 Now that we know the dangers; we have no right to jeopardize their safety any further。〃 
 〃Hear; hear;〃 Smithback murmured。 
 〃I think they should make their own decisions;〃 Sloane said; her eyes dark in the stormy light。 〃They're not just paid sherpas。 They have their own investment in this expedition。〃 
 Nora looked from Sloane to Black; and then at the rest of the expedition。 They were all looking back at her silently。 She realized; with a kind of dull surprise; that she was facing a critical challenge to her leadership。 A small voice within her murmured that it wasn't fair: not now; when she should be grieving for Peter Holroyd。 She struggled to think rationally。 It was possible that she could; as expedition leader; simply order everyone to leave。 But there seemed to be a new dynamic among the group now; in the wake of Holroyd's death; an unpredictable urgency of feeling。 This was no democracy; nor should it be: yet she felt she would have to roll the dice and play it as one。 
 〃Whatever we do; we do as a group;〃 she said。 〃We'll take a vote on it。〃 
 She turned her eyes toward Smithback。 
 〃I'm with Nora;〃 he said quietly。 〃The risk is too great。〃 
 Nora looked next at Aragon。 The doctor returned her gaze briefly; then turned toward Sloane。 〃There is no question in my mind;〃 he said。 〃We have to leave。〃 
 Nora glanced at Black。 He was sweating。 〃I'm with Sloane;〃 he said in a strained voice。 
 Nora turned to Swire。 〃Roscoe?〃 
 The wrangler glanced up at the sky。 〃As far as I'm concerned;〃 he said gruffly; 〃we should never have entered this goddamned valley in the first place; ruin or no ruin。 And now the rains are here; and that slot canyon's our only exit。 It's time we got our butts out。〃 
 Nora glanced at Bonarotti。 The Italian waved his hand vacantly; sending cigarette smoke spiraling through the air。 〃Whatever;〃 he said。 〃I will go along with whatever。〃 
 Nora returned her gaze to Sloane。 〃I count four against two; with one abstention。 There's nothing more to discuss。〃 Then she softened her tone。 〃Look; we won't just leave willy…nilly。 We'll take the rest of the day to finish up the most pressing work; shut down the dig; and take a series of documentary photographs。 We'll pack a small selection of representative artifacts。 Then we'll leave first thing tomorrow。〃 
 〃The rest of the day?〃 Black said。 〃To close this site properly will take a hell of a lot longer than that。〃 
 〃I'm sorry。 We'll do the best we can。 We'll only pack up the essential gear for the trip out…the rest we'll cache; to save time。〃 
 Nobody spoke。 Her face an unreadable mask of emotions; Sloane continued to stare at Nora。 
 〃Let's get going;〃 Nora said; turning away wearily。 〃We've got a lot to do before sunset。〃 
 SMITHBACK KNELT BY THE TENT AND GINGERLY lifted the flap; gazing inside with a mixture of pity and revulsion。 Aragon had wrapped Peter Holroyd's body in two layers of plastic and then sealed it inside the expedition's largest drysack; a yellow bag with black stripes。 Despite the carefully sealed coverings; the tent reeked of betadine; alcohol; and something wo

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