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小说: cc.goldenbuddha 字数: 每页4000字

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to have a life force。 The chunk of gold appeared to glow in the dim room; as if illuminated by a light from within。 The large jade eyes seemed to follow his every move。 And while its visage might appear benign to some only that of a potbellied; smiling prophetto Spenser the image seemed to be mocking him。 
 As if he had not known it before; earlier in the evening Spenser had bee certain that what he had done was not a stroke of genius。 The Golden Buddha was not some canvas; dabbed with paintit was the embodiment of reverence; crafted with love and respect。 
 And Spenser had swiped it like a candy in a drugstore。 
 THE DALAI LAMA listened to the slow flow of water over the smooth stones while he meditated。 On the far reaches of his mind was static; and he willed the disturbance to clear。 He could see the ball of light in the center of his skull; but the edges were rough and pulsating。 Slowly he smoothed the signals; and the ball began to collapse in on itself until only a pinpoint of white light remained。 Then he began to scan his physical shell。 
 There was a disturbance; and it was growing。 
 Eighteen minutes later; he came back into his shell and rose to his feet。 
 Eight yards away; sitting under a green canvas awning alongside the kidney…shaped pool on the estate in Beverly Hills; was his Chikyah Kenpo。 The Dalai Lama walked over。 The Hollywood actor who was his host smiled and rose to his feet。 
 〃It is time for me to go home;〃 the Dalai Lama said。 
 There was no pleading or disagreement from the actor。 
 〃Your Holiness;〃 he said; 〃let me call for my jet。〃 
 VICE PRESIDENT OF Operations Richard Truitt was still awake。 His body clock had yet to adjust and his night was still Macau's day。 Logging on to his puter; he checked for messages。 One had been sent by Cabrillo a few hours before。 Like every e…mail he received from the chairman; this one was short。 
 Confirmation received from the home of George。 All systems go。 ETA 33 hours。 
 The CIA was still in and the Oregon would arrive in less than two days' time。 Truitt had a lot of work to plete in a short span。 Calling down to the hotel's twenty…four…hour room service; he ordered a meal of bacon and eggs。 Then he walked into the bathroom to shave; shower and pick his disguise。 
 IN THE NORTH of Tibet; on the border between U…Tsang and Amdo province; the Basatongwula Shan mountains towered over the plains。 The peak was a snowcapped sentinel watching over an area where few men trod。 To the untrained eye; the lands around Basatongwula Shan looked barren and desolate; a wasteland best left alone and deserted。 On the surface; this may have been true。 
 But underneath; hidden for centuries; was a secret known only by a few。 
 A yak walked slowly along a rocky path。 On his back was a black mynah bird that remained silent as he hitched a ride。 Slowly at first; but growing in intensity; a light tremor rippled across the land。 The yak began to shake in fear; causing the bird to take to the air。 Digging his cloven hooves into the soil; he stood firm as the land trembled。 Then slowly the disruption passed and the earth stilled。 The yak resumed his journey。 
 Within minutes; the fur on his legs and lower body was covered with a haze from a mineral that over countless generations had made some men rich and others go mad。 
 Cabrillo lifted his cup of coffee and then stood up。 〃We're less than twenty…four hours from port。 How are things going in the Magic Shop?〃 
 〃Most of the props are constructed and I'm starting on the disguises。〃 
 〃Excellent;〃 Cabrillo said。 
 〃Do you have any preferences for your look?〃 Hanley asked。 
 〃Try to keep the facial hair to a minimum;〃 Cabrillo said。 〃It can be muggy in Macau。〃 
 Hanley rose from the table。 〃Sahib; your wish is my mand。〃 
 JUAN CABRILLO FINISHED the last bite of an omelet filled with apple…smoked bacon and Gorgonzola cheese; then pushed the plate away。 
 〃It's a wonder we all don't weigh three hundred pounds;〃 he said。 
 〃The jalapeno cheese grits alone were worth waking up for;〃 Hanley noted。 〃I just wish the chef would have consulted with my ex…wife。 I might still be married。〃 
 〃How's the divorce going?〃 Cabrillo asked。 
 〃Pretty good;〃 Hanley admitted; 〃considering my reported ine last year was only thirty thousand dollars。〃 
 〃Just be fair;〃 Cabrillo cautioned。 〃I don't want any lawyers snooping around。〃 
 〃You know I will;〃 Hanley said as he refilled their coffee cups from a silver thermal carafe on the table。 〃I'm just waiting for Jeanie to calm down。〃 
 WHEN THE OREGON had been refitted by the Corporation in the shipyard in Odessa; two decks had been installed inside the hull; giving the interior a total of three levels; not including the raised pilothouse。 The lowest level housed the engines and physical plants; along with the moon pool; machine shops; armory and storage rooms。 One level above; reached by metal stairs or the single heavy…lift elevator amidships; was the deck containing munications; weapon systems; a variety of shops and offices; a large library; a puter room and a map room。 The third level housed the dining room; recreation rooms; a full gym; plus crew cabins and meeting and boardrooms。 Level three was surrounded by a two…lane running track for exercise。 The Oregon was a city unto itself。 
 Hanley walked from the dining room and across the running track; then eschewed the elevators for the stairs。 Opening the door; he started down。 The stairway was paneled with mahogany and lit by sconces。 At the bottom Hanley stepped onto a thick carpet in a room with insets in the walls that held plaques and medals awarded by grateful customers and nations to the men and women of the Oregon。 
 He made his way forward toward the bow until the walls in the hallway turned to glass on the port side。 Behind the glass was what could have passed for a Hollywood costume and set shop。 Kevin Nixon raised his head and waved。 
 Hanley opened the door to the shop and entered。 It was cool inside and the air was scented with the smells of grease; vinyl and wax。 A Willie Nelson CD was seeping from hidden speakers。 〃How long have you been here?〃 Hanley asked。 Nixon was sitting on a three…legged stool in front of a metal…framed; wood…topped workbench that had a ring of hand tools around the perimeter。 In his hands he held an ornamental headdress with silken gold fabric that flowed down his right side to the floor。 
 〃Two hours;〃 he said。 〃I woke up early; checked my e…mail and got the preliminary specs。〃 
 〃Did you eat breakfast?〃 Hanley asked。 
 〃I just grabbed some fruit;〃 Nixon said。 〃I need to drop ten pounds or so。〃 
 Nixon was a big man; but he carried his weight well。 If you saw him on the street; you would think him stocky but not fat。 But he was in a constant battle; his weight running from 240 pounds to 210; depending on his vigilance。 Last summer; when he'd taken a few weeks off and hiked the Appalachian Trail; he'd gotten down to 200; but his sedentary life aboard ship and the charms of the chef's cooking had caught up to him。 
 Hanley walked over to the bench and stared at Nixon's work。 〃That's religious garb?〃 
 〃For a Macanese in a Good Friday parade; it is。〃 
 〃We'll need a total of six sets;〃 Hanley said。 
 Nixon nodded。 〃I figured two shaman and four penitents。〃 
 Hanley walked over to the wall; where several more benches were abutting the bulkhead。 〃I'm going to start on the masks。〃 
 Nixon nodded and reached for a remote control for the CD player。 He punched a button and Willie stopped。 Johnny Rivers's 〃Secret Agent Man〃 began to play。 
 〃Kevin;〃 Hanley said easily; 〃you just love to do that; don't you?〃 
 〃There's a man who lives a life of danger;〃 Nixon sang in a baritone。 
 TRUITT SENT A map showing the parade route for Good Friday;〃 Cabrillo said。 〃We lucked outtraffic in the downtown area will be at a standstill。〃 
 Eddie Seng reached across the table for one of the folders。 〃It's surprising that the Chinese would have such a large celebration for something that concerns Christianity。〃 
 〃Macau was a Portuguese possession from 1537 until 1999;〃 Linda Ross noted。 〃Roughly thirty thousand of the population is Catho

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