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小说: cc.floodtide 字数: 每页4000字

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 Item by item; she went over her mission in her mind。 So far things had gone smoothly; but there was a major hang…up。 If three hundred illegal immigrants were on board the ship; how were they being fed? Certainly not out of her galley。 According to Lin Wan Chu's menu and recipe entries; she only prepared food for thirty crewmen。 It didn't make sense for mere to be another shipboard galley to feed passengers。 She checked out the storage partment and lockers; finding the correct amount of food supplies to feed the Sung Lien Star's crew for the voyage from China to Sungari。 She began to wonder if Peter Harper's CIA source in Qingdao had been mistaken and somehow gotten the name of the ship confused with another。
 Calmly; she sat in Lin Wan Chu's little office and acted as if she was working on the menu for the following day。 Out of the corner of one eye she watched as her assistant put away the leftover food in the locker and the cleanup man wiped off the tables before attacking the dirty dishes; pots and pans。
 Casually; she left the office and walked through the officer's wardroom and into the passageway; pleased that the two galley men took no notice of her leaving。 She climbed a panion…way and stepped out onto the deck below the wheelhouse and bridge wings。 Already the big cranes on the dock were swinging into position to unload the containers stacked on the cargo decks。
 She looked over the side and watched as a towboat pushed a barge alongside the hull of the ship。 The crew looked to be Chinese。 Two of them began throwing plastic bags bloated with trash through a cargo hatch into the barge。 The procedure was conducted under the scrutiny of a drug…enforcement agent who probed and examined each sack before it was dropped overboard。
 The entire dockyard scene appeared pletely innocent of any illegitimate activity。 Julia could see nothing that raised questions。 The ship had been searched by the Coast Guard; customs and immigration officials for illegal aliens and drugs; and nothing illicit had been found。 The containers were filled with manufactured trade goods; including clothing; rubber and plastic shoes; children's toys and games; radios and television sets; all produced by cheap Red Chinese labor to the detriment of thousands of American workers who had lost their jobs。
 She returned to the galley and filled a bucket with the sesame…seed puffs (scallions and sesame seeds in a dough wrapper) that she knew were a favorite of Captain Hung…chang。
 Then she began moving through the bowels of the ship; checking out the partments below the waterline。 Most of the crew were working above; unloading the ship's cargo containers。 The few who remained below appeared pleased when she wandered past and offered them a snack from her bucket。 She skirted the engine room; reasonably assured no immigrants were hidden there。 No chief engineer worth his salt would have permitted passengers near his precious engines。
 The only sickening moment of panic occurred when she became lost in the long partment that held the ship's fuel tanks。 She was startled by a crewman who came up behind her and demanded to know what she was doing there。 Julia smiled; offered him her sesame…seed puffs and told him that it was the captain's birthday and he wanted everyone to celebrate。 The ordinary seaman; having no reason to suspect the ship's cook; gratefully accepted a handful of puffs and smiled happily。
 After a fruitless search looking into any partment of the Sung Lien Star capable of holding and feeding scores of passengers and finding nothing suspicious; she made her way back to the open starboard deck。 Standing at the railing as if she was idly wishing she could go ashore; and making certain no one was within earshot; she inserted a small receiver in her ear and began talking into the transmitter between her breasts。
 〃I regret saying this; but the ship appears clean。 I searched every deck and found no indication of illegal immigrants。〃
 Captain Lewis on board the Weehawken replied without hesitation。 〃Are you secure?〃
 〃Yes; I was accepted without reservation。〃
 〃Do you wish to disembark?〃
 〃Not yet。 I'd like to hang around a bit longer。〃
 〃Please keep me advised;〃 said Lewis; 〃and be careful。〃
 Lewis's parting words came muffled; as the air trembled suddenly with a thumping sound followed by the exhaust roar of the Weehawken's helicopter sweeping over the dock。 Julia suppressed an urge to wave。 She remained leisurely hunched over the railing; gazing at the aircraft with detached curiosity。 She felt a wave of pleasure just knowing that she was watched over by a pair of U。S。 coast guardsmen who were acting as her angels。
 She was relieved that her job was done and angered that she had failed to discover any criminal activity。 From the looks of it; Qin Shang had outsmarted everyone once again。 If her mind
 ran in a practical vein; she could call Lewis to e get her or simply jump ship into the arms of the nearest immigration agent。 But she could not bring herself to quit by default。 There had to be an answer; and Julia was determined to find it。
 She moved around the stern to the lower portside deck until she could look directly down into the barge that was now half filled with plastic trash bags。 She stood at the railing for a long minute; studying the barge and the towboat as its captain engaged the powerful engines to pull away from the Sung Lien Star。 The wash from the twin propellers began beating the calm brownish water into foam。
 Julia was seized with frustration。 There was no crowd of immigrants huddled in sordid conditions on board the Sung Lien Star。 Of that she was positive。 Nor did she truly doubt the CIA agent's veracity who reported from Qingdao。 Qin Shang was a shrewd customer。 He must have devised a method that had fooled the best government investigators in the business。
 There were no hard and fast answers。 If there was a solution; perhaps it was connected with the towboat and barge pulling away from the ship。 She was left with no other options。 Failure was staring her in the face again。 She felt overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy and self…anger。 She knew then; beyond all doubt; that she had to act。
 One swift glance told her that the cargo door had been closed and there were no crewmen to be seen working the side of the ship's hull that faced the water opposite the dock。 The captain of the towboat was standing at the helm while one crewman acted as lookout on the bridge wing and another stood forward on the bow of the barge; their eyes focused on the waters ahead。 None were looking aft。
 As the towboat passed her position she looked down on its stern deck。 There was a long length of rope coiled aft of the funnel。 She estimated the drop at ten feet; and climbed over the railing。 There was no time to call Lewis and explain her action。 Any hesitation was brushed aside; for Julia was a woman of quick decision。 She took a deep breath and leaped。
 Julia's dive into the barge was observed; not by any of the Sung Lien Star's crew; but by Pitt on board the Marine Denizen; which was anchored at the entrance to the port。 For the past hour he had sat in the captain's chair on the bridge wing; tolerant of the sun and occasional passing rain shower; and scrutinized the activity swirling around the container ship through a pair of powerful binoculars。 He was especially intrigued by the barge and towboat alongside。 He watched intently as the trash accumulated on the long voyage from China was tied neatly in bags and dropped from a hatch in the ship's hull to the barge below。 When the last trash bag was tossed overboard and the hatch closed; Pitt was about to turn his attention to the containers being hoisted onto the dock by the cranes when; unpredictably; he saw a figure climb the railing along the deck above and drop onto the roof of the towboat。 〃What the hell!〃 he burst。
 Rudi Gunn; who was standing near Pitt; stiffened。 〃See something interesting?〃
 〃Somebody just took a dive off the ship onto the towboat。〃
 〃Probably a crewman jumping ship。〃
 〃It looked like the ship's cook;〃 Pitt said; keeping the glasses fixed on the boat。

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