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小说: p&c.thunderhead 字数: 每页4000字

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lroyd。 But this fear was quickly dispelled by the look of triumph on his face。 
 〃Where's Sloane?〃 he boomed; looking around animatedly。 He cupped his hands around his mouth。 〃Sloane!〃 The valley reverberated with his shouts。 
 〃Are you all right?〃 Nora asked。 
 As Black turned toward her; Nora could see sweat springing from the mud caked to his brow; running in dun…colored rivulets down his face。 〃I found it;〃 he said。 
 〃Found what?〃 
 〃The Sun Kiva。〃 
 Nora straightened up; releasing her hold on the duffel and letting it fall back into the sand。 〃You found what?〃 
 〃There was a blocked opening behind the city。 Nobody noticed it before。 But I did。 I found it。〃 Black's chest was heaving; and he could barely get out the words。 〃Behind the Crawlspace is a narrow passageway that leads into another cavern behind the city。 And; Nora; there's a whole secret city hidden back there。 Right in front is a Great Kiva; a sealed kiva。 It's like nothing we've seen before。〃 
 〃Let me get this straight;〃 Nora said slowly。 〃You broke through a wall?〃 
 Black nodded; his smile broadening。 
 Nora felt sudden anger course through her。 〃I specifically forbade any disturbance like that。 My God; Aaron; all you've done is open up a new area to be looted。 Have you forgotten we're about to leave?〃 
 〃But we can't leave now。 Not after this discovery。〃 
 〃We absolutely are leaving。 First thing in the morning。〃 
 Black stood rooted in place; anger and disbelief growing in his face。 〃You haven't heard what I said。 I found the Sun Kiva。 We can't leave now。 The gold will be stolen。〃 
 Nora looked more intently at his face。 〃Gold?〃 she repeated。 
 〃Christ; Nora; what else do you think is in there? Corn? The evidence is overwhelming。 I just found the Anasazi Fort Knox。〃 
 As Nora stared at him; in growing consternation and disbelief; she saw Sloane e up through the twilight; oversized camera under one arm。 
 〃Sloane!〃 Black called out。 〃I found it!〃 He rushed over and embraced her。 Smiling; she disentangled herself; and looked from him to Nora with a quizzical expression。 〃What's this?〃 she asked; carefully setting down the camera。 
 〃Black found a sealed cave behind the city;〃 Nora replied。 〃He says the Sun Kiva is inside it。〃 
 Sloane looked at Black quickly; smile vanishing as prehension dawned。 
 〃It's there; Sloane;〃 he said。 〃A Great Kiva; sixty feet in diameter; with a sun disk painted on its side。〃 
 A powerful play of emotions ran quickly across Sloane's face。 〃What kind of disk?〃 
 〃A great sun in yellow pigment; mixed with mica and polished。 It looks just like gold。 I thought it was gold when I first saw it。〃 
 Sloane suddenly became very pale; then flushed deeply。 〃Paint mixed with mica?〃 
 〃Yes。 Crushed biotite mica; which has a golden cast to it。 A brilliant imitation of the real thing。 Which is exactly the kind of symbolic representation you'd find on the outside if they were storing…〃 
 〃Take me to it;〃 Sloane said urgently。 Black grabbed her hand and they turned away。 
 〃Hold on!〃 Nora barked。 
 The two turned to look at her; and with dismay Nora read the passion in their faces。 〃Just a minute;〃 she continued。 〃Aaron; you're acting like a pothunter; not a scientist。 You should never have broken into the back of the cave。 I'm sorry; but we can't have any more disturbance。〃 
 Sloane looked at her; saying nothing; but Black's face grew dark。 〃And I'm sorry;〃 he said loudly; 〃but we're going up there。〃 
 Nora looked into Black's eyes; saw there was no point in arguing with him; and turned to Sloane instead。 〃For good or ill; everything that happens here is going into the final report;〃 she went on urgently。 〃Sloane; consider how your father will react if he hears we busted willy…nilly into that kiva。 If Black is right; this could be the most important discovery yet。 Even more reason why we have to proceed carefully。〃 
 At the mention of her father; the sudden hunger seemed to leave Sloane's face。 She tensed; struggling to regain her posure。 
 〃Nora; e up with us;〃 she said with a quick smile。 〃All we'll do is look。 What harm is there in that?〃 
 〃Absolutely;〃 said Black。 〃I've touched nothing。 Nothing has happened here that can't go into a public report。〃 
 Nora looked at each of them in turn。 Smithback; Swire; and Bonarotti had e over and were listening intently。 Only Aragon was missing。 She glanced at her watch: almost seven o'clock。 She thought about what Black had said: a hidden city; the Sun Kiva。 What was it Aragon had said in the Rain Kiva? 〃There's a piece of the puzzle still missing。 I thought it would be in this kiva。 But now; I am not so sure。〃 If Aragon were here; no doubt he'd disapprove。 But she knew Black's find could mean the key to everything。 The fact that it might be looted and destroyed after they were gone filled her with a helpless anger。 Because of that; they had an obligation to document the inner cave; at least in photographs。 Besides; if she were to keep the group together; she felt she had no choice but to bend just a little。 The harm had been done; Black's transgression would be dealt with later; and not by her。 
 〃All right;〃 she said。 〃We'll make a short visit。 Only long enough to take photographs and decide how best to reseal the cave。 No more violations of any sort。 Am I understood?〃 She turned to Sloane。 〃Bring the four…by…five camera。 And Aaron; you get the fluorescent lamp。〃 
 * * *
 Ten minutes later; a small group stood huddled together in the confines of the inner cave。 Nora gazed in awe; overwhelmed despite herself by the richness of the site; by the perfect little gem of an Anasazi pueblo hidden behind the mysterious kiva。 The greenish glare of the lamp threw magic…lantern patterns on the irregular walls。 It was a small pueblo; no more than thirty rooms; no doubt some kind of sanctum sanctorum for the priests。 For that reason alone; it would be exceedingly interesting to study。 
 The Sun Kiva itself was unadorned except for the great polished disk; glinting in the harsh light。 Thick ribbed dust lay in drifts against its base and along its walls。 The kiva had been carefully plastered with adobe; and she saw that the only opening in its side had been blocked with rocks。 
 〃Look at that stonework;〃 said Black。 〃It's the most fortified kiva I've ever seen。〃 
 A pole ladder was leaning against one side of the kiva。 〃That was leaning against the roomblocks;〃 Black said eagerly; following Nora's glance。 〃I brought it over and climbed onto the roof。 There's no roof opening。 It's been totally sealed shut。〃 His voice dropped a notch。 〃As if it's hiding something。〃 
 Sloane broke away from the group and walked up to the sun disk。 She stroked it lightly; almost reverently; with her fingers。 Then she glanced back at Nora; briskly unpacked her camera kit; and began setting up the first shot。 
 The group stood silently while Sloane moved about the cavern; shooting the kiva and its associated roomblocks from a variety of angles。 Soon she rejoined them; folded up her tripod; and put the camera body back in its case。 
 Even the loquacious Smithback had remained silent and; most uncharacteristically; taken no notes。 There was a palpable tension in the air; a tension quite different; Nora realized; than any she had felt at the site before。 
 〃Done?〃 she asked。 Sloane nodded。 
 〃Before we leave tomorrow morning;〃 Nora went on; careful to keep her voice neutral; 〃we'll reblock the hole as best we can。 There's not much to bring a looter back behind the granaries。 If we hide it well; they'll miss it。〃 
 〃Before we leave?〃 Black repeated。 
 Nora looked at him and nodded。 
 〃By God; not until we open this kiva;〃 said Black。 
 Nora looked at his face; then at Sloane。 And then at Swire; and Bonarotti; and Smithback。 〃We're leaving tomorrow;〃 she said quietly。 〃And nobody's opening this kiva。〃 
 〃If we don't do it now;〃 Sloane said; her voice loud; 〃nothing will be left when we return。〃 
 There was a tense silence; broken by Bonarotti。 〃I would also like to see this kiva full of gold;〃 he said。 
 Nora waited; taking measured breaths; thinking about what she was going to say and how she was going to say it。 
 〃Sloane;〃 she began quietly。 〃Aaro

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