九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > dw.jimmythekid >



小说: dw.jimmythekid 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃But how long do you figure it'll take?〃
 〃Really; you know;〃 Harrington said; 〃the most difficult part is going to be conversion of assets to cash; actual paper money。 I don't believe I know anyone who deals in cash。〃
 〃Banks do;〃 the head FBI man said。
 〃Eh? Oh; of course! I never think of them that way。〃
 〃I still want to know how long。 Two days? Three?〃
 〃Oh; good Lord; no。 I should have the liquidity by noon。 One at the latest。〃
 〃Certainly tomorrow。 Then it all depends how long it takes to bring the currency out here。〃
 〃We'll take care of that;〃 the head FBI man said。 He was frowning deeply; studying Harrington's face。 〃Mr。 Harrington;〃 he said。 〃Can I ask you a question?〃
 〃Of course。〃
 〃That business about the eighty…five thousand; that was all you could raise tomorrow。 Do you mean you really were haggling?〃
 Harrington thought about it。 In sudden surprise; he said; 〃Why; yes! I do believe I was。〃
 The head FBI man looked at him。 He didn't say anything。
 〃It was just force of habit;〃 Harrington said。 Then; when the head FBI man continued to gaze at him unspeaking; he added; 〃I certainly wasn't going to turn the deal down。〃
 AFTER DINNER; Jimmy went back to work。 The fact that the boards were nailed to the outside of the window frames rather than the inside made his task a bit more difficult; but not impossible。 He had removed one board before the cooking woman had brought him his dinner…how unearthly an adult wearing a Mickey Mouse mask could look in just the glow of a flashlight…and now he was removing more。 They were fairly narrow boards; and he thought it likely he'd have to deal with four of them before making a space wide enough to climb out through。
 His method was simple; but time…consuming。 With the screwdriver; he would pry the board a bit loose; then oil the nails as he worked to keep them from squeaking。 A bit at a time; prying and oiling; prying and oiling; he would loosen the board from the window frame。 The final fraction was always the trickiest; since he didn't want the board to fall out onto the ground below; managing to avoid that; he would bring the board inside; then use the pliers to snap each nail off short。 After oiling the nails once more; he would put the board back in place; the stubby nails slipping a short distance into their former seats in the window frame。 The boards looked the same as before; but would pop out at the touch of a finger。
 It was that last part that took the extra time。 The job would have been much quicker and simpler if all he had to do was bash the boards out and depart。 But in the first place he never knew when they might decide to e back up and double…check on him; and in the second place he wanted to leave them with a certain amount of misdirection and confusion。 Therefore he took the extra time to do the job right; and considered it time well spent。
 Outside; in those intervals when he had a board out of the window space; he could hear the rain continuing to pound。 This room faced the back of the house; and there was no light outside at all; nothing but pitch blackness and the sound of pelting rain。
 Some water did splash in from time to time; but not enough to give him away。 A worse problem was the cold; a chill wet wind blew in whenever he had a board off the window; and his jacket just wasn't warm enough for weather like this。 When he'd put it on this morning; the worst climate he'd expected to be exposed to was the air…conditioning in Dr。 Schraubenzieher's office。
 Well; one did have to expect to rough it from time to time in this life。 With which thought Jimmy snapped the last nail that needed to be snapped; picked up the oilcan; oiled the nails in this fourth board; and carefully reinserted the board into the window; thus not only restoring the original appearance of the room; but also eliminating again that whistling wind。
 What next? The tools and oilcan went into the toolbox; and the toolbox went into the space beneath the floorboard he had previously loosened。 Flashing the light around the room; he reassured himself he wasn't leaving any unnecessary clues in his wake; and then turned to the rope。
 It was quite long; but maybe not as thick or as strong as he would have liked it。 Still; it would have to do; and once it was doubled it surely would do。 Fine。 So now there was nothing to do but depart。
 So why did he hesitate? Why did be glance ruefully toward that small cot with its inadequate blankets?
 Childishness; he told himself。 Babyishness and weakness。 And not to be given in to。
 Taking a deep breath; squaring his shoulders; he hesitated just a second longer; then abruptly began to move; and from then on continued to move steadily and smoothly; doing everything just as he had planned it。
 First; all four boards were taken out; and stacked next to the window。 Next; one end of the rope was slipped through between the still…attached fifth and sixth boards; in a tiny space showing down by the windowsill。 That end of the rope was played through and around the outside of the fifth board and back into the room; until the center of the rope rested on the windowsill; against the bottom of the fifth board; inside the room。 Dirt smudged on that length of rope made it virtually invisible。
 Now。 The two lengths of rope were allowed to hang down along the outer wall of the house。 Jimmy; leaning out; feeling now the force of the wind and rain on his bead; grasped the two lengths; brought a part of it back into the room; and tied a loop in it that would hang about three feet below the window。 Then he dropped it outside again。
 The rest would have to be done in darkness。 Switching off the flashlight; Jimmy put it in his jacket pocket and felt his way to the window。 Climbing carefully over the sill; he grasped the rope; pulled it up till he felt the loop; and put the loop like a stirrup over his right foot。 Then he lowered himself slowly out the window until he was standing on the loop of rope; his forearms resting on the windowsill。
 Now for the tricky part。 Reaching inside; he took the first board; which he knew belonged in position number four; and working by feel he slipped it back into place。 Then three; and then two。 Number one was the most difficult; since he had such a narrow space to bring the board out through; and he almost gave the whole thing up as an over…elaboration; but at last he did get the thing out and in place; and felt better for having done it。
 The idea was; whenever the gang next decided to check on him the room would appear to be unchanged。 They would have to believe that he'd managed to turn the key in the lock from inside; and that while he was no longer in the room he must still be somewhere in the house。 So they would confine their search; at least for a while; to the interior of the house; thus giving him longer to get away。
 And if worse came to worst; if they did catch him again; he would say that he'd turned the key with his ballpoint pen insert; had locked the door again behind himself; and had snuck downstairs; going out the front door while they were all searching elsewhere。 If they swallowed that and put him back in the same room…which they probably would; since they didn't have any other room prepared for him…he could simply take the boards down again and escape all over。
 So。 Having been as clever as possible in his departure; Jimmy now rappelled down the side of the house; permitting the back of his jacket to take most of the stress and most of the friction of the rope passing through; and all at once he found himself standing in mud; on the ground; outside the house。
 Escape; he'd done it。
 Now all that was left was to walk to the highway; hail a passing car; and inform the police。 This gang would be rounded up; probably in less than an hour; and by midnight Jimmy would be safely at home and asleep in his own bed。
 He almost felt sorry for the kidnappers。 But they
 couldn't say they hadn't asked for it。
 For the first leg of the journey he wouldn't be able to use the flashlight; and it really was dark out here。 Also wet。 Also cold。 Already drenched to the skin; Jimmy reached out in front of himself; patted the weathered boards of the hou

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