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;Did you see her拭─my mother whispered as we were leaving。 I shook my head。
As we drove away察the Latchers were crawling over and around the two boxes as if they hadn't eaten in a week。
We'd return in a few days with another load of produce in a second attempt to confirm the rumors。 As long as they kept Libby hidden察the Latchers would be well fed。
The St。 Francis River was fifty feet deep察according to my father察and around the bottom of the bridge pier there were channel catfish that weighed sixty pounds and ate everything that floated within reach。 They were large察dirty fish´scavengers that moved only when food was nearby。 Some lived for twenty years。 According to family legend察Ricky caught one of the monsters when he was thirteen。 It weighed forty´four pounds察and when he slit its belly with a cleaning knife察all sorts of debris spilled onto the tailgate of Pappy's truck此a spark plug察a marble察lots of half´eaten minnows and small fish察two pennies察and some suspicious matter that was eventually determined to be human waste。
Gran never fried another catfish。 Pappy gave up river food altogether。
With red worms as bait察I fished the shallow backwaters around a sandbar for bream and crappie察two small species that were plentiful and easy to catch。 I waded barefoot through the warm察swirling waters and occasionally heard my mother yell察 That's far enough察Luke ─The bank was lined with oaks and willows察and the sun was behind them。 My parents sat in the shade察on one of the many quilts the ladies at the church made during the winter察and shared a cantaloupe from our garden。
They talked softly察almost in whispers察and I didn't try to listen察because it was one of the few moments during the picking season when they could be alone。 At night察after a day in the fields察sleep came fast and hard察and I rarely heard them talk in bed。 They sometimes sat on the porch in the darkness察waiting for the heat to pass察but they weren't really alone。
The river scared me enough to keep me safe。 I had not yet learned to swim´I was waiting for Ricky to e home。 He had promised to teach me the next summer察when I would be eight。 I stayed close to the bank察where the water barely covered my feet。
Drownings were not unmon察and all my life I'd heard colorful tales of grown men caught in shifting sandbanks and being swept away while entire families watched in horror。 Calm waters could somehow turn violent察though I'd never witnessed this myself。 The mother of all drownings supposedly took place in the St。 Francis察though the exact location varied according to the narrator。 A small child was sitting innocently on a sandbar when suddenly it shifted察and the child was surrounded by water and sinking fast。 An older sibling saw it happen and dashed into the swirling waters察only to be met with a fierce current that carried him away察too。 Next察an even older sibling heard the cries of the first two察and she charged into the river and was waist´deep before she remembered she couldn't swim。 Undaunted察she bravely thrashed onward察yelling at the younger two to hold steady察she'd get there somehow。 But the sandbar collapsed entirely察sort of like an earthquake察and new currents went in all directions。
The three children were drifting farther and farther away from shore。 The mother察who may or may not have been pregnant察and who may or may not have been able to swim察was fixing lunch under a shade tree when she heard the screams of her children。 She flung herself into the river察whereupon she察too察was soon in trouble。
The father was fishing off a bridge when he heard the motion察and rather than waste time running to the shore and entering from that venue察he simply jumped headlong into the St。 Francis and broke his neck。
The entire family perished。 Some of the bodies were found。 Some were not。 Some were eaten by the channel cats察and the others were swept out to sea察wherever the sea was。 There was no shortage of theories as to what finally happened to the bodies of this poor family察which察oddly察had remained nameless through the decades。
This story was repeated so that kids like myself would appreciate the dangers of the river。 Ricky loved to scare me with it察but often got his versions confused。 My mother said it was all fiction。
Even Brother Akers managed to weave it through a sermon to illustrate how Satan was always at work spreading misery and heartache around the world。 I was awake and listening very closely察and when he left out the part about the broken neck察I figured he was exaggerating察too。
But I was determined not to drown。 The fish were biting察small bream that I hooked and threw back。 I found a seat on a stump near a lagoon and caught one fish after another。 It was almost as much fun as playing baseball。 The afternoon passed slowly by察and I was thankful for the solitude。 Our farm was crowded with strangers。 The fields were waiting with the promise of backbreaking labor。 I'd seen a man get killed察and I had somehow gotten myself in the middle of it。
The gentle rushing sound of the shallow water was soothing。 Why couldn't I just fish all day拭Sit by the river in the shade拭Anything but pick cotton。 I wasn't going to be a farmer。 I didn't need the practice。
;Luke察─came my father's voice from down the bank。 I pulled in the hook and worm察and walked to where they were sitting。
;Yes sir察─I said。
;Sit down察─he said。 ;Let's talk。;
I sat at the very edge of the quilt察as far from them as possible。 They didn't appear to be angry察in fact察my mother's face was pleasant。
But my father's voice was stern enough to worry me。 ;Why didn't you tell us about the fight拭─he asked。
The fight that wouldn't go away。
I wasn't really surprised to hear the question。 ;I was scared察I guess。;
;Scared of what拭
;Scared of gettin' caught behind the Co´op watchin' a fight。;
;Because I told you not to察right拭─asked my mother。
;Yes ma'am。 And I'm sorry。;
Watching a fight was not a major act of disobedience察and all three of us knew it。 What were boys supposed to do on Saturday afternoon when the town was packed and excitement was high拭She smiled because I said I was sorry。 I was trying to look as pitiful as possible。
;I'm not too worried about you watchin' a fight察─my father said。
;But secrets can get you in trouble。 You shoulda told me what you saw。;
;I saw a fight。 I didn't know Jerry Sisco was gonna die。;
My logic stopped him for a moment。 Then he said察 Did you tell Stick Powers the truth拭
;Yes sir。; i
;Did one of the Siscos pick up the piece of wood first拭Or was it Hank Spruill拭
If I told the truth察then I would be admitting that I had lied in my earlier version。 Tell the truth or tell a lie察that was the question that always remained。 I decided to try to blur things a bit。 ;Well察to be honest察Dad察things happened so fast。 There were bodies fallin' and flyin' everywhere。 Hank was just throwin' those boys around like little toys。 And the crowd was movin' and hollerin'。 Then I saw a stick察of wood。; I
Surprisingly察this satisfied him。 After all察I was only seven years old察 and had been caught up in a mob of spectators察all watching a horrible brawl unfold behind the Co´op。 Who could blame me if I wasn't sure about what happened
;Don't talk to anyone about this察all right拭Not a soul。;
;Yes sir。;
;Little boys who keep secrets from their parents get into big trouble察─my mother said。 ;You can always tell us。;
;Yes ma'am。;
;Now go fish some more察─my father said察and I ran back to my spot。
Chapter 11
The week began in the semidarkness of Monday morning。 We met at the trailer for the ride into the fields察a ride that grew shorter each day as the picking slowly moved away from the river back toward the house。
Not a word was spoken。 Before us were five endless days of overwhelming labor and heat察followed by Saturday察which on Monday seemed as far away as Christmas。
I looked down from my perch on the tractor and prayed for the day when the Spruills would leave our farm。 They were grouped together察as dazed and sleepy as I was。 Trot was not with them察nor would he be joining us