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小说: scoonts.theminotaur 字数: 每页4000字

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tance just enough。〃 He gestured to a row of pressure bottles that stood in one corner of his workshop。 〃Still; there's so much puting involved we had to go to a distributed system with multiple CPUs。〃
 Jake felt like a schoolboy who hadn't done his homework。 〃But how does the outgoing radar signal cancel the ining one?〃
 Dodgers stepped over to a blackboard standing in the corner。 He looked around…〃Where's the rag?〃…then used his shirt sleeve to erase a spot 〃Harold; where's that blasted chalk?〃
 〃Here; Dad。〃 The young man picked up a piece from a nearby bench。
 Dr。 Dodgers drew a sine wave on the board。 〃Do you know anything about radiation?〃 he asked Jake gruffly。
 Jake nodded hesitantly as he traced a sine wave in the air with his finger。 He knew from experience that claiming knowledge in the presence of a physicist was not a good idea。
 〃It moves in waves;〃 Dodgers agreed dubiously。 He drew another sine wave over the first; yet the peaks of the second were where the valleys of the first one were; and vice versa。 〃The first tine is the reflected signal。 The second line is our outgoing signal。 They cancel each other。〃
 Jake turned to Fritsche with raised eyebrows。 Fritsche nodded affirmatively。 〃This principle has been known for a century。 Dr。 Dodgers' real contribution…breakthrough…has been in the area of superconductivity at higher temperatures than anyone else has been able to achieve。 So he asked himself what puter applications were now possible that had been impossible before。〃
 〃And came up with this one;〃 Jake muttered; for the first time seeing the intelligence and determination in that face under the bill of the cap。
 〃Let's fire it up;〃 Dodgers suggested。 〃Helmut; if you will be good enough to take Captain Grafton and Harold up to the outhouse; I'll do the magic down here。〃
 As Harold drove the rental car along a dirt track through a field; Jake asked; 〃How's security out here?〃
 〃Security?〃 the young man said; his puzzlement showing。 〃The neighbors are all Presbyterians and Methodists and they think Dad's a harmless loony。 Their kids get curious and e around occasionally when they're out of school or in the evenings; but we don't tell them anything and they wander off after a while。 Just got to keep them away when we're radiating。 Been having some troubles with the power pany from time to time。 We sure pull a lot of juice when we're cooling down that hydrogen and they've dropped the load hereabouts a time or two。〃
 〃We had the head of the Federal Power mission call the president of Pacific Gas and Electric;〃 Fritsche told Jake。
 〃The district engineer still es around occasionally; though;〃 Harold continued。 〃I think he's harmless。 Dad's been feeding him a line about experimentation with electromagnetism; and he bought it 'cause he's local and knows Dad's a dingbat。〃 The youngster goosed the accelerator to take them through a mudhole in the road。 〃Nice car。 I'd sure like to have a car; but Dad…with the church and all。。。〃
 The radar was mounted in the old outhouse on the bench where the seats once were。 It radiated right through the open door。 Harold Dodgers removed a padlock from a flap door at the back of the structure to gain access to the control panel and scope。 〃This is an Owl Screech radar;〃 Fritsche told Jake。 〃Was borrowed it from the EW range at Fallen。〃 The Electronic Warfare range at NAS Fallon; Nevada; provided realistic training for fleet aircrews。
 〃Wonder where the U。S。 Navy got this thing。〃 Owl Screech was a Soviet…made gunfire…control radar。
 〃From the Israelis; I think。 They had a few to spare after the 1973 war。〃
 The drone of a jet somewhere overhead caused Jake to scan the blue sky。 It was high; conning。 An airliner or a bomber。 A row of trees higher on the hill waved their leaves to the gentle breeze。 So warm and pleasant here。 Jake sat down in the grass while the redheaded youngster worked at the control panel and Helmut Fritsche observed。
 〃We're not getting any power;〃 Harold announced。 〃Can I borrow the car and run back to the shop?〃
 〃Sure。 You have the keys。〃 Harold eased the car around and went bumping down the dirt road。 Fritsche joined Jake in the grass。
 Jake tossed a pebble at the outhouse。 The stone made a satisfying trunk。 〃What's the plan to get this gizmo into production?〃
 〃Normally we would do engineering drawings and blueprints and take bids; but due to the time constraints and secrecy requirements; we'll have to select a contractor on a cost…plus basis。 The government will retain title to the technology and we'll pay Dodgers royalties。〃
 〃What contractor will get it?〃
 〃One with the staff and manufacturing capacity to do it right and do it quickly。 Probably an existing radar manufacturer。〃
 〃Cost…plus。 Isn't that beltway French for 'can't lose'? And the contractor's engineers will see all the technology and have a leg up on bids for second… and third…generation gear。〃
 〃And if they can dream up ways to do it better; they can get some patents of their own;〃 Jake tossed another pebble at the outhouse。 〃Gonna be a nice little plum for somebody。〃
 〃Good thing all the guys in our shop are honest。〃
 Fritsche sat silently; weighing that remark; Jake supposed。 〃I guess our people are like everyone else;〃 Fritsche said at last; without inflection。 〃People are pretty generally alike all over。〃
 〃Why was Strong killed?〃
 〃Don't know。〃
 〃Any ideas?〃
 〃Some。 But I keep them to myself。 I try not to gossip。 There are laws against slander。〃
 Jake Grafton stood and brushed off the seat of his trousers。 〃A river of money flowing along in front of a bunch of guys on middle…class salaries; a bunch of guys all humping to keep their bills paid until they get middle…class pensions and form letters of appreciation from the government。 Everybody's honest。 Nobody's tempted。 Makes me want to salute the fucking flag and hum a march。〃 He looked down at Fritsche。
 〃I have no facts; Captain;〃 the scientist said。 〃None。〃
 Jake looked around; trying to think of something to say。 He gave up and strolled up the hill to the trees; where he relieved himself。 Somehow aboard ship things had been simpler; more clear。 On his way back to the wooden building he saw the car returning with Harold at the wheel。
 The redhead had the radar fired up in less than a minute。 With Fritsche and Jake looking over his shoulder; he flipped switches。 〃This is its target…acquisition…its search…mode。 And that blip right there is the tabernacle。〃 He pointed。 Jake stared at the return a moment; then stepped a few paces to his right and looked around the shed at the scene。 The radar in the shed made a variety of mechanical noises and he could hear the antenna banging back and forth against its stops。 Now he referred again to the radar scope; which was American; not Soviet。 Okay; there was the tabernacle; the house beyond and to the right; the trees on the left。。。
 〃Now;〃 said the young Dodgers; 〃step over there again and wave your arms at my dad。 Then he'll fire up the suppressor。〃 Jake did as requested and returned to the scope。 Even as he watched; the blip that was the tabernacle faded from the screen; along with the ground return in the area beyond。 Where the blip had been was merely a blank spot with no return at all…
 〃Try the frequency agility;〃 Fritsche suggested。 Harold flipped another switch and then turned a dial。 The tabernacle became faintly visible as a ghost image。 〃As he changes frequency on the Owl Screech; the puter on the suppressor is trying to keep up;〃 Fritsche explained to Jake; 〃so he sees this ghost image; which is not enough to lock on to。 And remember; this is an American scope; more sensitive than Soviet scopes。〃
 〃I'm impressed。〃
 〃Go to a higher PRF and try to lock on the spot where we know the tabernacle is;〃 Fritsche said to Harold。 'Try the expanded display。〃
 Nothing。 The radar failed to lock。 The center of the presentation was an empty black spot。
 After a long silence; Fritsche spoke softly; almost as if he were afraid of his own thoughts。 〃If we could implement this technique at optical wavelengths you wouldn't even be able to see that building down there with the naked eye。〃
 〃You mean you could see right 

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