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小说: fs.thefirstbookofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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 lash of its great tail; and stamped back into the surrounding forest; kicking small trees aside。
   Now the way was clear for the flying dragon; and it lowered quickly into the clearing。 Then; summoning up one more effort; it hovered with its burden; as from underneath vast trees a being who was neither dragon nor human strode out on two legs。。。
   Nestor looked; then looked again。 And still he was not sure that his sufferings had not finally brought him to hallucinations。
   The being that stood below him on two legs was clothed from head to toe in long fur; a covering subtly radiant with its own energies。 The suggestion was of light on the edge of vision; its colors indefinable。 The figure was easily six meters tall; not counting the upraised arm of human shape that reached for Nestor now。 The face was not human … certainly it was not but neither was it merely bestial。
   Despite its subtly glowing fur; the giant hand that closed with unexpected gentleness round Nestor's torso was five…fingered; and of human shape。 So was the other hand that reached to pluck out delicately the sword still embedded in the hovering dragon's hip。 At that; the flyer flapped exhaustedly away。 As it departed; it uttered again the creaking…windmill cry that Nestor remembered hearing once before; a lifetime in the past when he had still been driving his wagon through the fog。
   The enormous two…legged creature had put the sword down on the paving at its feet; and both furred hands were cradling Nestor now。 And he was about to faint again。。。
   But he did not faint。 An accession of strength; of healing; flowed into his maltreated body from those hands。 A touch upon his wounded shoulder; followed by a squeeze that should have brought agony; served instead to drain away the existing pain。 A tingling warmth spread gratefully; infiltrating Nestor's entire body。 A moment later; when he was set down gently on the ground; he found that he could stand and move easily。 He felt alert and capable; indeed almost rested。 His pains and injuries had entirely vanished。 Even the thirst that had started to torment his mouth and throat was gone。
   〃Thank you;〃 he said quietly; and looked up; pondering his rescuer。 Although the day was almost gone; the sky was still light。 The glow of daylight tinged with sunset surrounded the subtler radiance of fur; on the head of the treetall being who stood like a huge man with his arms folded; looking down at Nestor。
   〃I am sorry that you were hurt。〃 The enormous voice sounded almost human now。 〃I did not mean you any harm。〃
   Nestor spread his arms。 He asked impulsively: 〃Are you a god?〃
   〃I am not。〃 The answer was immediate; and decisive。 〃What do you know of gods?〃
   〃Little enough; in truth。〃 Nestor rubbed at his shoulder; which did not hurt; then he dropped his gaze to the sword; which was now lying on the courtyard's pavement at his feet。 〃But I have met one; once before。 It was less than a year ago; though by all the gods it seems at least a lifetime。 Until that day; I don't suppose I ever really believed that gods existed。〃
   〃And which god did you meet that day; and how?〃 The huge voice was patient and interested; willing to gossip about gods if that was what Nestor wanted。 Above the folded arms; the immense face was inhuman。 It was impossible for Nestor to read expression in it。
   Nestor hesitated; thought; and then answered as clearly as he could; and not as he would have responded to questions put by any human interrogator。 Instead; he felt himself to be speaking as simply as a child; without trying to calculate where his answers might be going to lead him。
   〃It was Hermes Messenger that I encountered。 He came plete with his staff and his winged boots。 I was living alone then; in a small hut; away from people … and Hermes came to my door and woke me one morning at dawn。 Just like that。 He was carrying in one hand a sword; the like of which I'd never seen before; and he handed it over to me … just like that。 Because; as he said; I would know how to use it。 I was already in the dragon…hunting trade。 He told me that the sword had been for far too long in the possession of people who were never going to use it; who were too afraid of it to try; though they had some idea of its powers。 Therefore had Hermes taken it from them; and brought it to me instead。 It was called the Sword of Heroes; he told me; and also known as Dragonslicer。 He said that it would kill any dragon handily。
   〃Well; I soon had the opportunity to put Dragonslicer to the test; and I found that what Hermes had told me was the truth。 The blade pierced the scales of any dragon that I met like so much cloth。 It chopped up their bones like twigs; it found their hearts unerringly。 Hermes had told me that it had been forged by Vulcan; and when I saw what it could do I at last believed him on that point also。〃
   〃And what else did Hermes say to you?〃
   Trying to meet his questioner's eyes was giving Nestor trouble。 Staring at the giant's legs; he marked how their fur still glowed on the border of vision; even now when direct sunlight was pletely gone。 Night's shadows; rising from the swamp; had by now crept pletely across the cleared courtyard and were climbing the front of the enormous; ruined temple。
   〃What else did he say? Well; when I thought he was about to turn away and leave me with the sword; I asked him again: 'Why are you giving this to me?' And Hermes answered: 'The gods grow impatient; for their great game to begin。〃' 〃'Great game'?〃 The giant's voice rumbled down to Nestor from above。 〃Do you know what he meant by that?〃
   〃No; though I have thought about it often。〃 Nestor forced himself to raise his head and look the other in the eye。 〃Do you know what he meant?〃
   〃To guess what the gods mean by what they say is more than I can manage; most of the time。 And is this sword here at our feet the same that Hermes gave to you?〃
   〃I thought so; when I tried to kill the flying dragon with it。 But; now that I think back。。。 〃 Nestor bent quickly and picked up the sword; examining its hilt closely in the fading light。 〃No; it is not; though this one is very like it。 A boy I met; traveling; was carrying this one。 There was a fight。 There was confusion。 And Duke Fraktin's soldiers probably have my sword by now。〃 Nestor uttered a small; fierce sound。
   〃Explain yourself。〃 The huge dark eyes of his questioner were still unreadable; above titanic folded arms。
   〃All right。〃 Nestor's sudden bitter anger over the loss of his own sword helped suppress timidity。 And the longer he spoke with the giant; the less afraid of him he felt。 Briefly considering his own reactions; Nestor decided that his childlike forthrightness resulted from knowing himself; like a child; pletely dependent on some benevolent other。 〃I'll explain what I can。 But is there any reason why you cannot answer a question or two for me as well?〃
   〃I may answer them; or not。 What are these questions?〃
   The mildness of this reply; as Nestor considered it; encouraged his boldness; and anyway; with him boldness was a lifelong habit; now beginning to reassert itself。 〃Will you tell me your name; to begin with? You have not spoken it yet。 Or asked for mine。〃
   There was a brief pause before the bass rumble of the answer drifted down。 〃Your name I know already; slayer of dragons。 And if I tell you my name now; you are almost certain to misunderstand。 Perhaps later。〃
   Nestor nodded。 〃Next; some questions about the creature that brought me here。 I have never seen anything like it before; and I have some experience。 It flew straight here to you as if it were acting on your orders; under your control。 Is it truly a dragon; or some thing of magic? Did you create it? Did you send it after me?〃
   〃It is a dragon; and I did send it。 I am sorry that you were injured; for I meant you no harm。 But I took the risk of harming you; for the sake of certain information I felt I had to have。 Rumors had reached me; through the dragons; of a man who killed their kind with a new magical power that was embodied in a sword。 And other word had reached me; through other means; of other swords that w

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