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小说: chiaasen.stormyweather 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃I tole you! I tole you!〃 his wife cried; switching to English。 She rolled Avila on his back and opened his trousers to examine the injury。 〃Chew need a tennis shot;〃 she said。
 〃Take me to the doctor。〃
 〃Not in my car! I done wanno blood on de 'polstery。〃
 〃Then help me to the goddamn truck。〃
 〃Chew a mess。〃
 〃You want me to die right here on the floor? Is that what you want?〃
 Avila had purchased the billy goats from the nephew of a santero priest in Sweetwater。 The nephew owned a farm on which he raised fighting cocks and livestock for religious oblations。 The two goats had cost Avila a total of three hundred dollars; and they didn't get along。 They'd butted heads and kicked at each other continually on the return trip to Avila's house。 Somehow he had managed to wrestle both animals into the open garage; but before he could attach the tethers and shut the door; a liquid wildness had e into their huge amber eyes。 Avila wondered if they'd sensed Change's supernatural presence; or merely smelled the blood and entrails from past santeria offerings。 In any event; the goats went absolutely berserk and destroyed a perfectly good riding mower; among other items。 The larger of the two billies gouged Avila cleanly with a horn before clacking off into the neighborhood。
 Avila's wife scolded him zealously on the drive to the hospital。 〃Three hunnert bucks! Chew fucking crazyl〃 When swearing she customarily dropped her Spanish for English; due to the richer; more emphatic variety of profanities。
 Avila snarled back: 〃Don't talk to me about money。 You and mami been losin' your fat asses at the Micco…sukee bingo; no? So don't talk to me about crazy。〃
 He checked the wound in his groin; it was the size of a fifty…cent piece。 The bleeding had stopped; but the pain was fiery。 He felt clammy and light…headed。
 Oh; Change; Avila thought。 What have I done to anger you?
 In the emergency room; a businesslike nurse eased him onto a gurney and connected him to a glorious bag of I。V。 Demerol。 Avila told the doctor that he'd fallen on a rusty lawn sprinkler。 The doctor said he was lucky it didn't sever an artery。 He asked about the dirty bandage on Avila's left hand; and Avila said it was a nasty golfing blister。 Nothing to worry about。
 As the pain receded; his mind drifted into a fuzzy free fall。 Snapper's lopsided face appeared in a cloud。
 I will find you; cono! Avila vowed。
 But how?
 Dreamily he recalled the night they'd first met。 It was in a supper club on Lejeune Road。 Snapper was at the bar with two women from an escort service。 The women wore caked mascara and towering hair。 Avila made friends。 He had cash in his pocket; having moments earlier collected a bribe from a fellow who retailed fiberglass roof shingles of questionable durability。 The hookers told Avila the name of the escort service was Gentlemen's Choice; and it was open seven days a week。 They said Snapper was a regular customer; one of their best。 They said he was taking them out on the town to celebrate; on account he was going off to prison for three to five years and wouldn't be getting much pussy; professional or otherwise。 Snapper told Avila he'd killed some shithead dope dealer that nobody cared about。 Prosecutors had let him cop to a manslaughter…one; and with any luck he'd get out of the joint in twenty months。 Avila didn't believe a word the guy was saying; but he thought the manslaughter routine was a pretty good line to use on the babes。 He bought several rounds of drinks for Snapper and the prostitutes; in hopes that Snapper might start feeling generous。 And that's exactly what happened。 When Avila returned from the men's room; the one he liked… a gregarious platinum blonde; Morganna was her name…whispered in his ear that Snapper said it was OK; as long as Avila paid his share。 So they'd all gone to a fleabag motel on West Flagler and had quite a time。 Morganna proved full of energy and imagination; well worth the shingle money。
 Narcotic memories took Avila's mind off the vigorous suturing that was being done on a freshly shaved triangle five inches due southwest of his navel。 Then; giddily; it came to him from out of the clouds…one obvious way for Avila to track that cocksucker Snapper and recover the seven grand。
 A lead; is what cops would call it。
 Not exactly a red…hot lead; but better than nothing。
 Another curious neighbor dropped by; asking about Tony。 Edie Marsh used the same ludicrous story about being a distant Torres cousin who was watching the place as a favor。 She made no effort to explain Snapper;; snoring in the recliner; a gun on his lap。
 Fred Dove drove up a few minutes later; while Edie was walking Donald and Maria in the front yard。 The insurance man looked more cheerless and pallid than ever。 From the way he snatched the briefcase off the seat of the car; Edie sensed an urgency to his gloom。
 〃My supervisor;〃 he announced; 〃wants to see the house。〃
 〃Is he suspicious?〃
 〃No。 Routine claims review。〃
 〃Then what's the problem; Fred? Show him the house。〃
 He gave a bitter laugh and spun away。 Edie tied up the dogs and followed him inside。
 〃The problem is;〃 Fred Dove said; 〃Mister Reedy will want to chat with 'Mister and Mrs。 Torres。'〃 Loudly he dropped his briefcase on the kitchen counter; rousing Snapper。
 Edie said; 〃Don't panic。 We can handle it。〃
 〃Don't panic? The pany wants to know why I got kicked out of the motel。 My wife wants to know where I'm staying; and with whom。 Dennis Reedy will be here tomorrow to interview two claimants that I cannot produce。 Personally; I think it's an excellent time to panic。〃
 〃Hey; Santy Claus!〃 It was Snapper; hollering from the living room。 〃You got the insurance check?〃
 Edie Marsh went to the doorway and said; 〃Not yet。〃
 〃Then shut him up。〃
 Fred Dove dropped his voice。 〃I can't stay here with that maniac。 It's impossible。〃
 〃His leg hurts;〃 said Edie。 She had given Snapper the last of her Darvons; which evidently were beginning to wear off。 〃Look; I'm not thrilled about the setup; either。 But it's this or go camp in the woods。〃
 The insurance man removed his glasses and pressed his thumbs against his temples。 A mosquito landed on one of his eyelids。 He shook his head like a spaniel until it floated away。 〃We can't go through with this;〃 he said; dolorously。
 〃Yes we can; sweetie。 I'll be Mrs。 Torres。 Snapper is Tony。〃
 Fred Dove sagged。 〃You don't exactly look Cuban。 Neither of you; for God's sake。〃 He punched a cabinet door and cried out; 〃What was I thinkingl〃
 Snapper declared that Fred Dove was on the brink of dismemberment unless he immediately shut the fuck up。 Edie Marsh led the distraught insurance man into Ner…ia's bedroom closet。 She shut the door and kissed him with expert tenderness。 Simultaneously she unzipped his pants。 Fred jumped at her touch; warm but unexpected。 Edie squeezed gently; until he was calm and quite helpless。
 〃This Dennis Reedy;〃 she whispered; 〃what's he like?〃
 Fred Dove squirmed pleasurably。
 〃Tough guy? Tightass? What's his deal?〃
 〃He seems all right;〃 the insurance man said。 He'd dealt with Reedy only once; in a flooded subdivision outside Dallas。 Reedy was gruff but fair。 He had approved most of Fred Dove's damage estimates; with only minor adjustments。
 Edie's free hand pulled down Fred's pants。 She said; 〃We'll go over the claim papers tonight; in case he makes it a quiz。〃
 〃What about Snapper?〃
 〃Let me handle that。 We'll have a rehearsal。〃
 〃What are you doing?〃 The insurance man nearly lost his balance。
 〃What does it look like; Fred。 Will Mister Reedy have our check?〃
 In stuporous bliss; Fred Dove gazed at the top of Edie's head。 Fingers explored her silken hair; his own fingers; judging by the familiar gold wedding band and the University of Nebraska class ring。 Fred Dove struggled for clarity。 It was no time for an out…of…body experience; for this long…awaited moment; he wanted sensual acuity and superior muscle control。
 The insurance man struggled to purge his mind of wo

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