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小说: chiaasen.stormyweather 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃No kidding。〃 Snapper felt relieved。 A stupid speeding ticket! Maybe she'd write him up without running the tag。
 The trooper said: 〃It's against the law to operate a motor vehicle in Florida without a valid license。 You're aware of that。〃
 OK; Snapper thought; two tickets。 Big fucking deal。 But he noticed she wasn't calling him 〃Mister Smith。〃
 〃You're also aware that it's illegal to give false information to a law…enforcement officer?〃
 〃Sure。〃 Snapper cursed to himself The bitch wasn't buying it。
 〃Stay in your vehicle; please。〃
 In the mirror; Snapper watched the flashlight bobbing as the trooper walked back to her car。 Undoubtedly she intended to call in the license plate on the Cherokee。 Snapper felt his shoulders tighten。 He had as much chance of explaining the stolen vehicle as he did explaining the seven thousand dollars in his suit。
 He saw two choices。 The first was to flee the scene; which was guaranteed to result in a chase; a messy crash and an arrest on numerous nonbondable felonies。
 The second choice was to stop the lady trooper before she got on the radio。 Which is what he did。
 Some cons wouldn't hit a woman; but Snapper was neutral on the issue。 A cop was a cop。 The trooper spotted him ing but; encumbered by the steering wheel; had difficulty pulling that enormous Smith & Wesson out of its holster。 She managed to get the snap undone; but by then it was good…night…nurse。
 He took the flashlight; the gun and the wedding band; and left the trooper lying unconscious by the side of the road。 Speeding away; he noticed a smudge of color on one of his knuckles。
 Makeup; it looked like。
 He didn't feel shame; regret or anything much at all。
 Edie Marsh was beginning to appreciate the suffering of real hurricane victims。 It rained three times during the day; leaving dirty puddles throughout the Torres house。 The carpets squished underfoot; green frogs vaulted from wall to wall; and mosquitoes were hatching in one of the bathroom sinks。 Even after the cloudbursts stopped; the exposed beams dripped for hours。 bined with the cacophony of neighborhood hammers and chain saws; the racket was driving Edie nuts。 She walked outside and called halfheartedly for the missing dachshunds; an exercise that she abandoned swiftly after spying a fat brown snake。 Edie's scream attracted a neighbor; who took a broom and scared the snake away。 Then he inquired about Tony and Neria。
 They're out of town; said Edie Marsh。 They asked me to watch the place。
 And you are 。。。 ?
 A cousin; Edie replied; knowing she looked about as Latin as Goldie Hawn。
 As soon as the neighbor left; Edie hurried into the house and stationed herself in Tony's recliner。 She turned up the radio and laid the crowbar within arm's reach。 When darkness came; the hammering and sawing stopped; and the noises of the neighborhood changed to bawling babies; scratchy radios and slamming doors。 Edie began worrying about looters and rapists and the unknown predator that had slurped poor Donald and Maria like Tic Tacs。 By the time Fred Dove showed up; she was a basket of nerves。
 The insurance man brought a corsage of gardenias。 Like he was picking her up for the prom!
 Edie Marsh said; 〃You can't be serious。〃
 〃What's wrong? I couldn't find roses。〃
 〃Fred; I can't stay here anymore。 Get me a room。〃
 〃Everything's going to be fine。 Look; I brought wine。〃
 〃And scented candles。〃
 〃Yo; Fred!〃
 Edie steered him to a soggy sofa and sat him down。 〃Fred; this is business; not romance。〃
 He looked hurt。
 〃Sweetie;〃 she said; 〃we had sexual intercourse exactly one time。 Don't worry; there's every chance in the world we'll do it again。 But it isn't love and it isn't passion。 It's a financial partnership。〃
 The insurance man said; 〃You seduced me。〃
 〃Of course I did。 And you were fantastic。〃
 As Fred Dove's ego reinflated; his posture improved。
 〃But no more flowers;〃 Edie scolded; 〃and no more wine。 Just get me a room at the damn Ramada; OK?〃
 The insurance man solemnly agreed。 〃First thing tomorrow。〃
 〃Look at this place; honey。 No roof。 No glass in the windows。 It's not a house; it's a damn cabana!〃
 〃You're right; Edie; you can't stay here。 I'll rejigger the expense account。〃
 She rolled her eyes。 〃Fred; don't be so anal。 We're about to rip off your employer for a hundred and forty…one thousand bucks; and you're pitching a hissy fit over a sixty…dollar motel room。 Think about it。〃
 〃Please don't get angry。〃
 〃You've got the claim papers?〃
 〃Right here。〃
 After scanning the figures; Edie Marsh felt better。 She plucked the gardenias from the corsage and arranged them in a coffeepot; which was full of lukewarm rainwater。 She opened the bottle of Chablis; and they toasted to a successful venture。 After four glasses; Edie felt fortable enough to ask what the insurance man planned to do with his cut of the money。
 〃Buy a boat;〃 Fred Dove said; 〃and sail to Bimini。〃
 〃What about wife?〃
 〃Who?〃 said Fred Dove。 They laughed together。 Then he asked Edie Marsh how she was going to spend her seventy…one grand。
 〃Hyannis Port;〃 she said; without elaboration。
 Later; when the Chablis was gone; Edie dragged a dry mattress into the living room; turned off the lightbulb and lit one of Fred Dove's candles; which smelled like malted milk。 As Edie took off her clothes; she heard Fred groping inside his briefcase for a rubber。 He tore the foil with his teeth and pressed the package into her hand。
 Even when she was sober; condoms made Edie laugh。 When drunk she found them downright hilarious; the silliest contraptions imaginable。 For tonight Fred Dove had boldly chosen a red one; and Edie was no help whatsoever in putting it on。 Neither; for that matter; was Fred。 Edie's tittering had pretty well shattered the mood; undoing all the good work of the wine。
 Flat on his back; the insurance man turned his head away。 Edie Marsh slapped his legs apart and knelt between them。 〃Don't you quit on me;〃 she scolded。 〃Pay attention; sweetie。 e on。〃 Firmly she took hold of him。
 〃Could you just…?〃
 〃No。〃 It was always bad form to giggle in the middle of a blow job; and Fred Dove was the sort who'd never recover; emotionally。 〃Focus;〃 she instructed him。 〃Remember how good it was last night。〃
 Edie had gotten the condom partially deployed when she heard the electric generator cut off。 Out of fuel; she figured。 It could wait; Fred Jr was showing signs of life。
 She heard a soft click; and suddenly the insurance man's festively crowned penis was illuminated in a circle of bright light。 Edie Marsh let go and sat upright。 Fred Dove; his eyes shut tightly in concentration; said; 〃Don't stop now。〃
 In the front doorway stood a man with a powerful flashlight。
 〃Candles;〃 he said。 〃That's real fuckin' cozy。〃
 Fred Dove's chest stopped moving; and one hand fumbled for his eyeglasses。 Edie Marsh got up and folded her arms across her breasts。 She said; 〃Thanks for knocking; asshole。〃
 〃I came back for my car。〃 Snapper played the light up and down her body。
 〃It's in the driveway; right where you left it。〃
 〃What's the hurry;〃 said Snapper; stepping into the house。
 Bonnie Lamb went to Augustine's room at one…thirty in the morning。 She climbed under the sheets without brushing against him even slightly。 It wasn't easy; in a twin bed。
 She whispered; 〃Are you sleeping?〃
 〃Like a log。〃
 He rolled over to face her。 〃You need a pillow?〃
 〃I need a hug。〃
 〃Bad idea。〃
 〃I'm slightly on the naked side。 I wasn't expecting pany。〃
 〃Apology number two;〃 she said。
 〃Close your eyes; Mrs。 Lamb。〃 He got up and pulled on a pair of loose khakis。 No shirt; she observed; unalarmed。 He slipped under the covers and held her。
 His skin was warm and smooth against her cheek; and when he moved she felt a taut; shifting wedge of muscle。 Max's physical topography was entirely different; but Bonnie pushed th

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