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小说: cc.goldenbuddha 字数: 每页4000字

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rily weightless from the g forces。 The crate floated in the air for a second。 
 〃Rolling flat;〃 Gunderson shouted。 
 Pilston and Michaels moved away from the door; and the cable tightened and reeled the Golden Buddha aboard as easily as a book sliding into a bookcase。 The crate slammed against the far inner wall of the fuselage and stopped。 The crate was cracked; but not much。 Pilston turned the winch motor off。 
 Gunderson stared back; quite happy with the results。 He reached for the radio。 
 〃Mr。 Hanley;〃 he said。 〃I scratched your box a little; but the cargo is safe and sound。〃 
 Hanley pushed the button on his portable radio as Gunderson began to climb and bank around。 〃Hell of a job; Tiny。 There's a different hook attached to the box。 Attach that to the cable before you pull the chairman aboard。〃 
 〃Roger that;〃 Gunderson said。 
 Then he shouted back to Michaels to attach the other hook to the end of the line。 By the time Gunderson had passed over the top of the Oregon again and was starting his turn to line up; the hook was attached and Pilston started to reel out the cable once again。 Gunderson adjusted his flight controls; they set the speed of the Antonov to right at stall。 
 〃Once I hook the boss man;〃 Gunderson shouted; 〃you reel him in as fast as possible。 When he's next to the door; reach out and pull him inside。〃 
 〃Got it;〃 Pilston shouted。 
 〃Here I e; boss;〃 Gunderson said into the radio; 〃ready or not。〃 
 Cabrillo had moved onto the rear deck and Nixon inflated the balloon。 It shot in the air when the Antonov was only a hundred yards off the bow。 
 〃Clear the decks;〃 Nixon shouted as he sprinted away。 
 Juan Cabrillo stood quietly。 There was really no way to prepare for what was about to happen。 In a few seconds; he would be yanked from the safety of the Oregon and into the air over the ocean。 From the known to the unknown in a split second。 So Cabrillo simply cleared his mind and waited; 
 Gunderson chewed his gum; watched the line carefully; and then put the three…pronged hook directly into the center of the Y once again。 Bam! One second Cabrillo's feet were on the deck; the next second he was yanked into the air。 He moved his feet back and forth like he was trying to run。 The wind crept past the goggles he was wearing and his eyes began to weep as the Antonov grew larger。 Cabrillo could see hands reaching out of the door as he rose; closer to safety。 He tilted his head back and looked。 Every few seconds the cable was bumping against the rear stabilizer and he prepared to push himself off as he grew closer。 
 〃He's going to hit the tail;〃 Pilston shouted to Gunderson。 
 Cabrillo put his feet in the air to push against the stabilizer。 He was only a few feet away when Gunderson pulled back on the controls and pitched the nose of the Antonov up。 Cabrillo; hanging from the cable like a pendulum; dropped a few feet and slid past the tail。 A few seconds later he was next to the door; Michaels and Pilston grabbed his arms and pulled him inside。 
 Gunderson started the Antonov climbing; then glanced back into the cargo area。 
 〃Hey; boss;〃 he yelled; 〃how was the ride?〃 
 MICHAEL HALPERT FLICKED on the puter in the Oregon's library。 Working the party in Macau had been excitingthe element of danger involved in operations ensured that。 Even so; Hal…pert's forte was the arcane accounting and banking network he had constructed for the Corporation's activities。 In that; Halpert was a master。 The twisted matrix of corporate law and structure was exciting to himhe loved to hide the Corporation's assets like a penny under a glacier; and shield its ownership in panies through plex structures that would take teams of accountants years to unravel。 
 Today he would need to use all his skills。 
 Halpert was building what he liked to call a skeleton。 A skeleton was a series of corporations forming the bones to support the skull that held the nerve center of an operation。 Each would need to be structured; funded and interlinked until the actual source of ownership and control was as cloudy as a London morning。 
 He scanned a database of available existing panies。 First would e the skull itselfthe eventual owner of the assets that would soon be created。 For that he chose a corporation based in the tiny country of Andorra。 The pany; Cataluna Esteme; had been founded in 1972 with the purpose of mining and trading of lead。 
 Andorra; all 181 square miles of territory; is perched in the Pyrenees Mountains; with Spain to the south and France to the north。 The population of Andorra is some sixty…five thousand people; and the primary industry is tourism; with an emphasis on snow skiing。 The country had been in existence since 1278 and was modern and progressive; plus Halpert had never used it before。 
 Cataluna Esteme itself had been active in the lead business until 1998; when the aging owner had been felled by heart trouble while on a visit to Paris。 Over the next year or so; the assets of the corporation had been distributed to the owner's heirs; and the pany itself had gone dormant。 Cataluna Esteme existed in the desk drawer of a lawyer in Andorra's capital city of Andorra la Vella。 
 Halpert scanned the history and found it ideal。 The pany had perfect credit; a past history of large sums passing through the corporation coffers; as well as the shield of privacy offered by Andorran law。 The remaining stock in the pany was available for the equivalent of 50;000。 This sum would give them plete control of a corporation that had existed for over thirty years; had a charter similar to the intended use; and was pletely untraceable。 Halpert decided to buy Cataluna Esteme。 
 For the feet of the skeleton; he used two panies the Corporation already owned。 The first was Gizo Properties; based in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific。 The second was Paisen Industries; based in San Marino; a country on the Adriatic coast pletely surrounded by Italy。 Accessing the panies' accounts over the puter; Halpert deposited 874;000 in Gizo Properties and 418;000 in Paisen Industries。 In the blink of an eye; Halpert had moved 1。292 million into already existing accounts。 The money would not remain there long。 
 Next; Gizo Properties and Paisen Industries; through a special shareholders' resolution that Halpert drafted and passed; each agreed to buy stock in two more panies。 The first was Alcato; based in Lisbon; the second; Tellemedics of Asuncion; Paraguay。 Both of these panies were operating concernsAlcato built specialized marine electronics; Tellemedics made telemetry equipment used in hospitals throughout South America。 The Portuguese pany had a book value of 3 million U。S。; the Paraguayan; nearly 10 million。 
 Both had been secretly owned by the Corporation for nearly a decade。 
 Halpert pulled up the corporate records of both and found sufficient cash reserves for his plan。 
 With the legs now in place; he looked for the torso。 
 He would need a recognizable and stable platform that would appeal to the Corporation's soon…to…be partners。 For this he could only use Central Europe。 Halpert needed a pany based in a country with rock…solid political stability; iron…clad currency and worldwide recognition of financial wherewithal。 He scanned his database and found he had three panies to choose fromthe first was based in Basel; Switzerland; the second in Luxembourg; the third; which he favored; in Vaduz; Liechtenstein。 
 Liechtenstein it was。 
 Albertinian Investments S。A。 was a currency…and…gold…trading concern that had proved widely successful since the recent upward move in precious metals prices。 The pany; secretly controlled by the Corporation; owned a beautiful six…story building in Vaduz; where it occupied the top two stories; had a cash balance in accounts amounting to over 18 million U。S。; and frequently invested in other panies that showed promise。 
 Next; Alcato and Tellemedics passed corporate resolutions making loans of 1。25 million each to Albertinian Investments。 These were posed of the monies transferred from Gizo Properties and Paisen Industries; plus some cash from the coffers of each。 Albertinian Investments agreed to pay each pany 7 percent interest for the loan

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