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小说: p&c.thunderhead 字数: 每页4000字

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nyon until we get the weather report。〃 
 She looked at Sloane; but the woman hardly registered that she had heard。 
 〃If it's clear;〃 Nora continued; 〃we'll make the final preparations to leave。 Aaron; after you get the weather report; I want you to seal the entrance to the Sun Kiva。 You broke into it…you leave it just as you found it。 Sloane; you and Smithback will take the last of the drysacks up to the caching spot。 As soon as Aaron gets the weather report; I'll take a load out through the canyon; then make sure the site is secure。〃 
 She looked around。 〃Is everyone clear on their duties? I want us out of here in two hours。〃 
 Everyone nodded but Sloane; who sat with a dark; unresponsive look on her face。 Nora wondered what would happen if; at the last minute; she refused to go。 Nora felt sure that Black wouldn't stay behind…deep down; he was too much of a coward…but Sloane was another matter。 We'll cross that bridge when we e to it; Nora thought。 
 Just as she was rising; a flash of color caught her eye: Swire; emerging from the mouth of the slot canyon and ing down the valley。 Something about the way he was moving toward them filled her with dread。 Not more horses; please。 
 Swire sprinted across the creek and into camp。 〃Someone got Holroyd's body;〃 he said; fighting to catch his breath。 
 〃Someone?〃 Aragon asked sharply。 〃Are you sure it wasn't animals?〃 
 〃Unless an animal can scalp a man; cut off his toes and fingers; and drill out a piece of his skull。 He's lying up there in the creek; not far from where we put him。〃 
 The group looked at one another in horror。 Nora glanced at Smithback and could tell from his expression that he; too; remembered what Beiyoodzin had said。 
 〃Peter 。 。 。〃 Nora's voice faltered。 She swallowed。 〃Did you go on to check the horses?〃 she heard herself ask。 
 〃Horses are fine;〃 said Swire。 
 〃Are they ready to take us out?〃 
 〃Yes;〃 he said。 
 〃Then we have no more time to waste;〃 Nora continued; standing up and placing her cup on the serving table。 〃I'll take that load out through the slot canyon; and pick up Peter's body on the way。 We're just going to have to pack it out on one of the horses。 I'll need someone to give me a hand。〃 
 〃I'll help;〃 said Smithback quickly。 
 Nora nodded her thanks。 
 〃I will go; too;〃 said Aragon。 〃I would like to examine the corpse。〃 
 Nora glanced at him。 〃There are things here that you need to do…〃 The sentence went unfinished as she saw the significant look on his face。 She turned away。 〃Very well。 We could use a third hand with the body。 And listen; all of you: stay in pairs。 I don't want anyone going anywhere alone。 Sloane; you'd better go with Aaron。〃 
 Nobody moved; and she glanced around at the faces。 The tension that had drawn her nerves tight as a bowstring…the fear and revulsion she felt at the thought of Peter's body; broken and violated in death…suddenly coalesced into exasperation。 
 〃Damn it!〃 she cried out。 〃What the hell are you waiting for? Let's move!〃 
 SILENTLY; AARON BLACK FOLLOWED SLOANE toward the rope ladder。 Their private discussion the night before had resolved nothing。 At the last minute; Sloane would refuse to leave; Black felt certain she would。 But when he questioned her; she had been impatient and evasive。 Though he would never admit it to her; Black's own intense desire to stay had been slightly tempered by fear: fear of what killed Holroyd; and; worse; of what had attacked their horses and equipment; and now; added to that; fear of what had mutilated Holroyd's body。 
 Reaching the base of the ladder; Sloane pulled up onto the first rung and began to climb。 Black; irritated when she did not wait to see him safely into the harness; pulled the reinforced loops into place around his waist and crotch; tested the ropes; and started up。 He hated this climb; harness or no harness; it terrified him to be swaying five hundred feet up on a cliff; hanging on to nothing but a flimsy nylon rope。 
 But as he mounted the ladder; slowly; one painful rung at a time; the terror began to abate。 A phrase began running through his mind; a phrase that had never been far from him since he first discovered the Sun Kiva; stuck in his head like a singsong melody。 As he climbed; he recited the entire passage; first silently; then under his breath。 〃And then; widening the hole a little; I inserted the candle and peered in。 As my eyes grew accustomed to the light; details of the room emerged slowly from the mist; strange animals; statues; and gold…everywhere the glint of gold。〃 
 Everywhere the glint of gold。 It was that final phrase; more than anything else; that kept repeating itself in his mind like a mantra。 
 He thought back to his childhood; to when he was twelve years old and had first read Howard Carter's account of discovering the tomb of Tutankhamen。 He remembered that moment as well as he remembered the passage itself: it was the very moment when he decided to bee an archaeologist。 Of course; college and graduate school quickly dispelled any notion that he would find another tomb like King Tut's。 And he had found rich professional rewards in the mere dirt…very rich rewards indeed。 He had never felt the slightest dissatisfaction with his career。 
 Until now。 He climbed hand over hand; moving up the ladder; stopping occasionally to check his harness。 Now; dirt seemed a poor substitute for gold。 He thought about all the gold that Cortéz had melted down into bars and sent back to Spain; all the splendid works of art turned into bullion; lost to the world。 Its twin treasure sat in that kiva。 
 The fever he had felt as a twelve…year…old; first reading that account; now burned in him again。 But again he was torn: there was danger here; he knew。 And yet; leaving the valley without seeing the inside of the Sun Kiva seemed almost unimaginable to him。 
 〃Sloane; talk to me;〃 he called。 〃Are you going to leave the kiva behind; just like that?〃 
 Sloane didn't answer。 
 He heaved up the ladder; sweating and grunting。 Above; he saw Sloane preparing to make the final climb around the terrifying brow of rock below the summit。 Here; the sandstone was still streaked with moisture from the rain; and it glowed a blood…drenched crimson。 
 〃Sloane; say something; please;〃 he gasped。 
 〃There's nothing to say;〃 came the clipped response。 
 Black shook his head。 〃How could your father have made a mistake like putting her in charge? If it were you; we'd be making history right now。〃 
 Sloane's only response was to disappear around the brow of rock。 Taking a deep breath; Black followed her up the last pitch。 Two minutes later; he struggled up over the rim and threw himself into the sand; exhausted; angry; utterly despondent。 He sucked the air deep into his lungs; trying to catch his breath。 The air was a lot cooler up here; and a stiff breeze was blowing; smelling of pine and juniper。 He sat up; pulling off the annoying harness。 〃All this way;〃 he said。 〃All this work。 Just to be cheated out of the greatest discovery at the last minute。〃 
 But Sloane didn't answer。 He was aware of her presence standing to one side; silent and unmoving。 Everywhere the glint of gold。 。 。 。 Remotely; he was curious why Sloane was just standing there; making no move to get started。 With a muttered curse; he stood up and glanced at her。 
 Sloane's expression was so unfamiliar; so unexpectedly dramatic; that he simply stared。 Her face had lost all its color。 She remained where she was; unmoving; staring out over the trees; her lips slightly drawn back from her teeth。 In a strange trick of the light he saw her amber eyes deepen to mahogany; as if a sudden shadow had been cast upon them。 At last; unlocking his eyes from her face; he slowly turned to follow her gaze。 
 A dark mass rose above and far beyond the ridge; so enormous and fearsome it took Black a moment to prehend its true nature。 Above the lofty prow of the Kaiparowits Plateau rose a thunderhead the likes of which he had never seen。 It looked; he thought distantly; more like an atomic explosion than a storm。 Its moiled foot ran at least thirty miles along the spine of the plateau; turning the ridge into a zone of dead black; from this base rose the bod

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