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小说: jkrowling.harrypotterandgf 字数: 每页4000字

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   Harry did as he was told and hurried out of the tent; Ron at his heels。
   By the light of the few fires that were still burning; he could see people running away into the woods; fleeing something that was moving across the field toward them; something that was emitting odd flashes of light and noises like gunfire。 Loud jeering; roars of laughter; and drunken yells were drifting toward them; then came a burst of strong green light; which illuminated the scene。
   A crowd of wizards; tightly packed and moving together with wands pointing straight upward; was marching slowly across the field。 Harry squinted at them。。。 They didn't seem to have faces。。。 Then he realized that their heads were hooded and their faces masked。 High above them; floating along in midair; four struggling figures were being contorted into grotesque shapes。 It was as though the masked wizards on the ground were puppeteers; and the people above them were marionettes operated by invisible strings that rose from the wands into the air。 Two of the figures were very small。
   More wizards were joining the marching group; laughing and pointing up at the floating bodies。 Tents crumpled and fell as the marching crowd swelled。 Once or twice Harry saw one of the marchers blast a tent out of his way with his wand。 Several caught fire。 The screaming grew louder。
   The floating people were suddenly illuminated as they passed over a burning tent and Harry recognized one of them: Mr。 Roberts; the campsite manager。 The other three looked as though they might be his wife and children。 One of the marchers below flipped Mrs。 Roberts upside down with his wand; her nightdress fell down to reveal voluminous drawers and she struggled to cover herself up as the crowd below her screeched and hooted with glee。
   〃That's sick;〃 Ron muttered; watching the smallest Muggle child; who had begun to spin like a top; sixty feet above the ground; his head flopping limply from side to side。 〃That is really sick。。。〃
   Hermione and Ginny came hurrying toward them; pulling coats over their nightdresses; with Mr。 Weasley right behind them。 At the same moment; Bill; Charlie; and Percy emerged from the boys' tent; fully dressed; with their sleeves rolled up and their wands out。
   〃We're going to help the Ministry!〃 Mr。 Weasley shouted over all the noise; rolling up his own sleeves。 〃You lot…get into the woods; and stick together。 I'll e and fetch you when we've sorted this out!〃
   Bill; Charlie; and Percy were already sprinting away toward the oning marchers; Mr。 Weasley tore after them。 Ministry wizards were dashing from every direction toward the source of the trouble。 The crowd beneath the Roberts family was ing ever closer。
   〃C'mon;〃 said Fred; grabbing Ginny's hand and starting to pull her toward the wood。 Harry; Ron; Hermione; and George followed。 They all looked back as they reached the trees。 The crowd beneath the Roberts family was larger than ever; they could see the Ministry wizards trying to get through it to the hooded wizards in the center; but they were having great difficulty。 It looked as though they were scared to perform any spell that might make the Roberts family fall。
   The colored lanterns that had lit the path to the stadium had been extinguished。 Dark figures were blundering through the trees; children were crying; anxious shouts and panicked voices were reverberating around them in the cold night air。 Harry felt himself being pushed hither and thither by people whose faces he could not see。 Then he heard Ron yell with pain。
   〃What happened?〃 said Hermione anxiously; stopping so abruptly that Harry walked into her。 〃Ron; where are you? Oh this is stupid…lumos!〃
   She illuminated her wand and directed its narrow beam across the path。 Ron was lying sprawled on the ground。
   〃Tripped over a tree root;〃 he said angrily; getting to his feet again。
   〃Well; with feet that size; hard not to;〃 said a drawling voice from behind them。
   Harry; Ron; and Hermione turned sharply。 Draco Malfoy was standing alone nearby; leaning against a tree; looking utterly relaxed。 His arms folded; he seemed to have been watching the scene at the campsite through a gap in the trees。
   Ron told Malfoy to do something that Harry knew he would never have dared say in front of Mrs。 Weasley。
   〃Language; Weasley;〃 said Malfoy; his pale eyes glittering。 〃Hadn't you better be hurrying along; now? You wouldn't like her spotted; would you?〃
   He nodded at Hermione; and at the same moment; a blast like a bomb sounded from the campsite; and a flash of green light momentarily lit the trees around them。
   〃What's that supposed to mean?〃 said Hermione defiantly。 〃Granger; they're after Muggles; 〃said Malfoy。 〃D'you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do; hang around。。。 they're moving this way; and it would give us all a laugh。〃
   〃Hermione's a witch;〃 Harry snarled。
   〃Have it your own way; Potter;〃 said Malfoy; grinning maliciously。 〃If you think they can't spot a Mudblood; stay where you are。〃
   〃You watch your mouth!〃 shouted Ron。 Everybody present knew that 〃Mudblood〃 was a very offensive term for a witch or wizard of Muggle parentage。
   〃Never mind; Ron;〃 said Hermione quickly; seizing Ron's arm to restrain him as he took a step toward Malfoy。
   There came a bang from the other side of the trees that was louder than anything they had heard。 Several people nearby screamed。 Malfoy chuckled softly。
   〃Scare easily; don't they?〃 he said lazily。 〃I suppose your daddy told you all to hide? What's he up to…trying to rescue the Muggles?〃
   〃Where're your parents?〃 said Harry; his temper rising。 〃Out there wearing masks; are they?〃
   Malfoy turned his face to Harry; still smiling。
   〃Well。。。 if they were; I wouldn't be likely to tell you; would I; Potter?〃
   〃Oh e on;〃 said Hermione; with a disgusted look at Malfoy; 〃let's go and find the others。〃
   〃Keep that big bushy head down; Granger;〃 sneered Malfoy。
   〃e on;〃 Hermione repeated; and she pulled Harry and Ron up the path again。
   〃I'll bet you anything his dad is one of that masked lot!〃 said Ron hotly。
   〃Well; with any luck; the Ministry will catch him!〃 said Hermione fervently。 〃Oh I can't believe this。 Where have the others got to?〃
   Fred; George; and Ginny were nowhere to be seen; though the path was packed with plenty of other people; all looking nervously over their shoulders toward the motion back at the campsite。 A huddle of teenagers in pajamas was arguing vociferously a little way along the path。 When they saw Harry; Ron; and Hermione; a girl with thick curly hair turned and said quickly; 〃Ou est Madame Maxime? Nous l'avons perdue…〃
   〃Er…what?〃 said Ron。
   〃Oh。。。〃 The girl who had spoken turned her back on him; and as they walked on they distinctly heard her say; 〃Ogwarts。〃
   〃Beauxbatons;〃 muttered Hermione。
   〃Sorry?〃 said Harry。
   〃They must go to Beauxbatons;〃 said Hermione。 〃You know。。。 Beauxbatons Academy of Magic。。。 I read about it in An Appraisal ofMagical Education in Europe。〃
   〃Oh。。。 yeah。。。 right;〃 said Harry。
   〃Fred and George can't have gone that far;〃 said Ron; pulling out his wand; lighting it like Hermione's; and squinting up the path。 Harry dug in the pockets of his jacket for his own wand…but it wasn't there。 The only thing he could find was his Omnioculars。
   〃Ah; no; I don't believe it。。。 I've lost my wand!〃
   〃You're kidding!〃
   Ron and Hermione raised their wands high enough to spread the narrow beams of light farther on the ground; Harry looked all around him; but his wand was nowhere to be seen。
   〃Maybe it's back in the tent;〃 said Ron。
   〃Maybe it fell out of your pocket when we were running?〃 Hermione suggested anxiously。
   〃Yeah;〃 said Harry; 〃maybe。。
   He usually kept his wand with him at all times in the wizarding world; and finding himself without it in the midst of a scene like this made him feel very vulnerable。
   A rustling noise nearby made all three of them jump。 Winky the house…elf was fighting her way out of a clump of bushes nearby。 She was moving in a most peculiar fashion; apparently with great difficulty; it was as though someone invisible were trying to hold her back。
   〃There is bad wizar

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