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;Ricky's ing home拭
;Yes。 Maybe not right away察but the war'll be over soon。 We'll look up one day and see him walking across the yard there。;
I looked at the yard。 Puddles and streams were beginning to form and run down toward the Spruills。 The grass was almost gone察and the wind was blowing the first of the dead leaves from our oaks。
;I pray for Ricky every night察Gran察─I said察quite proud。
;I pray for him every hour察─she said察with a hint of mist in her eyes。
We rocked and watched the rain。 My thoughts about Ricky were rarely of a soldier in uniform察with a gun察under fire察hopping from one safe place to another。 Rather察my memories were of my best friend察my uncle who was more like a brother察a buddy with a fishing pole or a baseball glove。 He was only nineteen察an age that seemed both old and young to me。
Before long my mother came to the door。 The Saturday bath was followed by the Sunday scrubbing察a quick but brutal ritual in which my neck and ears were scraped by a woman possessed。 ;We need to get ready察─she said。 I could already feel the pain。
I followed Gran to the kitchen for more coffee。 Pappy was at the kitchen table察reading the Bible and preparing his Sunday school lesson。 My father was on the back porch察watching the storm and gazing into the distance at the river察no doubt beginning to worry that floodwaters were ing。
The rains stopped long before we left for church。 The roads were muddy察and Pappy drove even slower than usual。 We puttered along察sometimes sliding in the ruts and puddles of the old dirt road。 My father and I were in the back察holding tightly to the sides of the bed察and my mother and Gran rode up front察everybody dressed in their best。 The sky had cleared察and now the sun was overhead察already baking the wet ground so that you could see the humidity drifting lazily above the cotton stalks。
;It's gonna be a hot one察─my father said察issuing the same forecast he uttered every day from May through September。
When we reached the highway察we stood and leaned on the cab so the wind was in our faces。 It was much cooler that way。 The fields were vacant察not even the Mexicans were allowed to work on the Sabbath。 Every harvest season brought the same rumors of heathen farmers sneaking around and picking cotton on Sunday察but I personally had never witnessed such sinful behavior。
Most things were sinful in rural Arkansas察especially if you were a Baptist。 And a great part of our Sunday worship ritual was to be preached at by the Reverend Akers察a loud and angry man who spent too much of his time conjuring up new sins。 Of course察I didn't care for the preaching´most kids didn't´but there was more to Sunday church than worship。 It was a time for visiting察and spreading news and gossip。 It was a festive gathering察with everyone in good spirits察or at least pretending to be。 Whatever the worries of the world´the ing floods察the war in Korea察the fluctuating price of cotton´they were all put aside during church。
The Lord didn't intend for His people to worry察Gran always said察especially when we were in His house。 This forever struck me as odd察because she worried almost as much as Pappy。
Other than the family and the farm察nothing was as important to us as the Black Oak Baptist Church。 I knew every single person in our church察and they of course knew me。 It was a family察for better or worse。 Everybody loved one another察or at least professed to察and if one of our members was the slightest bit ill察then all manner of prayer and Christian caring poured forth。 A funeral was a weeklong察almost holy event。 The fall and spring revivals were planned for months and greatly anticipated。 At least once a month we had some form of dinner´on´the´grounds´a potluck picnic under the trees behind the church´and these often lasted until late afternoon。 Weddings were important察especially for the ladies察but they lacked the high drama of funerals and burials。
The church's gravel parking lot was almost full when we arrived。 Most of the vehicles were old farmers' trucks like ours察all covered with a fresh coat of mud。 There were a few sedans察and these were driven either by town folk or by farmers who owned their land。 Down the street at the Methodist church察there were fewer trucks and more cars。 As a general rule察the merchants and schoolteachers worshiped there。 The Methodists thought they were slightly superior察but as Baptists察we knew we had the inside track to God。
I jumped from the truck and ran to find my friends。 Three of the older boys were tossing a baseball behind the church察near the cemetery察and I headed in their direction。
;Luke察─someone whispered。 It was Dewayne察hiding in the shade of an elm tree and looking scared。 ;Over here。;
I walked to the tree。
;Have you heard拭─he said。 ;Jerry Sisco died early this mornin'。;
I felt as if I'd done something wrong察and I couldn't think of anything to say。 Dewayne just stared at me。 Finally察I managed to respond。 ;So拭
;So they're tryin' to find people who saw what happened。;
;Lot of folks saw it。;
;Yeah察but nobody wants to say anything。 Everybody's scared of the Siscos察and everybody's scared of your hillbilly。;
;Ain't my hillbilly察─I said。
;Well察I'm scared of him anyway。 Ain't you拭
;What're we gonna do拭
;Nothin'。 We ain't sayin' a word察not now anyhow。;
We agreed that we would indeed do nothing。 If we were confronted察we would lie。 And if we lied察we would say an extra prayer。
The prayers were long and windy that Sunday morning。 So were the rumors and gossip of what had happened to Jerry Sisco。 News spread quickly before Sunday school began。 Dewayne and I heard details about the fight that we couldn't believe were being reported。 Hank grew larger by the moment。 ;Hands as big as a country ham察─somebody said。 ;Shoulders like a Brahma bull察─said somebody else。 ;Had to weigh three hundred pounds。;
The men and older boys grouped near the front of the church察and Dewayne and I milled around察just listening。 I heard it described as a murder察then a killing察and I wasn't clear about the difference until I heard Mr。 Snake Wilcox say察 Ain't no murder。 Good folks get murdered。 White trash like the Siscos get killed。;
The killing was the first in Black Oak since 1947察when some sharecroppers east of town got drunk and had a family war。 A teenage boy found himself on the wrong end of a shotgun察but no charges were filed。 They fled during the night察never to be heard from again。 No one could remember the last ;real; murder。
I was mesmerized by the gossip。 We sat on the front steps of the church察looking down the sidewalk toward Main Street察and heard men arguing and spouting off about what should or shouldn't be done。
Down the street察I could see the front of the Co´op察and for a moment I thought I could see Jerry Sisco again察his face a mess察as Hank Spruill clubbed him to death。
I had watched a man get killed。 Suddenly察I felt the urge to sneak back into the sanctuary and start praying。 I knew I was guilty of something。
We drifted into the church察where the girls and women were also huddled and whispering their versions of the tragedy。 Among them察Jerry's stature was rising。 Brenda察the freckled girl with a crush on Dewayne察lived only a quarter of a mile from the Siscos察and since they were practically neighbors察she was receiving more than her share of attention。 The women were definitely more sympathetic than the men。
Dewayne and I found the cookies in the fellowship hall察then went to our little classrooms察listening every step of the way。
Our Sunday school teacher察Miss Beverly Dill Cooley察who taught at the high school in Monette察started things off with a lengthy察and quite generous察obituary for Jerry Sisco察a poor boy from a poor family察a young man who never had a chance。 Then she made us hold hands and close our eyes while she lifted her voice to heaven and for a very long time asked God to receive poor Jerry into His warm and eternal embrace。 She made Jerry sound like a Christian察and an innocent victim。
I glanced at Dewayne察who had one eye on me。
There was something odd about this。 As Baptists察we