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小说: chiaasen.stormyweather 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Body parts?〃
 〃Not fresh ones…artifacts。 Believe it or not; a good skull is hard to e by。〃
 That was the line that usually sent them bolting for the door。 Bonnie didn't move。
 〃Can I look?〃
 Augustine took one from a shelf。 She inspected it casually; as if it were a cantaloupe in a grocery store。 Augustine smiled; he liked this lady。
 〃Male or female?〃 Bonnie turned the skull in her hands。
 〃Male; late twenties; early thirties。 Guyanese; circa 1940。 Came from a medical school in Texas。〃
 Bonnie asked why the lower jaw was missing。 Augustine explained that it fell off when the facial muscles decayed。 Most old skulls were found without the mandible。
 Lifting it by the eye sockets; Bonnie returned the spooky relic to its place on the wall。 〃How many have you got up there?〃
 She whistled。 〃And how many are women?〃
 〃None;〃 said Augustine。 〃They're all young males。 So you've got nothing to worry your pretty head about。〃
 She rolled her eyes at the joke; then asked: 〃Why all males?〃
 〃To remind me of my own mortality。〃
 Bonnie groaned。 〃You're one of those。〃
 〃Other times;〃 Augustine said; 〃when I'm sure my life has gone to hell; I e in here and think about what happened to these poor bastards。 It improves my outlook considerably。〃
 She said; 〃Well; that makes about as much sense as everything else。 Can I take a shower?〃
 Later; over coffee; he told her what the FBI man had said。 〃They'll treat your husband's disappearance as a kidnapping when there's a credible ransom demand。 And he stressed the word 'credible。'〃
 〃But what about the message on the machine? That other man's voice cutting in?〃
 〃Of course they'll listen to it。 But I've got to warn you; they're shorthanded right now。 Lots of agents got hit hard by the storm; so they're out on personal leave。〃
 Bonnie was exasperated by the lack of interest in Max's plight。 Augustine explained that restless husbands often used natural disasters as a cover to flee their wives。 Precious manpower and resources were wasted tracking them to the apartments; condominiums and houseboats of their respective mistresses。 Consequently; post…hurricane reports of missing spouses were now received with chilly skepticism。
 Bonnie Lamb said; 〃For God's sake; we just got married。 Max wouldn't take off on a stunt like that。〃 Augustine shrugged。 〃People get cold feet。〃 She leaned across the kitchen table and took a swing at him。 Augustine blocked the punch with a forearm。 He told Mrs。 Lamb to settle down。 Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes shone。
 Augustine said; 〃I meant we can't rule out anything。〃
 〃But you heard that man on the answering machine!〃
 〃Yeah; and I'm wondering why a serious kidnapper would be such a smartass。 'Don't flatter yourself; Max。' And then the guy gets on the line and says; 'I love you; Bonnie。' Just to needle your husband; see? Make him feel like shit。〃 Augustine poured more coffee for both of them。 He said; 〃There's something damn strange about it。 That's all I'm saying。〃
 Bonnie Lamb had to agree。 〃To leave his voice all over a telephone tape…〃
 〃Exactly。 The guy's either incredibly stupid; or he's got brass balls…〃
 〃Or he just doesn't care;〃 Bonnie said。
 〃You picked up on that; too。〃
 〃It's scary。〃
 Augustine said; 〃I'm not so sure。〃
 〃Don't start again。 Max is not faking this!〃
 〃That stuff about having you call Pete at Rodale; the Bronco billboard…was he talking in code or what? Because some maniac kidnaps me; the last thing I'm worried about is keeping up with my ad accounts。 What I'm worried about is saving my hide。〃
 Bonnie looked away。 〃You don't know Max; what a workaholic he is。〃
 Augustine pushed back from the table。 Normally he wasn't wild about women who punched for no good reason。
 〃What do we do now?〃 She held the cup with both hands; shaking slightly。 〃You heard the man's tone。〃
 〃Yeah; I did。〃
 〃Let's agree he's not your average kidnapper。 What is he?〃
 Augustine shook his head。 〃How would I know; Mrs。 Lamb?〃
 〃It's Bonnie。〃 She stood up; perfectly calm now; tightening the sash on the robe he'd loaned her。 〃Maybe together we can figure him out。〃
 Augustine emptied his coffee in the sink。 〃I think we both need some sleep。〃
 On the way back to Tony Torres's house; Edie Marsh asked Snapper if he had a stopwatch。
 〃Because I want to put a clock on this jerk;〃 she said; 〃see how long it takes before he tries to screw me。〃
 Snapper; who had daydreamed of doing the same thing; said: 〃I give him two days before he makes a move。
 〃I give him two hours;〃 Edie said。 〃So what'll you do? Ten grand's ten grand。〃 Edie said; 〃You better be joking。 I'd shove hot daggers in my eyes before I'd let that pig touch me。〃 It was a long bleak slide from dating a Kennedy to fucking a mobile…home salesman。
 〃What if he don't let up?〃 asked Snapper。
 〃Then I walk。〃
 〃Yeah; but…〃
 〃Hey;〃 Edie said; 〃you want the money so bad; you fuck him; OK? I think the two of you'd make a very cute couple。〃
 Snapper didn't press the issue。 He'd already hatched a backup plan; in case the Torres deal fell apart。 Avila was in a happy mood when he'd called the motel。 Apparently the santeria saints had informed him he could bee very rich by starting his own roofing business。 The saints had pointed out that the hurricane left two hundred thousand people without shelter; and that many of these poor folks were so desperate to get their houses repaired that they wouldn't think of asking to see a valid contractor's license; which of course Avila did not possess。
 〃But you're afraid of heights;〃 Snapper had reminded him。
 〃That's where you e in;〃 Avila had said。 〃I'm the boss; you're the foreman。 All we need is a crew。〃
 〃Meaning you won't be joining us up on the roof with the boiling tar in the hot sun。〃
 〃Jesus; Snap; somebody's got to handle the paperwork。 Somebody's got to write up the contracts。〃
 Snapper had inquired about the split。 Avila said guys he knew were charging fifteen grand per roof; a third of it up front。 He said some home owners were offering cash; to speed the job。 Avila said there was enough work around to keep them busy for two years。
 〃Thanks to you;〃 Snapper had said。
 Avila failed to see irony in the fact that corruptly inpetent building inspections were a chief reason that so many roofs had blown off in the storm; and that so much new business was now available for inpetent roofers。
 〃You guys plan it this way?〃 Snapper had asked。
 〃Plan what?〃
 Snapper didn't trust Avila as far as he could spit; but the roofing option was something to consider if Torres went sour。
 The trailer salesman also happened to be in sunny spirits when Snapper and Edie Marsh arrived。 He was sprawled; shirtless; in a chaise on the front lawn。 He wore Bermuda shorts and monogrammed socks pulled high on his hairy shins。 The barrel of the shotgun poked out from a stack of newspapers on his lap。 When Edie Marsh and Snapper got out of the car; Tony clapped his hands and exclaimed: 〃I knew you'd be back!〃
 〃A regular Nostradamus;〃 said Edie。 〃Is the electricity up yet? We picked up some stuff for the refrigerator。〃
 Tony reported that the power remained off; and the portable generator had run out of gas overnight。 He was storing food in two large Igloo coolers; packed with ice he'd purchased from gougers for twenty dollars a bag。 The good news: Telephone service had been restored。
 〃And I got through immediately to Midwest Casualty;〃 Tony said。 〃They're sending an adjuster today or tomorrow。〃
 Edie thought: Too good to be true。 〃So we wait?〃
 〃We wait;〃 Tony said。 〃And remember; it's Neria。 N…e…r…i…a。 Middle initial; G as in Gomez。 What'd you buy?〃
 〃Tuna sandwiches;〃 Snapper replied; 〃cheese; eggs; ice cream; Diet Sprite and stale fucking Lorna Doones。
 There wasn't much to choose from。〃 He iced the groceries; found a pool chair and took a position upwind of the sweaty Tony Torres。

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