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小说: fs.thefirstbookofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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Much of the weaponry stored therein had rusted and rotted away; but Nestor turned up a copper scabbard that fit Townsaver tolerably well。 To make the necessary belt; he used the sword itself to cut a length of tough vine from the temple wall。
   The surviving swamp…people and their canoes had already disappeared back into their native habitat when Draffut; with Nestor clinging to his back; left solid land behind and strode into the morass; heading to the northeast。 Draffut's long wading strides soon overtook the paddlers; the people in the canoes made way for him; waving as they pulled aside。
   For half an hour or so; Draffut made steady and uneventful progress。 If any of the multitude of lifeforms large and small that inhabited the marsh ever considered molesting the Beast…Lord in his passage; Nestor at least was not aware of it。 Draffut never went more than waist…deep in the water and mud; and Nestor was easily able to keep himself dry。 Now and then he had to dodge a tree…branch; but that was his most serious immediate problem。 He clung with both hands to his mount's glowing fur; and was actually beginning to enjoy himself。 It seemed to Nestor that sometimes even the thorntrees bent aside before the giant reached them。
   This pleasant interval ended abruptly just as Draffut was mounting a ridge of dry; paratively high ground。 At that point a large warbeast; armored and collared in the colors of Yambu; sprang in ambush at the Beast…Lord from a brake of reeds。 The giant's reaction was practically instantaneous; before Nestor could draw his sword; Draffut had caught the attacker in midair; as if he were playing with a kitten。 But then the giant threw the warbeast violently; so that the flying; screaming body broke tree branches and vanished behind a screen of trees some thirty meters distant before it splashed into the swamp。
   Almost as if in response; there came a distant; whistling call; that sounded like some hunter's cry。 Nestor had heard similar signals used to control warbeasts。 Draffut paused for a moment; turning to gaze over the treetops to his left; then he moved swiftly off to his right; walking at a greater speed than ever。 Now Nestor had to clap his half…drawn。sword back into its scabbard and once more hold tight with both hands。
   〃The advance guard of Yambu;〃 said Draffut over his shoulder; in what he used for a low voice。 〃We will outspeed them if we can。〃
   Looking back; Nestor saw more warbeasts already in pursuit。 He counted three; and there might well be more。 Hundreds of meters farther back; beyond the great catlike creatures; he could see the first advancing elements of a human army; some of them mounted and some in boats。 He announced this to Draffut's ear; but the giant did not bother to answer。 Draffut was almost; but not quite; running now。 Maybe; thought Nestor; his size and build made a real run an impossibility for him。 Nestor had considerable conference in Draffut's powers; but at the same time the man could almost feel those huge warbeast talons fastening on him from behind。。。
   The chase went on。 From time to time Nestor reported; in a voice he strove to keep calm; that their pursuers were catching up。 Then abruptly Draffut stopped; and calmly turned to stand his ground。
   〃It is no use;〃 he said。 〃They are too fast。 And they are maddened with the lust to fight; and will not listen to me。〃 With one hand he lifted Nestor from his shoulders; and placed the man in a high crotch of a dead tree。 〃Defend yourself;〃 the Beast…Lord laconically advised him; and turned to do the same。
   A moment later; half a dozen warbeasts; hot on the trail; came bounding out of the brush nearby。 Draffut cuffed the first one to e in reach; grabbed and threw another by its tail; and had to pick a third one from his fur when it was actually brave enough to leap on him。 He hurled it into the remaining three。 With that all of the warbeasts that were still able to move scattered in flight; emitting uncharacteristic yelps。 Nestor; his sword drawn and ready though showing no special powers; had nothing to do。 Which; under the circumstances; was quite all right with him。
   Draffut had just retrieved Nestor from his high perch when a new figure appeared。 It was the form of a woman with long black hair; her body clothed in light armor of ebony and silver; on another ridge or island of dry land about a hundred meters distant to the west。 She was mounted on a gray warbeast of such a size that Nestor for an instant thought it was a dragon。
   Beneath the cloudy sky; the woman's armor flashed as if it were catching desert sunshine。 She brandished a silver needle of a sword; and she was shouting something in their direction。
   The words came clearly in her penetrating voice: 〃Remove yourself from my army's path; great beast; or I will set men to fight against you! I know your weakness; they'll kill you soon enough。 And who is that you carry?〃
   Nestor had heard of people who rode on warbeasts; but never before had he seen it done。 As he resumed his seat on Draffut's shoulders; the giant roared back: 〃Rather remove your bloodmad warbeasts from my path! Or else I will send you dragons enough to make your march through the swamp much more interesting。〃 Without waiting to see what effect his words might have; he turned and stalked away; resuming his passage to the north。 There was no observable pursuit。
   〃That was the Silver Queen herself。 Yambu;〃 said Nestor to Draffut's ear a little later。 The ment was undoubtedly unnecessary; but the man was unable to let the encounter pass without saying something about it。
   〃Indeed。〃 The huge voice came rumbling up through Draffut's neck and head。 〃There are elements of humanity that I sometimes wish I were able to fight against。〃
   Once more they were traversing bog and thicket at what would have been a good speed for a riding…beast on flat; cleared ground。 Some time passed in silence; except for the quick plash and thud of Draffut's feet; while Nestor pondered many things。 Then he asked: 〃You said that you are planning to go and start an argument with the gods?〃
   〃I must;〃 said Draffut。 And that was all the answer to his question that Nestor ever got。
   But little further conversation was exchanged。 Nestor weled the fort of his ride; and watched the sun move in and out of clouds in the western sky。 By the time Draffut stopped again; some hours had passed and the reddening sun was almost down。 Imperceptibly the land had changed; continuous marsh giving way to intermittent bogs bridged by dry land。 Once Nestor saw herdsmen watching from a distance。
   The giant set Nestor down carefully on dry ground; and said to him: 〃Go north from here; and you will find Sir Andrew。 From here on north the land is solid enough for you to walk; and savage beasts are fewer。 My own way from here lies to the east。〃
   〃I wish you good luck;〃 said Nestor。 And then; when he had looked to the east; he would have said something more; for never until now had he known the sunset fires of Vulcan's forge to be so bright that they could be seen from this far west。
But Draffut was already gone。
Chapter 16
   When Dame Yoldi took Mark for the first time to her workroom; he discovered it not to be the dismal; forbidding chamber that he had for some reason expected。 Rather it was open; cleanly decorated with things of nature; and as light as the dying; cloudy day outside could make it; entering narrow windows。
   The enchantress lighted tapers; from a small oil lamp that was already burning。 She distributed a few of these in the otherwise dark corners of the room; and placed two more on the central table where Dragonslicer now rested on a white linen cloth。 Most of the floor space in the room was open; while shelves round all the walls contained an armament of magic; arrayed in books and bottles; boxes; jars; and bags。 One set of open dishes held grain and dried fruit; another set what looked like plain water and dry earth。 Yoldi made Mark sit down at the table near the sword; where she made him fortable; and gave him a delicious drink; not quite like anything he had ever tasted before。 Then she began to question him closely about hi

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