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小说: scoonts.theminotaur 字数: 每页4000字

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each other; but there the similarity to the other prototype stopped。 This bird was tactical navy gray; with engine intakes in the wing roots and no canards。 Instead of a plenum chamber and fairings to cool the exhaust; the tailpipes were arranged above a fairing that might shield the worst of the heat signature from a ground observer。 There were no afterburners。 〃The Soviets are doing a lot of work on air…to…air IR sensors for their latest generation MiGs;〃 Smoke Judy said。
 〃Yeah; probably stole ours;〃 somebody grumbled。
 Jake walked slowly around the plane; the chief engineer at his elbow。 On the left side of the fuselage; just behind the nose radome; was a place from which a twenty…millimeter…cannon barrel peeked out。 〃Vulcan?〃
 〃Yep。 Six hundred fifty rounds capacity; five hard points for missiles and bombs faired in underneath。 This baby'll carry; shoot or drop anything in the U。S。 inventory or anything any NATO country's got。〃
 〃bat radius is projected at six hundred nautical miles unrefueled。〃
 〃How stealthy is this thing?〃
 〃Well;〃 said Harry Franks with his thumbs in his belt; 〃it's got a head…on RCS of about a half of a square meter。 That reduces its detection range pared with an A…6 Intruder by about forty…five percent。 That's naked; as she sits。 Hang bombs and a belly tank and the RCS rises; though it's still down about sixty percent from an A…6 loaded for bear。 Our design concept was to be as stealthy as possible and still e up with a mission…capable attack plane with good range and flying characteristics。 This prototype was optimized for aircraft…carrier operations。 It seemed to us that if you guys couldn't get it aboard ship and keep it there for a reasonable cost; it didn't matter how stealthy it was。〃 He sighed and scratched his head and checked the shine on the toe of his boots; 〃That logic didn't impress the air force; of course。 Not stealthy enough for them by a long shot。〃
 〃What's this thing gonna cost Uncle Sam?〃 Jake already knew this answer; but he wanted to hear Franks say it。
 〃Well; there're a ton of variables。〃 Franks' hands went into his pockets and he looked Jake straight in the eyes。 〃Optimum production rates; as is; fifty…three mil。〃
 〃When did you stop selling used cars and go to work for TRX?〃 Franks chuckled good…naturedly。
 〃If it were something under fifty; I could probably bring my wife over and let her drive it。〃
 The engineer's grin disappeared。 〃I hear you。 You'll get some votes in Congress under fifty that you won't get over that number。 But we already scraped and cut and chopped like hell to get down to fifty…three。〃
 〃Uh…huh。 Just a suggestion…we're a long way from a decision…but were I you; I'd be sweating that number again and trying to shrink it。 Sweating it real hard。〃
 Later Jake managed to draw Dalton Harris aside。 Harris had spent most of his career in electronic warfare。 By definition he was an expert on Soviet radars; their capabilities and their usage。 〃Tell me;〃 Jake asked; 〃what a forty…five percent reduction in the detection range of an A…6 means to the Soviets。 Over fifty percent reduction carrying weapons。〃
 〃It means that all the Soviet fire…control radars are obsolete。〃 He shrugged。 〃They would have to redesign and replace everything they have。 Or…and this is a big or…they would have to double the number of existing radars。〃
 〃At what cost?〃
 〃Replacement would be astronomical。 Their whole system involves using proven technology that can be manufactured in quantity at low cost by low…skilled workers with inexpensive equipment and techniques。 They need a lot of everything since the Soviet military is so big。 Has to be big because the country is; distances are mind…boggling。 So they rarely declare anything obsolete until it's worn out pletely。 Yet in a mass obsolescence like this low…observable technology threatens; they have to e up with new cutting…edge designs or fixes for over a dozen types of front…line radars; manufacture huge quantities and get them all in service quickly。〃 Harris raised his bands and dropped them in a gesture of defeat。 〃I don't think they can do it。 It'll cost too much。 Their best bet is to merely make a lot more of what they have; but that will cost them the farm and the family cow。 All of which is why Gorbachev has bee a good guy。〃
 〃You think?〃
 〃Look at it this way。 The Soviet economy is on its ass。 They don't even have money over there。 The ruble is non…convertible。 They've been spending at least an eighth of their gross national product on defense。 The barrel is empty。 They hate Star Wars because the research and development costs to match or counter it are prohibitive。 Now es stealth: the B…2; the F…l 17。 Those are threats against land…based targets。 If that wasn't enough bad news; now the U。S。 Navy wants a stealth bird to threaten their fleet…the A…12。 I'll bet if we were on the Politburo and heard what countering this low…observable technology was going to cost; we'd think about converting to Christianity。〃
 〃They must be looking hard for a way to do it on the cheap;〃 Jake suggested。
 〃Wouldn't surprise me。〃 Dalton Harris replied。
 〃Why not build their own stealth birds?〃
 〃They will someday。 Right now they can't afford it。 When they do; though; we'll have to upgrade all our radars。〃
 〃Hell; we can't afford it either;〃 Jake Grafton said。 Franks was walking this way。 When he was close enough Jake said to him; 〃Let's sit down and talk about the flight…test schedule。〃
 〃Oh; Mom;〃 Lucy Franklin sobbed into the telephone; 〃I didn't want to call you; but I've got no place else to turn。〃
 〃You did the right thing; Lucy。 Has he hit you?〃
 〃Oh; no。 It's nothing like that。 It's。。。〃 She bit her lip。 It was all so bizarre。 Her neighbor; Melanie; hadn't believed her and neither had the minister。 Her mother was her last hope。 〃I think Terry is a spy。〃
 Silence on the other end of the phone。 Finally: 〃Tell me about it。〃
 Lucy explained。 She went over the events of last Friday night in great detail。
 〃Well;〃 her mother said。 〃Something is going on。 He's probably cheating on you。〃
 〃Mother! Please! This is more serious; I'm scared stiff。 I can't eat。 I can't talk to him。 I'm afraid of what he'll do to the kids。 Mother; I'm petrified。 I'm at the end of my rope。〃 She began to sob。
 〃Do you want me to e out there?〃
 〃Oh; I don't know。 What good would that do?〃
 〃He wouldn't hurt you while I was there。 We could confront him。〃 More silence。 〃Let me talk to your father and call you back。〃
 〃Not Daddy!〃 Lucy wailed。 〃He won't understand。〃
 〃I know you and he don't see eye to eye。 He didn't think Terry was the right man for you。〃
 〃He's never let me forget it。〃
 〃Do you want to e home? Bring the kids?〃 If she went home her father would be there。 She was genuinely afraid of her father。 He just had never been able to cope with a daughter。。。
 〃Can you e out here?〃
 〃I'll call your dad at work; then call you back。 Okay?〃
 〃Mom; I really need you to help me through this one。〃 They said their goodbyes and hung up。 Lucy drank more coffee and chewed her fingernails。 Mom would be such a help。 Terry wouldn't do anything with her here。 Oh; please; Daddy; let her e。
 〃Looks like gibberish; of course。 What it is is two puter access code words and a file name。〃 The man from the lab laid an eight…by…ten color photo of the inside of the cigarette pack on Camacho's desk。 〃No prints on the pack except for Mrs。 Jackson's。〃
 Camacho studied the print The words and numbers were:
 Interest Golden。TS 849329。002EB
 〃And the photos?〃
 〃They didn't e out so good。 She used a miserable camera with a fixed focus。〃 The lab man handed Camacho the stack。 He looked at each one and laid them across the desk。 He stood and beat over to study them; moving slowly。
 〃This one。〃 He selected a photo of a man in a trilby hat wearing a fall…length coat。 Only the bottom half of his face was visible; and it was fuzzy。 Yet obviously a white man。 The other men in the pictures were Mack。 〃Blow up the face and see what you can do with puter enhancement。〃
 The lab man checked the back of the photo for the number of the negative。 He excused himself and left。 Camacho sat in his chair and stared at the fa

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