九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > mc.prey >



小说: mc.prey 字数: 每页4000字

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ight; except they weren't silvered。
 And then I thought; Was it only last night? It was。 Hardly twenty…four hours had passed。
 It felt to me like a month。
 Mae was dividing everything into the three backpacks。 Watching her; I realized that she was the only one of us with actual field experience。 In parison; we were all stay…at…homes; theoreticians。 I was surprised how dependent on her I felt tonight。 Bobby hefted the nearest pack and grunted。 〃You really think we need all this stuff; Mae?〃
 〃It's not like you have to carry it; we're driving。 And yes; better safe than sorry。〃
 〃Okay; fine; but I mean…a field radio?〃
 〃You never know。〃
 〃Who you gonna call?〃
 〃The thing is; Bobby;〃 she said; 〃if it turns out you need any of this stuff; you really need it。〃
 〃Yeah; but it's…〃
 Mae picked up the second backpack; and slung it over her shoulder。 She handled the weight easily。 She looked at Bobby。 〃You were saying?〃
 〃Never mind。〃
 I picked up the third backpack。 It wasn't bad。 Bobby was plaining because he was scared。 It was true that the oxygen bottle was a little larger and heavier than I would have liked; and it fitted awkwardly into the backpack。 But Mae insisted we have extra oxygen。 Bobby said nervously; 〃Extra oxygen? How big do you guys think this hiding place is?〃
 〃I have no idea;〃 Mae said。 〃But the most recent swarms are much larger。〃 She went to the sink; and picked up the radiation counter。 But when she unplugged it from the wall; she saw the battery was dead。 We had to hunt for a new battery; unscrew the case; replace the battery。 I was worried the replacement would be dead; too。 If it was; we were finished。
 Mae said; 〃We better be careful with the night…vision goggles; too。 I don't know how good any of the batteries are for the stuff we have。〃
 But the counter clicked loudly。 The battery indicator glowed。 〃Full power;〃 she said。 〃It'll last four hours。〃
 〃Let's get started;〃 I said。
 It was 10:43 P。M。
 The radiation counter went crazy when we came to the Toyota; clicking so rapidly the sound was continuous。 Holding the wand in front of her; Mae left the car; walked into the desert。 She turned west and the clicks diminished。 She went east and they picked up again。 But as she continued east; the clicks slowed。 She turned north; and they increased。 〃North;〃 she said。
 I got on the bike; gunned the engine。
 Bobby rumbled out of the shed on the All…Terrain Vehicle; with its fat rear tires and bicycle handlebars。 The ATV looked ungainly but I knew it was probably better suited to night travel in the desert。
 Mae got on the back of my bike; leaned over to hold the wand near the ground; and said; 〃Okay。 Let's go。〃
 We started off into the desert; under a cloudless night sky。
 The headlight on the bike bounced up and down; jerking the shadows on the terrain ahead; making it difficult to see what was ing。 The desert that had looked so flat and featureless in daylight was now revealed to have sandy dips; rock…filled beds; and deep arroyos that came up without warning。 It took all my attention to keep the bike upright…particularly since Mae was continuously calling to me; 〃Go left 。。。 now right 。。。 now right 。。。 okay; too much; left 。。。〃 Sometimes we had to make a full circle until she could be certain of the right path。 If anybody followed our track in daylight; they'd think the driver must be drunk; it twisted and turned so much。 The bike jumped and swerved on rough ground。 We were now several miles from the lab; and I was starting to worry。 I could hear the counter clicks; and they were being less frequent。 It was getting hard to distinguish the swarm trail from the background radiation。 I didn't understand why that should happen but there was no question it was。 If we didn't locate the swarm hiding place soon; we'd lose the trail entirely。 Mae was worried; too。 She kept bending over closer and closer to the ground; with one hand on the wand and one hand around my waist。 And I had to go slower; because the trail was being so faint。 We lost the trail; found it; went off it again。 Under the black canopy of stars; we backtracked; turned in circles。 I caught myself holding my breath。 And at last I was going around and around in the same spot; trying not to feel desperate。 I made the circle three times; then four; but to no avail: the counter in Mae's hand just clicked randomly。 And suddenly it was clear to us that the trail was truly lost。 We were out here in the middle of nowhere; driving in circles。
 We had lost the trail。
 Exhaustion hit me suddenly; and hard。 I had been running on adrenaline all day and now that I was finally defeated a deep weariness came over my body。 My eyes drooped。 I felt as if I could go to sleep standing on the bike。
 Behind me; Mae sat up and said; 〃Don't worry; okay?〃
 〃What do you mean?〃 I said wearily。 〃My plan has totally failed; Mae。〃
 〃Maybe not yet;〃 she said。
 Bobby pulled up close to us。 〃You guys look behind you?〃 he said。
 〃Look back;〃 he said。 〃Look how far we've e。〃
 I turned and looked over my shoulder。 To the south; I saw the bright lights of the fabrication building; surprisingly close。 We couldn't be more than a mile or two away。 We must have traveled in a big semicircle; eventually turning back toward our starting point。 〃That's weird。〃
 Mae had got off the bike; and stepped in front of the headlamp。 She was looking at the LCD readout on the counter。 She said; 〃Hmmm。〃
 Bobby said hopefully; 〃So; what do you say; Mae? Time to go back?〃
 〃No;〃 Mae said。 〃It's not time to go back。 Take a look at this。〃 Bobby leaned over; and we both looked at the LCD readout。 It showed a graph of radiation intensity; stepping progressively downward; and finally dropping quickly。 Bobby frowned。 〃And this is?〃
 〃Time course of tonight's readings;〃 she said。 〃The machine's showing us that ever since we started; the intensity of the radiation has declined arithmetically…it's a straight…line decrease; a staircase; see there? And it's stayed arithmetic until the last minute or so; when the decrease suddenly became exponential。 It just fell to zero。〃
 〃So?〃 Bobby looked puzzled。 〃That means what? I don't get it。〃
 〃I do。〃 She turned to me; climbed back on the bike。 〃I think I know what happened。 Go forward…slowly。〃
 I let out the clutch; and rumbled forward。 My bouncing headlight showed a slight rise in the desert; scrubby cactus ahead 。。。
 〃No。 Slower; Jack。〃
 I slowed。 Now we were practically going at a walk。 I yawned。 There was no point in questioning her; she was intense; focused。 I was just tired and defeated。 We continued up the desert rise until it flattened; and then the bike began to tilt downward…
 I stopped。
 Directly ahead; the desert floor abruptly ended。 I saw blackness beyond。
 〃Is that a cliff?〃
 〃No。 Just a high ridge。〃
 I edged the bike forward。 The land definitely fell away。 Soon we were at the edge and I could get my bearings。 We were at the crest of a ridge fifteen feet high; which formed one side of a very wide streambed。 Directly beneath me I saw smooth river rocks; with occasional boulders and clumps of scraggly brush that stretched about fifty yards away; to the far side of the riverbed。 Beyond the distant bank; the desert was flat again。 〃I understand now;〃 I said。 〃The swarm jumped。〃
 〃Yes;〃 she said; 〃it became airborne。 And we lost the trail。〃
 〃But then it must have landed somewhere down there;〃 Bobby said; pointing to the streambed。
 〃Maybe;〃 I said。 〃And maybe not。〃
 I was thinking it would take us many minutes to find a safe route down。 Then we would spend a long time searching among the bushes and rocks of the streambed; before picking up the trail again。 It might take hours。 We might not find it at all。 From our position up here on top of the ridge; we saw the daunting expanse of desert stretching out before us。 I said; 〃The swarm could have touched down in the streambed。 Or it could have e down just beyond the bed。 Or it could have gone quarter mile beyond。〃 Mae was not discouraged。 〃Bobby; you stay here;〃 she said。 〃You'll mark the position where it jumped。 Jack and I will find a path down; go out into that plain; and run in a straight line east…west until we pick

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