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The fate of all folk everywhere。

Dragonslicer; Dragonslicer; how d'you slay?
Reaching for the heart in behind the scales。
Dragonslicer; Dragonslicer where do you stay?
In the belly of the giant that my blade impales。

Farslayer howls across the world
For thy heart; for thy heart; who hast wronged me!
Vengeance is his who casts the blade
Yet he will in the end no triumph see。

Whose flesh the Sword of Mercy hurts has drawn no breath;
Whose soul it heals has wandered in the night;
Has paid the summing of all debts in death
Has turned to see returning light。

The Mindsword spun in the dawn's gray light
And men and demons knelt down before。
The Mindsword flashed in the midday bright
Gods joined the dance; and the march to war。
It spun in the twilight dim as well
And gods and men marched off to hell。

1 shatter Swords and splinter spears;
None stands to Shieldbreaker
My point's the fount of orphans' tears
My edge the widowmaker。

The Sword of Stealth is given to
One lowly and despised。
Sightblinder's gifts: his eyes are keen
His nature is disguised。

The Tyrant's Blade no blood hath spilled
But doth the spirit carve
Soulcutter hath no body killed
But many left to starve。

The Sword of Siege struck a hammer's blow
With a crash; and a smash; and a tumbled wall。
Stonecutter laid a castle low
With a groan; and a roar; and a tower's fall。

Long roads the Sword of Fury makes
Hard walls it builds around the soft
The fighter who Townsaver takes
Can bid farewell to home and croft。

Who holds Wayfinder finds good roads
Its master's step is brisk。
The Sword of Wisdom lightens loads
But adds unto their risk。


An Appreciative Afterword
Sandra Miesel

But Iron … Cold Iron … is master of them all。
   From the kindling of the first fire to the latest breakthrough in puter design; each technological advance opens new levels of play in an age … old game for the mastery of Life。 Calling Man's struggle for control over his environment a 〃game〃 is no idle figure of speech。 Ours is a species of players as well as makers。 Indeed; these two intertwined qualities describe humanness。 Laughter and reason alike set us apart from beasts。
   Work and play are meant to reinforce each other。 Sundering them is a measure of human imperfection the wages of original sin; some say … and their union is a sign of Eden's innocence。 Yet no matter how tragically estranged labor and leisure bee; we still dimly feel that matters should be otherwise and wish our work could be joyful as child's play。
   Slow…paced primitive societies take time to harmonize work and play。 Each new way of working has to be played about so that it can be thought about sanely。 Myth and ritual put technology into context; make it 〃user friendly。〃
   Consider the discovery of fire。 It brought Early Man far more than light; warmth; protection; or any merely practical advantage。 Fire became the focal point of the munity; acquired symbolic meanings; participated in ceremonies; appeared in heroic tales; even received worship。 Though we harness vaster energies now; echoes of the ways cavemen worked and played with fire resound in us at every sulking of a match。
   Likewise; tool…shaping; agriculture; metal…crafting … all the basic innovations … were transformed through playful celebration。 These human activities became holy because making and playing were seen as divine operations。 In some cultures; the world a creator…god has made is a battlefield for contending supernatural powers。 In others; existence is a game the Absolute plays with Itself throughout eternity。 The patterns also hold in Judeo…Christian contexts: Holy Wisdom plays beside Yaweh when He lays the foundations of the earth and Christ the carpenter has been symbolized by a clown。
   Speculative thought moves beyond imagery to ponder the ethics of work and play。 What limits … if any exist on the ways we may shape matter? If a thing can be made; should it be made? How far can the quest for mastery go and by what means? If Life is a game; what are the rules? Does the oute matter; or are victories as hollow as defeats? Who are the players and what are the pawns? Are the peting sides really different or ultimately the same? Is some supreme referee keeping score?
   Fred Saberhagen is genuinely fortable with these questions。 He believes that human acts have meaning and that we can pete for an everlasting prize。 His grounding in traditional Western values gives his writing the staunchness of ancient and hallowed stone。
   Saberhagen's technical expertise and mythic instinct equip him to fabulize reality and rationalize fable。 Scientific data quicken his imagination: he can find a story in a squash seed or a spatial singularity。 His innate feeling for archetype transforms specific facts into universal images。 Thus in The Veils of Azarloc (1978); outre astrophysics provides a unique metaphor for the blurry barriers Time wraps about us。
   Examples abound in his popular berserker series (Berserker; 1967; Brother Assassin; 1969; Berserker's Planet; 1975; Berserker Man; 1979; The Ultimate Enemy; 1979; and The Berserker Wars; 1981)。 The berserkers are automated alien spacecraft that begin as deadly mechanisms but swiftly bee symbols of Death itself。 These ravening maws of Chaos; these 〃demons in metal disguise〃 are today's answer to the scythewielding Grim Reaper of old。 〃They speak to our fear of mad puters and killer machines with jaws that bite and claws that snatch。〃 The general pattern governing the wonder…war between Life and Death is embellished with allusions to particular myths (an Orpheus sings in a cybernetic Hades) and legendary historical incidents (a Don John of Austria fights a Battle of Lepanto in space)。
   While Saberhagen's hard sf can soar into metaphysical realms; his fantasy has a matter…of…fact solidity about it that leaves no room for disbelief。 This quality is admirably demonstrated in his Dracula series。 These novels (The Dracula Tapes; 1976; The Holmes…Dracula File; 1978; An Old Friend of the Family; 1979; and Thorn; 1980) condense the murky haze of folklore and gothic romance surrounding vampires into premises that can stand the light of day。 The Count's ascerbic character and occult gifts are made all the more convincing by the strictly authentic settings (Victorian England; Renaissance Italy; contemporary America) through which he moves。 Furthermore; as an unforeseen player in sundry power games; the Count is an agent of rough justice and a witness to some higher law governing all creation。
   Fact and fancy are plimentary categories for Saberhagen because; as indicated above; his art depends on disciplined exchanges between the two。 Since both possible and impossible worlds have their technologies; either applied science or practical magic; technological issues are prominent in Saberhagen's work。
   His concern for making is matched by an enthusiasm for playing; perhaps because his personal hobbies include chess; karate; and puters。 Whether mental; physical; or cybernetic; games are a recurring device in Saberhagen's fiction。
   His gaming principles can be deduced from the berserker series。 Indeed; the berserkers themselves were invented to serve as the antagonist that a games' theory ploy defeats (〃Fortress Ship〃/〃 Without a Thought;〃 1963)。 Although most of the battles are fought between puters (〃faithful slave of life against outlaw; neither caring; neither knowing〃); one killer machine is undone by joining in a human recreational warsimulation game (〃The Game;〃 1977)。 Direct personal bat still retains its place … Berserker's Planet features a rigged tournament of duels to the death and dialectical clashes abound。 As the series expands; its military campaigns grow more plex; ranging across time as well as space and employing psychological and spiritual as well as physical strategems。 The initial struggle for survival gradually unfolds into a conflict of vast cosmic import。
   No promise is possible between the opposing players。 The berserkers are 〃as near to absolute evil as anything material can be。〃 Resisting them requires total mobilization and eternal vigilance since 

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