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小说: scoonts.theminotaur 字数: 每页4000字

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 The money。 After that phone call from Homer T。 Wiggins; he had felt it unsafe to leave the money in his apartment when he wasn't there; so he had put it in a duffel bag in the trunk of his car。 His passport was in the bag too。 The car was undoubtedly in the police impound lot by this time and the money and passport were in the evidence safe。 He had been tempted yesterday to try to get it; but that temptation he had easily resisted。 Smoke Judy; fighter pilot; knew all about what happened to guys who went back to a heavily defended target for one more run。
 Man; the bumper sticker is right…shit happens。 And it happens fast。 The real crazy thing is it all happened to him。 The great sewer in the sky dumped it all on him。 Fuck! He said it aloud; 〃Fuck。〃
 〃Fuck!〃 He shouted it; liking the sound of his voice booming the obscenity at the alley walls。 The word seemed to gain weight and substance as it echoed toward the street。 He filled his lungs with air and roared; 〃Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!〃
 〃Hey; you down there。〃 He looked up。 Some guy was leaning out a window。 〃You stop that damn shouting or I'll call a cop to run you out of there。 You hear?〃
 〃Yeah。 Sorry。〃
 〃Goddamn fucking drunk psychos;〃 the man said as he closed the window; probably to keep in the cool; conditioned air。
 Okay; Judy told himself; going through the whole thing one more time。 He was in the smelly stuff to his eyes。 Okay。 How was he going to get the hell out of this mess?
 Well; this alley was as good a place as any to spend the weekend。
 If he tried to check into a motel or hotel; or tried to buy clothes or steal a car; he might be recognized。 The cops wouldn't be looking for him in an alley; at least not for a few days。 No doubt they were watching the airports; train station and bus depot。 And looking for that car he drove away from Crystal City。
 So sitting here in this shithole for a few days looked like a pretty good idea。 Of course; selling the E…PROM data to Homer T。 Wiggins had looked good too; as did killing Harold Strong; copying the Athena file。。。
 Ah me。
 Well; he still had a card。 One chance。 150;000。 Boy; did he ever need that money now。 Monday evening; Harlan Albright; that meat market in Georgetown。 One way or the other; Albright was parting with the cash; he told himself grimly。 There were still five live cartridges left in the pistol。
 Jake Grafton sent his family to the beach Friday evening。 Saturday he was back at the office…finishing his report on the testing of the prototypes。 He had already circulated a draft to his superiors and now he was incorporating their ments。
 The senior secretary had volunteered to work on Saturday; and she was making the changes on the puter when the telephone rang。 〃Jake; this is Admiral Dunedin。 I have a couple FBI agents here with me。 Could you e up to my office?〃
 〃Yessir。 Be right there。〃
 The agents turned out to be Camacho and Dreyfus。 They shook his band politely。 Jake sat in a chair against the wall; facing the side of the admiral's desk。
 〃Captain;〃 the admiral said to get the ball rolling; 〃these gentlemen said you had some concerns that you wished to discuss。〃
 Jake snorted and rearranged his fanny on the chair。 〃I suspect my concerns are minor and worlds away from the FBI's; but they're real enough。 I've read the morning papers。 Apparently the ATA program is some kind of cover for drug dealers who are supplying all the addicts in the Pentagon; and one of them went bug…fuck crazy yesterday and beat an admiral to death。〃
 〃Now; Captain…〃 Camacho began…
 〃Let me finish。 Presumably this boondoggle operation is run by some airhead who is unable to recognize the nefarious character of his subordinates; who have been engaged in subverting the national defense establishment from within。 Moral rot and all that。 And who is the airhead who mands this collection of criminals in uniform? Why; it's the navy's very own Jake Grafton; who next week is going to be testifying before various mittees of Congress about the necessity to fund a new all…weather; carrier…based; stealth attack plane。 No doubt this Captain Bligh will be questioned closely by concerned congressmen about his inability to see beyond the end of his nose。 So my question is this…just what the hell do you gentlemen suggest I tell the congressmen?〃
 The agents looked at each other; then the admiral。
 〃We need this airplane;〃 said the admiral。 〃Any suggestions?〃
 〃This would be a great place for the truth;〃 Jake observed。
 It was Camacho who spoke。 〃The truth is this is a national security matter。 Any additional ment will jeopardize an ongoing investigation。〃
 〃You expect me to go over to the Hill and say that?〃 Jake asked incredulously。 〃See this uniform? I'm a naval officer; not a spook。 How about the directors of the FBI and CIA go over there and make a little statement behind closed doors; ahead of time?〃 Camacho considered it。
 〃They can swear on Bibles or cross their hearts; or whatever it is you spooks do on those rare occasions when you're really going to e clean。〃
 〃I suppose we could ask the Director;〃 Camacho said with a glance at Dreyfus。
 〃While you're mulling that; how about explaining to me and the admiral just what is going on? I'd like to know enough to avoid stepping on my crank; and I don't think that's asking too much。〃
 〃This matter should be resolved in the next few weeks;〃 Camacho murmured。
 Grafton just stared。 The admiral looked equally frosty。
 〃Judy was selling information to defense contractors。 He…〃
 〃We know that;〃 the admiral said testily。 〃Tell us something we don't know。〃
 〃He was recruited by a Soviet agent to copy the Athena file。 Apparently he agreed to do so。 He attempted it Friday afternoon; NSA called us and Henry; Henry beat us here。〃 He shrugged。
 〃How did Admiral Henry learn that there might be an attempt to copy the Athena file?〃 Dunedin wanted to know。
 〃I told him;〃 Camacho said。
 〃I can't go into that。 Obviously; I had authority to tell him。〃
 〃Did Henry know that?〃
 〃Know what?〃
 〃Know that you had authority to tell him。〃
 〃I don't know what he knew。 Or thought or suspected。 Perhaps。〃
 Dunedin's eyebrow was up。 He looked skeptical。
 〃What do you want to hear; Admiral? That Henry thought he was getting unauthorized information from a confidential source? Okay; that's what he thought。 Henry was Mr。 Naval Aviation。 Honest; loyal; brilliant; he had an immense ego。 Perhaps that's why he was Assistant Chief of Naval Operations for Air。 He had the habit of sticking his nose in where it didn't belong; of wanting to know more than the law allowed。 For example; we found this notebook in his desk drawer yesterday afternoon。〃 Camacho took a small spiral notebook from an inside coat pocket and tossed it on the desk。
 Dunedin examined it for a moment; turning the pages slowly。 He glanced up at Camacho several times; but each time his eyes quickly returned to the pages before him。 Without ment; he slowly closed the book and passed it across the table to Captain Grafton。
 〃A; B; C。。。 who are these people?〃
 〃The letters stand for people that Henry wanted information about。 Some of the information was supplied by psychotherapists; some by police agencies; some by people in government in sensitive positions who talked out of school。 One of those letters apparently stands for Callie Grafton。 I believe she was seeing a psychologist; wasn't she; Captain?〃
 Jake Grafton began ripping pages from the notebook。 A handful at a time; he deposited them in the classified burn bag by Dunedin's desk。
 As he watched; Camacho continued。 〃Henry was very worried about the Minotaur。 He feared the unknown。 So he did what he could to protect his trust。 It's hard to condemn him。〃
 〃These little pieces of the cloth that you let us see; they're tantalizing。〃 The admiral leaned back in his chair and made a tent of his fingers。
 That ment drew no response from the agents。 Dreyfus examined his fingernails as Camacho watched Grafton plete his job of destruction。
 〃Why did this Soviet agent approach Judy?〃 the admiral asked。 〃Why did he single him out?〃
 〃I told him about the mander's troubles;〃 Camacho replied。
 〃You told h

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