九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > ch.doublewhammy >



小说: ch.doublewhammy 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Put it away。 Pay when we get your fish in the boat。〃 Skink looked annoyed。 〃You act like you still want to talk。〃
 For some reason the banjo music from Deliverance kept tinkling in Decker's head。 It got louder every time he took a good look at Skink's face。
 〃Talk;〃 Skink said。 〃Quick。〃 He reached over and set the rifle in a corner; its barrel pointing up。 Then he removed the sunglasses。 His eyes were green; not hazel or olive; but deep green; like Rocky Mountain evergreens。 His eyebrows; tangled and ratty; grew at an angle that gave his tanned face the cast of perpetual anger。 Decker wondered how many repeat customers a guide like Skink could have。
 〃Do you fish the tournaments?〃
 〃Not anymore;〃 Skink said。 〃If it's tournament fish you're after; keep your damn money。〃
 〃It's cheaters I'm after;〃 Decker said。 ;
 Skink sat up so suddenly that his plastic rainsuit squeaked。 The forest…green eyes impaled R。J。 Decker while the mouth chewed hard on the corners of its mustache。 Skink took a deep breath and when his chest filled; he looked twice as big。 It was only when he got to his feet that Decker saw what a diesel he truly was。
 〃I'm hungry;〃 Skink said。 He took ten steps toward his truck; stopped; and said; 〃Well; Miami; e on。〃
 As the pickup bounced down the old Mormon Trail; Decker said; 〃Captain; how'd you know where I was from?〃
 〃That bad?〃
 〃Distinctive〃 was not a word Decker expected to hear from the captain's lips。 Obviously this was not the type of fellow you could sort out in a day; or even two。
 Skink steered the truck onto Route 222 and headed south。 He drove slow; much slower than he had driven on the trail。 Decker noticed that he hunched himself over the wheel; and peered hawklike through the windshield。
 〃What's the matter?〃 Decker asked。
 Cars and trucks were flying by at sixty miles an hour。 Skink was barely doing twenty。 Decker was sure they were about to get rear…ended by a tractor…trailer。
 〃You all right?〃
 〃I pay no attention to the traffic;〃 Skink said。 He turned the wheel hard to the right and took the truck off the road; skidding in the gravel。 Before Decker could react; the big man leapt from the cab and dashed back into the road。 Decker saw him snatch something off the center line and toss it onto the shoulder。
 〃What the hell are you doing?〃 Decker shouted; but his voice died in the roar of a passing gasoline tanker。 He looked both ways before jogging across the highway to join Skink on the other side。
 Skink was kneeling next to a plump; misshapen lump of gray fur。
 Decker saw it was a dead opossum。 Skink ran a hand across its furry belly。 〃Still warm;〃 he reported。
 Decker said nothing。
 〃Road kill;〃 Skink said; by way of explanation。 He took a knife out of his belt。 〃You hungry; Miami?〃
 Decker said uneasily; 〃How about if we just stop someplace and I buy you supper?〃
 〃No need;〃 Skink said; and he sawed off the opossum's head。 He lifted the carcass by its pink tail and stalked back to the truck。 Decker now understood the reason for the fluorescent rainsuit; a speeding motorist could see Skink a mile away。 He looked like a neon yeti。
 〃You'll like the flavor;〃 Skink remarked as Decker got in the truck beside him。
 〃I think I'll pass。〃
 〃We both eat; that's the deal。 Then you get the hell out。 Another day we'll talk fish。〃
 Skink pulled the rainhat down tight on his skull。
 〃And after that;〃 he said; turning the ignition; 〃we might even talk about cheaters。〃
 〃So you know about this?〃 Decker said。
 Skink laughed bitterly。 〃I do; sir; but I wisht I didn't。〃
 Clouds of insects swirled in and out of the high…beams as the truck jounced down the dirt road。 Suddenly Skink killed the lights and cut the ignition。 The pickup coasted to a stop。
 〃Listen!〃 Skink said。
 Decker heard an engine。 It sounded like a lawn mower。
 Skink jumped from the truck and ran into the trees。 This time Decker was right behind him。 ^
 〃I told the bastards;〃 Skink said; panting。
 〃Who?〃 Decker asked。 It seemed as if they were running toward the noise; not away from it。
 〃I told them;〃 Skink repeated。 They broke out of the pines; onto a bluff; and Skink immediately shrank into a crouch。 Below them was a small stream; with a dirt rut following the higher ground next to the water。 A single headlight bobbed on the trail。
 Decker could see it clearly…a lone rider on a dirt bike。 Up close the motorcycle sounded like a chainsaw; the growl rising and falling with the hills。 Soon the rider would pass directly beneath them。
 Decker saw that Skink had a pistol in his right hand。
 〃What the hell are you doing?〃
 〃Quiet; Miami。〃
 Skink extended his right arm; aiming。 Decker lunged; too late。 The noise of the gun knocked him on his back。
 The dirt bike went down like a lame horse。 The rider screamed as he flew over the handlebars。
 Dirt spitting from its rear tire; the bike tumbled down the embankment and splashed into the stream; where the engine choked and died in bubbles。
 Up the trail; the rider moaned and began to extricate himself from a cabbage palm。
 〃Christ!〃 Decker said; his breath heavy。
 Skink tucked the pistol in his pants。 〃Front tire;〃 he reported; almost smiling。 〃Told you I was in the mood to shoot。〃
 Back at the shack; Skink barbecued the opossum on an open spit and served it with fresh corn; collards; and strawberries。 Decker focused on the vegetables because the opossum tasted gamy and terrible; he could only take Skink's word that the animal was fresh and had not lain dead on the highway for days。
 As they sat by the fire; Decker wondered why the ferocious mosquitoes were concentrating on his flesh; while Skink seemed immune。 Perhaps the captain's blood was lethal。
 〃Who hired you?〃 Skink asked through a mouthful of meat。
 Decker told him who; and why。
 Skink stopped chewing and stared。
 〃You know Mr。 Gault?〃 Decker asked。
 〃I know lots of folks。〃
 〃Dickie Lockhart?〃
 Skink bit clean through a possum bone。 〃Sure。〃
 〃Lockhart's the cheater;〃 Decker said。
 〃You're getting close。〃
 〃There's more?〃 Decker asked。
 〃Hell; yes!〃 Skink tossed the bone into the lake; where its splash startled a mallard。
 〃More;〃 Skink muttered。 〃More; more; more。〃
 〃Let's hear it; captain;〃 Decker said。
 〃Another night。〃 Skink spit something brown into the fire and scowled at nothing in particular。 〃How much you getting paid?〃
 Decker was almost embarrassed to tell him。 〃Fifty grand;〃 he said。
 Skink didn't even blink。 〃Not enough;〃 he said。 〃e on; Miami; finish your damn supper。〃
 Ott Pickney stopped by the motel before eight the next morning。 He knocked loudly on R。 J。 Decker's door。
 Groggily; Decker let him in。 〃So how'd it go?〃 Ott asked。
 〃A lively night。〃
 〃Is he as kooky as they say?〃
 〃Hard to tell;〃 Decker said。 Living in Miami tended to recalibrate one's view of sanity。
 Ott said he was on his way to a funeral。 〃That poor fella I told you about。〃
 〃The fisherman?〃
 〃Bobby Clinch;〃 Ott said。 〃Sandy wants a tearjerker for the weekend paper…it's the least we can do for a local boy。 You and Skink going out for bass?〃
 〃Not this morning。〃 Skink had left the proposition in the air。 Decker planned to meet him later。
 Ott Pickney said; 〃Why don't you ride along with me?〃
 〃To a funeral?〃
 〃The whole town's closing down for it;〃 Ott said。 〃Besides; I thought you might want to see some big…time bassers up close。 Bobby had loads of friends。〃
 〃Give me a second to shower。〃
 Decker hated funerals。 Working for the newspaper; he'd had to cover too many grim graveside services; from a cop shot by some coked…up creep to a toddler raped and murdered by her babysitter。 Child murders got plenty of play in the papers; and a shot of the grieving parents was guaranteed to run four columns; minimum。 A funeral like that was the most dreaded assignment in journalism。 Decker didn't know quite what to expect in Harney。 For him it was strictly business; a casual surveillance。 Maybe even Dickie Lockhart would show up; Decker thought as he toweled off。 He was eager to get a glimpse of the town celebrity。
 They rode to the graveyard in Ott 

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