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I glanced at Dewayne察who had one eye on me。
There was something odd about this。 As Baptists察we'd been taught from the cradle that the only way you made it to heaven was by believing in Jesus and trying to follow His example in living a clean and moral Christian life。 It was a simple message察one that was preached from the pulpit every Sunday morning and every Sunday night察and every revival preacher who passed through Black Oak repeated the message loud and clear。 We heard it at Sunday school察at Wednesday night prayer service察and at Vacation Bible School。 It was in our music察our devotionals察and our literature。 It was straightforward察unwavering察and without loopholes察promise察or wiggle room。
And anyone who did not accept Jesus and live a Christian life simply went to hell。 That's where Jerry Sisco was察and we all knew it。
But Miss Cooley prayed on。 She prayed for all the Siscos in this time of grief and loss察and she prayed for our little town as it reached out to help this family。
I couldn't think of a single soul in Black Oak who would reach out to the Siscos。
It was a strange prayer察and when she finally said ;amen察─I was pletely bewildered。 Jerry Sisco had never been near a church察but Miss Cooley prayed as if he were with God at that very moment。 If outlaws like the Siscos could make it to heaven察the pressure was off the rest of us。
Then she started on Jonah and the whale again察and for a while we forgot about the killing。
An hour later察during worship察I sat in my usual spot察in the same pew where the Chandlers always sat察halfway back on the left side察between Gran and my mother。 The pews were not marked or reserved察but everyone knew where everybody else was supposed to sit。 In three more years察when I was ten察my parents said I would be allowed to sit with my friends察providing of course that I could do so without misbehaving。 This promise had been extracted by me from both parents。 It might as well have been twenty years。
The windows were up察but the heavy air was not moving。 The ladies fanned themselves while the men sat still and sweated。 By the time Brother Akers rose to preach察my shirt was stuck to my back。
He was angry察as usual察and he began shouting almost immediately。 He attacked sin right off the bat察sin had brought tragedy to Black Oak。 Sin had brought death and destruction察as it always had and always would。 We sinners drank and gambled and cursed and lied and fought and killed and mitted adultery because we allowed ourselves to be separated from God察and that's why a young man from our town had lost his life。 God didn't intend for us to kill one another。
I was confused again。 I thought Jerry Sisco got himself killed because he'd finally met his match。 It had nothing to do with gambling and adultery and most of the other sins Brother Akers was so worked up over。 And why was he yelling at us拭We were the good folks。 We were in church
I seldom understood what Brother Akers was preaching about察and occasionally I'd hear Gran mumble over Sunday dinner that she'd also been hopelessly confused during one of his sermons。 Ricky had once told me he thought the old man was half crazy。
The sins grew察one piling on top of the other until my shoulders began to sag。 I had yet to lie about watching the fight察but I was already beginning to feel the heat。
Then Brother Akers traced the history of murder察beginning with Cain slaying Abel察and he walked us through the bloody path of biblical carnage。 Gran closed her eyes察and I knew she was praying´she always was。 Pappy was staring at a wall察probably thinking about how a dead Sisco might affect his cotton crop。 My mother seemed to be paying attention察and mercifully I began to nod off。
When I awoke察my head was in Gran's lap察but she didn't care。 When she was worried about Ricky察she wanted me near her。 The piano was now playing察and the choir was standing。 It was time for the invitation。 We stood and sang five stanzas of ;Just As I Am察─and then the Reverend dismissed us。
Outside察the men gathered under a shade tree and started a long discussion about something or other。 Pappy was in the middle of things察talking in a hushed voice察waving his hands in an urgent manner。 I knew better than to get close。
The women grouped in small clusters and gossiped along the front lawn察where the children also played and the old folks said their farewells。 There was never any hurry to leave church on Sundays。 There was little to do at home except eat lunch察take a nap察and get ready for another week of picking cotton。
Slowly察we made our way to the parking lot。 We said good´bye to our friends again察then waved as we pulled away。 Alone in the back of the truck with my father察I tried to muster the courage to tell him about watching the fight。 The men at church had talked of nothing else。 I wasn't sure how I figured into the plot察but my instincts told me to confess it all to my father and then hide behind him。 But Dewayne and I had promised to keep quiet until confronted察then we'd start squirming。 I said nothing as we drove home。
About a mile from our farm察where the gravel thinned and eventually surrendered to dirt察the road met the St。 Francis River察where a one´lane wooden bridge crossed over。 The bridge had been built in the thirties as a WPA project察so it was sturdy enough to withstand the weight of tractors and loaded cotton trailers。 But the thick planks popped and creaked every time we drove over察and if you looked at the brown water directly below察you'd swear the bridge was swaying。
We crept across察and on the other side we saw the Spruills。 Bo and Dale were in the river察shirtless察their pants rolled up to their knees察skipping rocks。 Trot was sitting on a thick branch of driftwood察his feet dangling in the water。 Mr。 and Mrs。 Spruill were hiding under a shade tree察where food was spread on a blanket。
Tally was also in the water察her legs bare up to her thighs察her long hair loose and falling onto her shoulders。 My heart pounded as I watched her kick the water察alone in her own world。
Downriver察in a spot where few fish had ever been caught察was Hank with a small cane pole。 His shirt was off察and his skin was already pink from the sun。 I wondered if he knew that Jerry Sisco was dead。 Probably not。 He would find out soon enough察though。
We waved slowly at them。 They froze as if they had been caught trespassing察then they smiled and nodded。 But Tally never looked up。 Neither did Hank。
Chapter 9
Sunday lunch was always fried chicken察biscuits察and gravy察and though the women cooked as fast as they could察it still took an hour to prepare。 We were famished by the time we sat down to eat。 I often thought察to myself of course察that if Brother Akers didn't bark and ramble so long察we wouldn't be nearly as hungry。
Pappy gave thanks。 The food was passed around察and we were just beginning to eat when a car door slammed close to the house。 We stopped eating and looked at one another。 Pappy stood silently and walked to the kitchen window。 ;It's Stick Powers察─he said察looking out察and my appetite vanished。 The law had arrived察and nothing good was about to happen。
Pappy met him at the back porch。 We could hear every word。
;Good afternoon察Eli。;
;Stick。 What can I do for you拭
;I guess you heard that Sisco boy died。;
;I heard察─Pappy said without the slightest hint of sadness。
;I need to talk to one of your hands。;
;It was just a fight察Stick。 The usual Saturday foolishness that the Siscos have been doin' for years。 You never stopped 'em。 Now one of 'em bit off more'n he could chew。;
;I still gotta investigate。;
;You'll have to wait till after lunch。 We just sat down。 Some folks go to church。;
My mother cringed when Pappy said this。 Gran slowly shook her head。
;I been on duty察─Stick said。
According to the gossip察Stick had a bout with the Spirit every four years察when it was election time。 Then for three and a half years he didn't feel the need to worship。 In Black Oak察if you didn't go to church察folks knew it。 We had to have somebody to pray for during revivals。
;You're wele to sit on the porch察─Pappy said察then r