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小说: scoonts.theminotaur 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃So;〃 he said; returning her smile。 〃So。〃
 〃I've read a little bit。〃 Her grin broadened。
 〃I thought you couldn't focus very well yet。〃
 〃I can't。 Read a little here; a little there。 The Adventures of Tarkington。 You're a pretty good writer。〃
 〃You're a poor critic。〃
 〃I'm glad I married you。〃
 〃I'm damn glad you did。〃
 The air force roedevac plane; a C…141; landed at Andrews AFB。 Rita traveled the rest of the way to Bethesda in an ambulance。 That evening; when she awoke from her nap; Toad was waiting with her parents; whom he had driven straight to the hospital from National Airport。
 Mrs。 Moravia was teary but determined to maintain a stiff upper lip。 Five minutes after she arrived she launched into a speech that she had apparently been rehearsing for weeks:
 〃It's time; Rita。 It's time。 You've got a fine husband and it's time you stopped this flying business。 Why; Sarah Bames…you remember Sarah; the cheerleader who went to Bryn Mawr? Such a sweet girl! I can't think of her new married name。。。 Sarah just had her second baby; a perfectly darling little boy。 Her husband's a med student who's going into pediatrics。 And Nancy Stroh; who married that new dentist from Newport…you knew about that; a perfectly gorgeous wedding in May…her mother told me just last week that Nancy's practically pregnant。 And Kimberly Hyer。。。〃
 Mr。 Moravia slipped out into the hallway and Toad followed…
 〃She looks very tired。〃
 〃She's had a long day;〃 Toad said。
 〃Is she going to recover pletely?〃
 〃No way to tell。 The physical therapy will start in a few weeks and we'll know more then。 Right now she's pretty desperate to get out of that lower…body cast。 The itching and all is driving her nuts。 That's a good sign; I think。〃
 Ten minutes later; as they finished coffees from a vending machine; Toad suggested; 〃Maybe we'd better go get your wife and say good night to Rita。 She wears down pretty quickly and she'll need some sleep。〃
 〃We can visit some more in the morning;〃 the older man agreed。
 Walking back toward the room; Toad said; 〃Rita turned out a little different than her mom。〃
 〃Different generations。〃 Mr。 Moravia shrugged。 He was a philosopher。
 〃They want different things;〃 Toad said; probing gently。
 〃Every generation does。〃
 〃Rita'll keep flying if the doctors let her。〃
 〃I believe you。 Madeline's just blowing off steam。 Rita knows that。 Where are we going to eat tonight?〃
 The next morning; a Friday; Toad acpanied the Moravias to the hospital; then had Mr。 Moravia drop him at a Metro station。 They were going to the National Gallery。 Toad went to the office。
 Even the subways were stifling in the August heat。 Toad's white uniform shirt threatened to melt before he reached the air…conditioned sanctuary of the lobby in Crystal City。
 The elevator took forever to respond to the call button。 He waited impatiently。 For seven weeks now he had been speculating on the cause of the accident; and Jake Grafton and Helmut Fritsche and Smoke Judy had all refused to enlighten him on the telephone。 They had been nonmittal。 〃We're investigating。〃 That was the party line。 Toad jabbed the up button again。 He wanted some answers。
 He gave the secretary the hi sign and marched straight for Grafton's office。 The door was closed; so he knocked; then opened it and stuck his head in。 〃'Lo; Captain。〃 Two men he didn't know were sitting in the guest chairs。
 〃Be with you in a few minutes; Toad。 Good to see you back。〃
 Tarkington went to his desk and impatiently pawed the stuff in his in basket。 Routine read…and…initial crap。 He threw his hat on his desk and sat staring at Grafton's closed door。
 The secretary came over to his desk。 〃How's Rita?〃
 〃She's up at Bethesda。 I think she's gonna be okay。〃
 〃It was big news around here that you two were married。〃 She grinned and leaned forward conspiratorially。 〃None of us had any idea! It's so romantic。〃
 〃Yeah;〃 said Toad Tarkington。
 〃We're all just delighted that she's doing so well。 We've had her in our thoughts and prayers every day。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 Toad said; finally pulling his eyes from Grafton's door and giving the woman a smile。 〃Know anything about that accident? Why it happened?〃
 〃It's all very hush…hush;〃 she confided; her voice low。 She glanced around。 〃I just haven't seen anything on it; but it was so temblor。〃
 After he assured her he would convey her good wishes to Rita; she went back to her desk。 She was sitting there sorting the mail when Smoke Judy came in。 Toad went over to him。 〃mander; good to see you。〃
 〃Hey; Tarkington。 How's your wife?〃
 〃Gonna be okay; I think。 mander。 Say〃…Toad drew the senior officer away from the secretary's desk…〃what can you tell me about the accident investigation? What went wrong?〃
 〃Toad; all that is classified special access; and I don't know if you have access。 All I've seen is the confidential section of the report。 You'll have to talk to Captain Grafton。〃
 〃Sorta off the record; it was the E…PROMs; wasn't it? I figure EMI dicked them up。〃 EMI was Electromagnetic Interference。
 Judy grinned。 〃Ask Grafton。 Give my best to your wife。 And congratulations!〃
 Grafton's door opened and Toad stood。 He watched the two men in civilian clothes who came out。 Their eyes swept the office as they exited; casually; taking in everything at a glance。 Toad forgot about them as soon as they were out of sight。 He was walking toward the door when Jake Grafton stuck his head out and motioned to him…
 〃How's Rita?〃
 〃Settled in at Bethesda; sir。 The reason I wanted to see you〃…Toad carefully closed the door…〃is that I want to know why that plane went out of control。 What have you guys found out?〃
 Jake Grafton stood with his back to Toad; facing the window。 In a moment he rubbed his nose; then tugged at an earlobe。
 〃What have you found out; sir?〃 Toad asked again。
 〃Huh? Oh。 Sorry。 The E…PROMs were defective。〃
 〃EMI。 I'll bet。〃
 〃No。 The chips were defective。 Won't happen; can't happen; not a chance in a zillion; but it did。〃 Grafton shoved both hands into his pockets and turned around slowly。 He stared at a corner of his desk。 〃Defective when installed。〃
 Something was amiss。 〃When did you learn this?〃 Toad said。
 〃Uh; we knew something was wrong with the chips when we saw the telemetry; but。。。 ah。。。〃 He gestured vaguely at the door。 〃Those guys who were just here。。。〃
 〃Who were they?〃
 〃Uh。。。〃 Suddenly the wrinkles disappeared from Jake Grafton's brow and he looked straight at Toad's face; as if seeing him for the first time。 〃Can't tell you that;〃 he said curtly。 〃Classified。〃
 〃CAG; I've got a wife who may be crippled for life。 I need to know。〃
 〃You want to know。 There's a hell of a difference。 Glad you're back。〃
 Toad tried to approach the subject from another angle; only to be rebuffed and shown the door。
 Jake Grafton went back to the window and stared without seeing。 Agents Camacho and Dreyfus had been informative; to a point。 No doubt it was a rare experience for them; answering the questions instead of asking them。 And all those looks and pauses; searching for words! A performance! That's what it had been…a performance。 Produced and acted because Vice Admiral Henry demanded it。 Well; as little satisfaction as they gave; they were still virgins。
 So what did he know? The E…PROMs were defective。 The data on the chips was that of preliminary engineering work done several years ago。 Somehow。。。 No。 Someone in this office or at TRX had given that data to the manufacturer。 The agents had skated around that conclusion; but they didn't challenge it。 They couldn't。 〃Who?〃 was the question they had refused to answer。 He had run through names to see if he could get a reaction; but no。 They had just stared at him。
 〃Does this have anything to do with Captain Strong's death?〃 He had asked them that and they had discussed the possibilities; in the end saying nothing of substance。 They should have been politicians; not federal agents。
 The only fact he now had that he hadn't had before was that the data on the chips matched preliminary engineering work。 For that they had e at Henry's insistence?
 〃Why in hell;〃 Jake muttered; 〃does everything have to be so damned plicated

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