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小说: scoonts.theminotaur 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Tell me again;〃 Toad said; 〃just what that Consolidated test pilot said about stalls when you pumped him。 What's his name?〃
 〃Stu Vinich。 He just said they had had some pressor…stall problems at high angles of attack。〃
 〃Nothing else? Nothing about how serious they were?〃
 〃He couldn't; Toad。 The pany was downplaying the whole subject。 People who talk out of school draw unemployment checks。〃
 〃We were damned lucky that thing didn't spin。 And we were lucky the engines relit。〃
 〃Luck is a part of the job;〃 Rita told him。
 〃Yeah。 If we had punched and our chutes hadn't opened; Vinich would have just stood at our graves and shook his head。〃
 〃He said enough。 I knew what to expect。〃
 Toad turned out the light and snuggled down beside her。
 Jake Grafton was poking and prodding the plane; trying to stay out of the technicians' way。 when he noticed Adele DeCrescentis watching him。 He walked over。 〃You know;〃 he said; 〃this thing reminds me of a twelve…ton Swiss watch。〃
 〃A quartz watch;〃 the vice president said。
 〃Yeah。 Anyway; I was wondering。 Just how hard would it be for your folks to put a twenty…millimeter cannon on this plane?〃
 〃A gun?〃 She appeared dumbfounded; as if the idea had never occurred to her。
 〃Uh…huh。 A gun。 A little Catling; snuggled inside the fuselage with five hundred rounds or so。 What do you think?〃
 〃When we were designing this plane; not a single; solitary air force officer ever even breathed the word 'gun'。〃
 〃Somehow that doesn't surprise me。 But would it be feasible?〃
 〃With some fairly major design changes; which will cost a good deal of money; I suppose it might be。 It would take a fall…blown engineering study to determine that for sure。 But why? A machine like this? You want it down in the weeds dueling with antiaircraft guns? Shooting at tanks?〃
 〃When tanks are the threat; Ms。 DeCrescentis; we won't be able to shoot million…dollar missiles at all of 'em。 The Warsaw Pact has over fifty thousand tanks。 A nice little twenty…millimeter with armor…piercing shells would be just the right prescription。〃
 Senator Hiram Duquesne was not philosophical when he telephoned George Ludlow。 〃You keeping up on what's going on out in Tonopah?〃 he thundered。
 〃Well; I get reports from Vice Admiral Dunedin。 Captain Grafton reports to him several times a day。〃
 〃I want to know why the officer in charge out there insisted on performing maneuvers that the manufacturer did not feel the plane was ready for; or safe to perform。〃
 〃He's doing an op eval。 He knows what he's doing。〃
 〃Oh does he? He's got a twenty…five…year…old woman with no previous test experience flying that plane; a four…hundred…million…dollar prototype!〃
 〃She's not twenty…five。 She's twenty…seven。〃
 〃Have you seen her?〃
 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃I mean what the hell is going on over there; George? A lot of people have a lot riding on the oute of this fly…off。 And you got Bo Derek's little sister out there flying the planes! Is she the best test pilot you people have? My God; we've been spending millions for that Test Pilot School in Pax River…is she the best you've got?〃
 〃If you have any information that implies she's inpetent; I'd like to hear it。〃
 〃I hear she intentionally shut down both engines while she was up in the sky。 Now Consolidated is spending a ton checking them far damage。 I'll bet duck Yeager never shut down both engines on a test flight at the same time!〃
 〃I wouldn't know。 You'd have to ask the air force。〃
 〃Don't get cute。 I'm serious。 Dead serious。 Don't let that hero fly…boy Grafton and his bimbo test pilot screw this up; George。 I'm warning you。〃
 〃By the way; the authorization for reactors for that new carrier you guys want to start? My mittee voted this morning to delete it。 Maybe next year; huh?〃
 The senator hung up before Ludlow could respond。
 Jake Grafton changed Rita's test profile for the last three flights。 He had her avoid all high…angle…of…attack maneuvers; though he did let her ease toward the advertised five…G limit; where the airflow to the engines once again became turbulent and began to rumble。
 The three flights took another ten days。 When they were finished the navy crowd spent three more days correlating their data and talking to Consolidated engineers; then packed up for the return to Washington。 It would be three weeks before they came back to try the TRX prototype。
 On their last night in Tonopah the navy contingent threw a party in the officers' club for a very subdued group from Consolidated。 Adele DeCrescentis didn't attend; which was perhaps just as well。 Along toward midnight; after Toad Tarkington had enjoyed the entire salubrious effect of alcohol and had begun the downhill slide; he spotted Stu Vinich in a corner putting the moves on some woman from Consolidated's avionics division。 He strolled over; tapped Vinich on the shoulder; and as the test pilot turned; flattened him with one roundhouse punch。
 Jake Grafton was amazed when he saw Amy at the passenger terminal at Andrews Air Force Base。 In the three weeks he had been gone the child had visibly grown。 〃Hi; Jake;〃 she warbled; and ran to throw her arms around him。
 〃Miss me?〃 he asked。
 〃Not as much as Callie did;〃 was the sophisticated reply。 As he and Callie waited for the luggage to be off…loaded from the airplane; Callie visited with the other officers who had ridden the DC…9 from Tonopah。 Jake made a fuss over Amy and teased her a little; causing her cheeks to redden。 But she stayed right there beside him; saying hello to everyone and smiling broadly when spoken to。
 〃So how'd it go?〃 Callie asked him as they walked to the car。 Jake shrugged。 Everything was classified。 〃Okay; I guess。 And you?〃
 〃I stopped going to Dr。 Arnold。 Last Friday was my last appointment。〃
 Jake set his luggage on the pavement and gave her a tight squeeze as Amy skipped on ahead; her black hair bobbing with every bound。 Callie looked happier than Jake had seen her in a long; long time。
 The next morning; a Tuesday; he spent closeted with Admiral Dunedin going over the test results。 They watched videotapes and looked at numbers; and began writing down tentative conclusions。
 〃So how did Moravia do?〃 the admiral asked at one point
 〃Fine。 Good stick; keeps her wits about her; knows more aeronautical engineering than I even knew existed。〃
 〃So you want to keep her for the TRX bird?〃
 〃No reason not to。〃
 The admiral told him about the conversation Senator Duquesne had had with George Ludlow。 〃The secretary didn't tell me to fire her; or keep her; or anything else;〃 Dunedin concluded。 〃He just relayed the conversation。〃
 〃Let me see if I understand this; Admiral。 Duquesne's mittee deleted the appropriation for reactors for the new carrier from this year's budget。 Is he implying that if we get another test pilot he'll put it back in?〃
 〃No。 I think the message is that unless the navy buys the Consolidated plane; he's not going to be…he'll be less enthusiastic about navy budget requests。〃
 〃Sir; I don't think Consolidated's plane can be modified enough to meet tile mission requirements for a new attack plane。 And you have to factor Athena into the equation。 With Athena we won't need to buy all that expensive stealth stuff on every airplane。〃
 〃Try the TRX plane。 Then we'll see。〃
 〃Do you want me to get another test pilot?〃
 〃I just wanted you to understand what's going on。 The temperature is rising。 Ludlow and all the politicos in SECDEFs office are playing politics right along with everyone else in this town。 The admirals and generals are parading over to the hill for hearings。 It's that merry time of year。〃
 〃I think we have to keep Moravia。 After she's flown both planes she can make point…by…point parisons that can't be questioned for extraneous reasons。 Consolidated will beat us to death with Rita's corpse if we use another test pilot to fly the TRX plane; and then remend it instead of theirs。 They'll claim they got shafted by an inpetent; inexperienced pilot。 You and I will look like blundering idiots; or worse。〃
 〃I agree;〃 the admiral said。
 Proposals from contractors were arriving based on the navy's。 Request for Proposal (RFP) 

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