九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > mc.prey >



小说: mc.prey 字数: 每页4000字

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gle big room; that's all。 There are no passages leading off; at least none that I saw。〃
 〃That you saw?〃
 〃I've been in there;〃 she said; nodding。
 〃A couple of weeks ago。 Back when we first started looking for the swarm's hiding place。 I found that cave and went in there in day…light。 I didn't find any indication of a swarm then。〃 She explained that the cave was filled with bats; the whole ceiling covered with them; packed together in a pink squirming mass; all the way out to the entrance。 〃Ugh;〃 Bobby said。 〃I hate bats。〃
 〃I didn't see any bats there tonight。〃
 〃You think they've been driven away?〃
 〃Eaten; probably。〃
 〃Jesus; guys;〃 Bobby said; shaking his head。 〃I'm just a programmer。 I don't think I can do this。 I don't think I can go in there。〃
 Mae ignored him。 She said to me; 〃If we go in;〃 she said; 〃we'll have to set off thermite; and keep doing it all the way down to the chamber。 I'm not sure we have enough thermite to do that。〃
 〃Maybe not;〃 I said。 I had a different concern。 〃We're wasting our time unless we destroy all the swarms; and all the assemblers that are making them。 Right?〃 They both nodded。
 〃I'm not sure that'll be possible;〃 I said。 〃I thought the swarms would be powered down at night。 I thought we could destroy them on the ground。 But they're not powered down…at least not all of them。 And if just one of them gets past us; if it escapes from the cave 。。。〃 I shrugged。 〃Then this has all been a waste of time。〃
 〃Right;〃 Bobby said; nodding。 〃That's right。 It'd be a waste of time。〃
 Mae said; 〃We need some way to trap them in the cave。〃
 〃There isn't any way;〃 Bobby said。 〃I mean; they can just fly out; whenever they want。〃 Mae said; 〃There might be a way。〃 She started rummaging in her backpack again; looking for something。 〃Meanwhile; the three of us better spread out。〃
 〃Why?〃 Bobby said; alarmed。
 〃Just do it;〃 Mae said。 〃Now get moving。〃
 I tightened my backpack; and adjusted the straps so it wouldn't rattle。 I locked the night…vision goggles up on my forehead; and I started forward。 I had gotten about halfway to the mound when I saw a dark figure climb out into the night。
 I dropped down as quietly as I could。 I was in a thick patch of sagebrush three feet high; so I was reasonably well concealed。 I looked over my shoulder; but I didn't see either Mae or Bobby; they'd dropped to the ground; too。 I didn't know if they'd separated yet。 Cautiously; I pushed aside a plant in front of me; and looked toward the mound。 The legs of the figure were silhouetted against the faint green glow。 The upper body was black against the night stars。 I flipped down the goggles; and waited a moment while they flared blue; and then saw the image resolve。
 This time it was Rosie。 Walking around in the night; looking in all directions; her body vigilant and alert。 Except that she didn't move like Rosie; she moved more like a man。 Then after a moment; the silhouette changed into Ricky。 And it moved like Ricky。 The figure crouched down; and appeared to be looking over the tops of the sage。 I wondered what had brought it out of the mound。 I didn't have to wait long to find out。 Behind the figure; a white light appeared on the western horizon。 It grew rapidly in brilliance; and soon I heard the thumping of helicopter blades。 That would be Julia ing from the Valley; I thought。 I wondered what was so urgent that she had had to leave the hospital against orders; and fly out here in the middle of the night。
 As the helicopter approached; it switched on its searchlight。 I watched the circle of blue…white light as it rippled over the ground toward us。 The Ricky figure watched; too; then slid down out of sight。
 And then the helicopter roared over me; blinding me for a moment in the halogen light。 Almost immediately it banked sharply; and circled back。
 What the hell was going on?
 The helicopter made a slow arc; passing over the mound but not stopping; then ing to a stop right above where I was hiding。 I was caught in the blue glow。 I rolled onto my back and waved to the helicopter; pointing repeatedly toward the lab。 I mouthed 〃Go!〃 and pointed away。
 The helicopter descended; and for a moment I thought it was going to land right beside me。 Then it abruptly banked again; and moved away low to the ground; heading south toward the concrete pad。 The sound faded。
 I decided I had better change my position fast。 I got to my knees and in a crouch; moved crabwise thirty yards to the left。 Then I dropped down again。 When I looked back at the mound; I saw three…no; four figures ing out of the interior。 They moved apart; each heading to a different area of the mound。 They all looked like Ricky。 I watched as they went down the slope of the mound; and moved out into the bush。 My heart began to pound in my chest。 One of the figures was ing in my direction。 As it approached; I saw it veer off to the right。 It was going to the place where I had been before。 When it reached my last hiding place; it stopped; and turned in all directions。 It was not far from me at all。 I could see through the goggles that this new Ricky figure now had a plete face; and the clothing was much more detailed。 In addition; this figure moved with the sensation of real body weight。 It might be an illusion; of course; but I guessed that the swarm had increased mass; and now weighed fifty pounds; maybe more。 Maybe twice that。 If so; then the swarm now had enough mass to jolt you with a physical impact。 Even knock you off your feet。
 Through the goggles I saw the figure's eyes move; and blink。 The surface of the face now had the texture of skin。 The hair appeared to be posed of individual strands。 The lips moved; the tongue licked nervously。 All in all this face looked very much like Ricky…disturbingly like Ricky。 When the head turned in my direction; I felt that Ricky was staring right at me。 And I suppose it was; because the figure began to move directly toward me。 I was trapped。 My heart was thumping in my chest。 I hadn't planned for this; I had no protection; no sort of defense。 I could get up and run; of course; but there was nowhere to go。 I was surrounded by miles of desert; and the swarms would hunt me down。 In a few moments I would be…
 With a roar; the helicopter came back。 The Ricky figure looked toward it as it came; and then turned and fled; literally flying over the ground; not bothering any longer to animate the legs and feet。 It was creepy to see this human replica; suddenly floating over the desert。 But the other three Ricky figures were running; too。 Running hard; conveying a distinct sense of panic。 Did the swarms fear the helicopter? It seemed they did。 And as I watched; I understood why。 Even though the swarms were now heavier and more substantial; they were still vulnerable to strong winds。 The helicopter was a hundred feet in the air but the downdraft was powerful enough to deform the running figures; flattening them partially as they fled。 It was as if they were being hammered down。
 The figures vanished into the mound。
 I looked back at Mae。 She was standing up in the streambed now; talking on her radio to the helicopter。 She'd needed that radio; all right。 She yelled to me; 〃Let's go!〃 and began running toward me。 I was dimly aware of Bobby; running away from the mound; back to his ATV。 But there was no time to worry about him。 The helicopter hung poised right above the mound itself。 Dust whipped up; stinging my eyes。
 Then Mae was beside me。 Removing our goggles; we pulled on our oxygen masks。 She turned me; twisted the tank valve behind me。 I did the same for her。 Then we put the night goggles back on。 It seemed like a lot of contraptions jiggling and rattling around my face。 She clipped a halogen flashlight to my belt; and another to her own。 She leaned close; shouted: 〃Ready?〃
 〃I'm ready!〃
 〃Okay; let's go!〃
 There was no time to think。 It was better that way。 The helicopter downdraft roared in my ears。 Together we clawed our way up the slope of the mound; our clothes whipping around us。 We arrived at the edge; barely visible in the thick swirling dust。 We couldn't see anything beyond the rim。 We couldn't see what was below。
 Mae took my hand; and we jumped。
 DAY 6 

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