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小说: fs.thefirstbookofswords 字数: 每页4000字

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 Down the side corridor; workers were busy opening the cells where birds and animals were confined; preparing to set the small inmates free。 War was ing; and luxuries had to go; including the dream of a vivarium in the castle grounds。
   At length the knight spoke。 〃You; Kaparu; are my only human prisoner。 Have you meditated upon the meaning of my last reading to you? I do not know when; if ever; it will be possible to read to you again; and try to teach you to be good。〃
   〃Oh; yes; indeed I have meditated; sire。〃 Kaparu's hands slipped sweatily on the bars to which he would have clung。 〃And … and I have learned this much at least; that you are a good man。 And I was quite sure already that those who are planning to invade your lands are not good people。 So; I … I would give much; sire; not to be in this cell when。。。 that is; if。。。 〃
   〃When my castle is overrun by them; you mean。 A natural and intelligent reaction。〃
   〃Oh; if you would release me; sire; if you would let me out; I would be grateful。 I would do anything。〃 〃Would you go free; and rob no more?〃 〃Gladly; sire; I swear it。〃
   Sir Andrew; hesitating in inward conflict; asked him: 〃Is your oath to be trusted; Kaparu? Have you learned that it is no light thing to break an oath?〃
   〃I will not break mine; sire。 Your readings to me。。。 they have opened my eyes。 I can see now that all my earlier life was wrong; one great mistake from start to finish。〃
   Sir Andrew looked long at Kaparu。 Then; with a gentle nod; he reached for the key ring at his own belt。
   A little later; when the knight had heard the latest message from the flying scouts; and had begun to ponder the terrible news of the raising of the Gray Horde; he sent away Yambu's ambassador with a final message of defiance。 There seemed to him to be nothing else that he could do。
   After that; Sir Andrew went up to the highest parapets of his castle; which at the moment were otherwise unoccupied; there to lean out over his battlement and brood。 Everywhere he looked; preparations for war and seige were being made; and he had much to ponder。
   Presently he was aware that someone else had joined him on the roof; and he looked up from his thoughts and saw Dame Yoldi standing near。 From her expression he judged that she had no urgent news or question for him; she had simply e in his hour of need to see what else she might be able to do to help。
   〃Yoldi。。。 Yoldi; if the power in these god…forged swords is indeed so great; that these evildoers around us are ready to risk war with each other; as well as with us; to obtain even one of them … if it is so great; I say; then how can I in good conscience surrender to them even one source of such power?〃
   Dame Yoldi nodded her understanding; gently and sadly。 〃It would seem that you cannot。 So you have already decided。 Unless the consequences of refusing to surrender strike you as more terrible still?〃
   〃They do not! By all the demons that Ardneh ever slew or paralyzed; we must all die at some time; but we are not all doomed to surrender! But the people in the villages haunt me; Yoldi。 I can do nothing to protect them from Fraktin or Yambu。〃
   〃It would give those village people at least some hope for the future … those among them who survive invasion … if you could stand fast; here in your strong place; and eventually reclaim your lands。〃
   〃If I try to stand fast; here or anywhere; then I must say to my people: 'March to war。' We know; you and I; what war is like。 Some of the young ones do not know。。。 but it appears that the evil and the horror of war are ing upon them anyway; whatever I decide。 No surrender will turn back such enemies as these; once they are mobilized upon my borders; or moderate what they do to my people。 Regardless of what they might promise now。 Not that I have asked them for any promises; or terms。 Why ask for what I would never believe from them anyway?〃
   A silence fell between the knight and the enchantress; the world around them quiet too except for the distant chinking from the armorers。 〃I must go back to my own work;〃 Yoldi said at last; and kissed the lord of the castle once; and went away。
   〃And I must go down;〃 said Sir Andrew aloud to himself; 〃and inspect the defenses。〃
   A little later when he was walking upon the castle's outer wall; near one of the strong guard…towers that defended the main gate; Sir Andrew encountered one of his old rades in arms; and fell into conversation with him。
   〃A long time; Sir Andrew; since we've had to draw our swords atop these walls。〃
   〃Yes; a long time。〃
   At some point the rade had turned into quite an old man; white…haired and wrinkled; and Sir Andrew; not remembering him as such; could not quite shake the feeling that this aged appearance was some kind of a disguise; which the other would presently take off。 The talk they had sounded cheerful enough; though most of the matters they talked about were horrible; seige and stratagem; raid and counterattack and sally。
   〃That kept 'em off our backs a good long time; hey sir?〃
   〃Not long enough。〃 Sir Andrew sighed。
   And presently he was once more left alone; still standing on the wall near the main gate。 This was a good vantage point from which to overlook the thin; intermittent stream of provision carts; fighting men; and refugees that came trickling up the winding road that led from the intersection of the highways to the castle。
   Here came some priests and priestesses of Ardneh; whiterobed and hurried; who had just passed an inspection at the checkpoint down the way。 They were driving two carts; that Sir Andrew could at least hope were filled with medical supplies。 Sometimes; in time of war; Temples of Ardneh stood unscathed in the midst of contending armies。 Each leader and each fighter hoped that if he were wounded; he would be cared for if there were room。 But evidently it would not be that way this time。 Ardneh; in a sense; was ing to Sir Andrew's side; and; medical supplies aside; the troops were sure to take that as a good omen。
   Sir Andrew closed his eyes; and gripped the parapet in front of him。 He thought of praying to Ardneh for more direct help; although with part of his mind he knew; knew better than almost anyone else in the world; that though Ardneh had once lived; he had now been dead for almost two thousand years。 Sir Andrew knew it well。 And yet。。。
   And this mystery regarding Ardneh called to mind another; that had long troubled Sir Andrew and that none of his studies had ever been able to solve: If Ardneh was dead; why were all the world's other gods and goddesses alive? The mon opinion was that all of them had been living since the creation of the world; or thereabouts; and that of course Ardneh was still alive with all the others。 But Sir Andrew had the gravest doubts that the mon opinion was correct。
   He tended instead to trust certain historical writings; that spoke in matter…of…fact terms of Ardneh's existence and his death; but did not so much as mention Vulcan; Hermes; Aphrodite; Mars; or any of the rest with the sole exception of the Beast…Lord Draffut。 And Draffut was not assigned the importance of Ardneh; or of their evil opponent Orcus; Lord of Demons。
   And whatever Sir Andrew might think of gods; he had no doubts at all about the reality of demons。
   At some time in his long years of study and deep thought; a horrible suspicion had been born; deep in his mind: That the entities that who now called themselves gods; were recognized by humanity as gods; and who claimed to rule the world … whenever they bothered to take an interest in it … that these beings were in fact demons who had survived from the era of Ardneh and of Orcus。 But there were; fortingly; important difficulties with that theory too。
   After all Sir Andrew's study of the gods; all he could say about them with absolute certainty was very little: That most of them were real; here and now; and very powerful。 The swords were testimony enough to the real power of Vulcan。
   Yoldi was a fine magician; and a brave one。 But there were limits to the ability of any magician to reach and control the ulti

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