九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > ch.doublewhammy >



小说: ch.doublewhammy 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃I almost broke his neck;〃 Skink said; 〃accidentally。〃
 〃It's just a sprain;〃 Decker said。
 Then James the doctor…Catherine's husband…walked into the kitchen。 He wore a navy Ralph Lauren bathrobe that stopped at his pale hairless knees; he also wore matching blue slippers。 Decker was seized by an urge to repeatedly slap the man in the face; instead he just froze。
 James studied the two visitors and said; 〃Catherine?〃 He wanted an explanation。
 Both Catherine and Decker looked fairly helpless; so Skink stepped forward and said; 〃This is your wife's ex…husband; and I'm his friend。〃
 〃Oh?〃 In his lifetime James had never seen anything like Skink up close; but he was doing his best to maintain a man…of…the…house authority。 To Decker he extended his hand and said; 〃R。J。; isn't it? Funny we haven't met before。〃
 〃Uproarious;〃 Decker said; giving the doctor's hand an exceedingly firm shake。
 〃They're spending the night;〃 Catherine told her husband。 〃R。J。's trailer flooded。〃
 〃There's been no rain;〃 James remarked。
 〃A pipe broke;〃 Catherine said impatiently。
 Good girl; Decker thought; still quick on her feet。
 〃I'm going to fix these fellows some tea;〃 she said。 〃Everybody into the living room; now; scat。〃
 The living room had been designed around one of those giant seven…foot televisions of the type Decker had seen at Dennis Gault's condominium。 Every chair; every sofa; every bar stool had a view of the screen。 James the chiropractor had been watching a videocassette of one of the 〃Star Wars〃 movies。 〃I've got all three on tape;〃 he volunteered。
 Decker was calming down。 He had no reason to hate the guy; except maybe for the robe; anyway; it was Catherine who had made the choice。
 James was slender and somewhat tall…taller than Decker had expected。 He had a fine chin; high cheekbones; and quick aggressive…looking eyes。 His hair was reddish…brown; his skin fair。 His long delicate hands were probably a petitive advantage in the world of chiropractic。 On the whole he was slightly better…looking than Decker had hoped he would be。
 〃I've seen some of your photographs; and they're quite good;〃 James said; adding: 〃Catherine has an old album。〃
 A double beat on the word old。 In a way Decker felt a little sorry for him; having two surly strangers in the house; and a wife expecting him to be civil。 The man was nervous; and who wouldn't be?
 Bravely James smiled over at Skink; a dominating presence in his fluorescent rainsuit。 James said; 〃And you must be a crossing guard!〃
 Catherine brought cinnamon tea on a plain tray。 Skink took a cup and drank it down hot。 Afterward his dark green eyes seemed to glow。
 As Catherine poured him another cup; Skink said: 〃You're quite a beautiful girl。〃
 Decker was dumbstruck。 James the doctor was plainly mortified。 Skink smiled luminously and said; 〃My friend was an idiot to let you go。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 Catherine said。 She didn't act put out at all; and she certainly didn't act threatened。 The look on her face was charmed and knowing。 It was; Decker thought irritably; as if she and Skink were sharing a secret; and the secret was about him。
 〃Catherine;〃 James said sternly; changing the subject; 〃have you seen Bambi?〃
 〃He was playing in the hall a few minutes ago。〃
 〃He looked a little tired;〃 Decker offered。
 〃Bambi?〃 Skink made a face。 〃You mean that goddamn yappy dog?〃
 James stiffened。 〃He's a pedigreed。〃
 〃He's a fucking rodent;〃 Skink said; 〃with a perm。〃
 Catherine started to laugh; caught herself。 Even in his jealous snit; Decker had to admit they made a ical foursome。 He was glad to see that Skink's momentary charm had evaporated; he was much more likable as a heathen。
 James glared at him and said; 〃I didn't get your name。〃
 〃Ichabod;〃 Skink said。 〃Icky for short。〃
 Decker suspected; and fervently hoped; that Ichabod was not Skink's real name。 He hoped that Skink had not chosen this particular moment; in front of these particular people; to bare the murky secrets of his soul。 Catherine was known to have that effect on a man。
 Inanely Decker said to James; 〃This is quite a place。 Your practice must be going great guns。〃
 〃Actually;〃 James said; 〃I picked up this house before I became a doctor。〃 He seemed relieved not to be talking about the poodle or his wife's good looks。 〃Back when I was in real estate;〃 he said; 〃that's when I lucked into the place。〃
 〃What kinda real estate?〃 Skink asked。
 〃Interval…ownership units;〃 James replied; without looking at him。
 〃Timeshares;〃 Catherine added helpfully。
 On the sofa Skink shifted with an audible crinkle。 'Timeshares;〃 he said。 〃Wherebouts?〃
 Catherine pointed to several small plaques hanging on one of the walls。 〃James was the top salesman three years in a row;〃 she said。 It didn't sound like she was bragging; it sounded like she said it to get it out of the way; knowing James would have mentioned it anyway。
 〃And where was this?〃 Skink pressed。
 〃Up the coast north of Smyrna;〃 James said。 〃We did very well for a stretch in the late seventies。 Then Tallahassee cracked down; the media went sour on us; and the interval market dried up。 Same old tune。 I figured it was time to move along to something else。〃
 〃Boom and bust;〃 Decker played along。 〃That's the story of Florida。〃 Was it purely the money; he wondered; that had attracted Catherine to this lanky twit? In a way he hoped it was that simple; that it was nothing more。
 Skink got up and crunched over to examine the plaques。 Catherine and James couldn't take their eyes off him; they had never had such a wild…looking person roaming their house。
 〃What was the name of your project?〃 Skink asked; toying with his silvery braid。
 〃Sparrow Beach;〃 James said。 〃The Sparrow Beach Club。 Seems like ancient history now。〃
 Skink gave no reply; but let out a soft and surprising noise。 It sounded to R。 J。 Decker like a sigh。
 〃Is your friend all right?〃 Catherine asked later。
 〃Sure;〃 Decker said。 〃He prefers to sleep outdoors; really。〃
 In the middle of James's monologue about his sales triumphs at Sparrow Beach; Skink had turned to Catherine and asked if he could spend the night in the backyard。 Decker could tell he was brooding; but had no private moment to ask what was wrong。 Catherine had loaned Skink an old blanket and in a flat voice Skink had thanked her for the hospitality and lumbered out the back door。 He had ignored James pletely。
 Skink settled in under a tall avocado tree; and from the window Decker could see him sitting upright against the trunk; facing the narrow waterway that ran behind Catherine's house。 Decker had an urge to join him there; under the stars。
 〃Let James have a look at your neck;〃 Catherine said。
 〃No; I'll be fine。〃
 〃Lie down here;〃 James instructed; making room on the sofa。 〃Lie down on your stomach。〃
 The next thing Decker knew; James was hunched over him with one knee propped on the sofa for leverage。 Intently he kneaded and probed the back of Decker's neck; while Catherine watched cross…legged on an ottoman。
 〃That hurt?〃 James asked。
 Decker grunted。 It did hurt; but the rubbing helped; James seemed to know what he was doing。
 〃Brother; you're really out of alignment;〃 he said。
 〃That's a medical term?〃
 〃Full traction is what you need。 Slings and weights。 Thermal therapy。 Ultrasound。 You're too young for Medicare; otherwise I'd fix you right up with a twelve…week program。〃 James worked his fingers along Decker's spine。 He seemed at ease now; enjoying the role of expert。 〃Have you got any insurance?〃 he asked。
 〃Nope;〃 Decker said。
 〃Workmen's p? Maybe you're in an HMO。〃
 〃Nope。〃 The guy was unbelievable; the pitchman's spark was probably left over from his days of peddling condos。
 〃I must caution you;〃 James went on; 〃that injuries such as this should never go untreated。 Your neck has been wrenched badly。〃
 〃I'm aware of that;〃 Decker said; wincing under the chiropractor's explorations。 〃Tell me; what's the difference between this and a massage?〃
 〃I'm a doctor; that's the difference。 Don't move now; I think I've got an extra brace in the trunk of the car。〃
 After James had left the room; Catherine came over and knelt down on the floor next to Deck

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