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小说: cc.floodtide 字数: 每页4000字

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door was thrown open and four enforcers entered。 Without a word they began binding everyone's hands and feet。 Mouths were sealed with duct tape and heavy iron weights tied to their ankles。 The mother and father made a feeble defense of their children but were easily subdued。
 This was it then; death by drowning。 Julia's whole mind; her every nerve became instantly concentrated on escaping。 She sprinted toward the door; intent on reaching the outside deck and throwing herself into the water; making a swim for the nearest shore。 The attempt was doomed before she hit the door。 Debilitated from her beating the day before; she stumbled rather than ran; and was easily swept off her feet by one of the enforcers and knocked to the deck。 She tried to fight them; pounding; scratching; biting as they bound her feet and ankles。 Then the tape was adhered across her lips and the weight tied to her ankles。
 She watched in icy horror as a hatch in the middle of the deck was lifted open and the first body dropped through into the water。
 Pitt removed his thumb from the speed switch on the Stingray and hovered in the water ten feet below the center cabin of the catamaran。 He had planned to surface between the two hulls and inspect the bottom of the boat when suddenly a light showed above him and a heavy splash broke the water followed in succession by several more。
 What in God's name is happening? Pitt wondered as bodies came raining down around him。 Though disbelieving at what he saw and shocked at the abhorrent sight; his reaction time was nothing short of incredible。 In a series of lightning movements he released his grip on the Stingray; switched on the dive light and snatched his dive knife out of its sheath。 In movements blurred in time; he began grabbing bodies; slicing the ropes binding the hands and ankles and slashing away the iron weights。 Once the ropes were cut free; he pushed the body toward the surface and swam to the next one。 He worked frantically; hoping against hope that none slipped past him into the black depths of the lake; never knowing at first whether the victims were already dead; but fighting to save them all regardless of his fears。 Then he found they were alive when he gripped a young girl no more than ten; who stared back at him through terror…stricken eyes。 She looked like she was Chinese。 He prayed she could swim as he thrust her toward the night air。
 At first; he kept slightly ahead of the flow of victims; but he soon struggled furiously to keep pace。 Desperation was replaced with sheer anger as he saved a little boy no more than four years old。 He mentally cursed the monsters who were capable of such inhumanity。 Not taking any chances; he kicked his fins upward; quickly found the floating Stingray and placed the boy's arms around it。 He switched off the dive light and took a quick glance at the boat to see if the crew had observed their victims popping to the surface。 All on board appeared quiet。 There was no hint of alarm。 He dove under again; turning on the dive light。 Its beam picked out what seemed to be the last body dumped from the boat。 It was already falling past twenty feet when he caught up with it。 This one was a young woman。
 Before her turn came; Julia had breathed deeply in and out; hyperventilating her lungs; then holding her breath as the enforcers kicked her through the hatch into the water。 She fought desperately to free herself from the ropes。 Deeper and deeper she fell in the black void; furiously snorting through her nose to relieve the pressure building in the eustachian tubes of her ears。 One minute; maybe two; and her oxygen would be gone and she'd die an agonizing death。
 Suddenly; a pair of arms wrapped around her waist; and she could feel the iron weight dropping away from her feet。 Then her hands came free and a hand snatched her arm in a grip and began towing her upward。 As her head broke the surface she inced as the tape was ripped from her mouth。 The first thing she saw was an apparition hi a hood with a face mask and light protruding from its head。
 〃Can you understand me?〃 a voice asked in English。
 〃I can understand you;〃 she gasped。
 〃Are you a good swimmer?〃
 She only nodded her reply。
 〃Good。 Help save as many people as you can; try and gather them into a group。 Tell them to follow my light。 I'll lead you all into shallow water along the shore。〃
 Pitt left her and swam off toward the boy clutching the Stingray in a death grip。 He swung the boy behind him; clasping the small hands around his neck。 Then he engaged the speed switch and searched for the little girl; rinding her and circling his arm around her only seconds before she was about to slip out of sight。
 On board the boat two of the enforcers climbed to the wheel…house and stepped inside。 〃All are drowned;〃 one said to the helmsman。 〃Our job is done。〃
 The captain at the helm nodded and gently pushed the twin throttles forward。 The propellers bit the water; and the black catamaran began to move back toward the dock。 Before it had traveled a hundred feet; a call came over the boat's phone。 〃Chu Deng?〃
 〃This is Chu Deng;〃 the captain responded。 〃Lo Han; chief of pound security。 Why are you ignoring your instructions?〃
 〃I have followed the plan。 All immigrants are disposed of。 What is your problem?〃 〃You are showing a light。〃
 Chu Deng stepped from the wheel and glanced over the boat。 〃You ate too much spicy Szechuan chicken for dinner; Lo Han。 Your stomach is telling lies to your eyes。 There are no lights showing on this boat。〃
 〃Then what am I seeing toward the eastern shoreline?〃 As supervisor for transporting the illegal immigrants from the mother ships; Chu Deng was also responsible for the execution of those unfit for slave labor。 He did not work under the chief of security for the imprisoned immigrants。 Both merciless men; both on equal footing; neither got along with the other。 Lo Han was a big bull of a man built like a beer keg with a massive; square…jawed head and eyes that were always bloodshot。 Deng considered him little better than an untrained dog。 He turned and stared to the east。 Only then did he spot a dim light low in the water。 〃I see it; about two hundred yards off the starboard beam。 Must be a local fisherman;〃 he said to LoHan。
 〃Take no chances。 You must investigate。〃
 〃I shall make a search。〃
 〃If you see anything suspicious;〃 said Lo Han; 〃contact me immediately and I will switch the lights on again。〃
 Chu Deng acknowledged and hung up the phone。 Then he twisted the wheel; swinging the catamaran to starboard。 As he set the twin bows on a course toward the dim light bobbing on the surface of the lake; he called to the pair of enforcers still below on the main deck。 〃Go forward and closely observe that light on the water dead ahead。〃
 〃What do you think it is?〃 asked a small man with expressionless eyes as he unslung his machine pistol。
 Chu Deng shrugged。 〃Probably fishermen。 It's not the first time we've seen them troll for salmon at night。〃
 〃And if they aren't fishermen?〃
 Chu Deng turned from the wheel and grinned with every tooth。 
 〃In that case; see that they join the others。〃
 Pitt saw the boat ing toward the small group of people struggling through the water and was certain they'd been seen。 He could hear voices on the bow; actually more of a platform extending across the forward section between the hulls; shouting in Chinese; no doubt telling their skipper there were people swimming in the lake。 He didn't mentally have to do an equation to know they had been attracted by his dive light。 He was guilty of being damned if it was on and damned if it was off。 With no light the people he'd rescued from a watery death would have floundered off in all directions; bee lost and eventually drowned。
 Keeping the frightened boy on his shoulders; he stopped the Stingray and passed off the little girl to the young woman; who'd been helping an elderly man and woman paddle through the water。 Now both his hands were free and he flicked off his dive light; twisted around to face the boat that was looming above him and blocking off the stars。 He noted that it was passing less than three feet from

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