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;Bottomland拭─Mr。 Spruill asked察as if he were being sent into a swamp。
;Some of it is察but it's good land。;
Mr。 Spruill glanced at his wife again察then looked back at us。 ;Where do we set up拭
;You'll see a shady spot in the back察next to the silo。 That's the best place。;
We watched them drive away察the gears rattling察the tires wobbling察crates and boxes and pots bouncing along。
;You don't like them察do you拭─I asked。
;They're good folks。 They're just different。;
;I guess we're lucky to have them察aren't we拭
;Yes察we are。;
More field hands meant less cotton for me to pick。 For the next month I would go to the fields at sunrise察drape a nine´foot cotton sack over my shoulder察and stare for a moment at an endless row of cotton察the stalks taller than I was察then plunge into them察lost as far as anyone could tell。 And I would pick cotton察tearing the fluffy bolls from the stalks at a steady pace察stuffing them into the heavy sack察afraid to look down the row and be reminded of how endless it was察afraid to slow down because someone would notice。 My fingers would bleed察my neck would burn察my back would hurt。
Yes察I wanted lots of help in the fields。 Lots of hill people察lots of Mexicans。
Chapter 2
With the cotton waiting察my grandfather was not a patient man。 Though he still drove the truck at its requisite speed察he was restless because the other fields along the road were getting picked察and ours were not。 Our Mexicans were two days late。 We parked again near Pop and Pearl's察and I followed him to the Tea Shoppe察where he argued with the man in charge of farm labor。
;Relax察Eli察─the man said。 ;They'll be here any minute。;
He couldn't relax。 We walked to the Black Oak gin on the edge of town察a long walk´but Pappy did not believe in wasting gasoline。 Between six and eleven that morning察he'd picked two hundred pounds of cotton察yet he still walked so fast I had to jog to keep up。
The gravel lot of the gin was crowded with cotton trailers察some empty察others waiting for their harvest to be ginned。 I waved again at the Montgomery twins as they were leaving察their trailer empty察headed home for another load。
The gin roared with the chorus of heavy machines at work。 They were incredibly loud and dangerous。 During each picking season察at least one worker would fall victim to some gruesome injury inside the cotton gin。 I was scared of the machines察and when Pappy told me to wait outside察I was happy to do so。 He walked by a group of field hands waiting for their trailers without so much as a nod。 He had things on his mind。
I found a safe spot near the dock察where they wheeled out the finished bales and loaded them onto trailers headed for the Carolinas。 At one end of the gin the freshly picked cotton was sucked from the trailers through a long pipe察twelve inches around察then it disappeared into the building where the machines worked on it。 It emerged at the other end in neat square bales covered in burlap and strapped tightly with one´inch steel bands。 A good gin produced perfect bales察ones that could be stacked like bricks。
A bale of cotton was worth a hundred and seventy´five dollars察give or take察depending on the markets。 A good crop could produce a bale an acre。 We rented eighty acres。 Most farm kids could do the math。
In fact察the math was so easy you wondered why anyone would want to be a farmer。 My mother made sure I understood the numbers。 The two of us had already made a secret pact that I would never察under any circumstances察stay on the farm。 I would finish all twelve grades and go play for the Cardinals。
Pappy and my father had borrowed fourteen thousand dollars in March from the owner of the gin。 That was their crop loan察and the money was spent on seed察fertilizer察labor察and other expenses。 So far we'd been lucky´the weather had been nearly perfect察and the crops looked good。 If our luck continued through the picking察and the fields yielded a bale an acre察then the Chandler farming operation would break even。 That was our goal。
But察like most farmers察Pappy and my father carried debt from the previous year。 They owed the owner of the gin two thousand dollars from 1951察which had seen an average crop。 They also owed money to the John Deere dealer in Jonesboro for parts察to Lance Brothers for fuel察to the Co´op for seed and supplies察and to Pop and Pearl Watson for groceries。
I certainly wasn't supposed to know about their crop loans and debts。 But in the summertime my parents often sat on the front steps late into the night察waiting for the air to cool so they could sleep without sweating察and they talked。 My bed was near a window by the porch。 They thought I was sleeping察but I heard more than I should have。
Though I wasn't sure察I strongly suspected Pappy needed to borrow more money to pay the Mexicans and the hill people。 I couldn't tell if he got the money or not。 He was frowning when we walked to the gin察and he was frowning when we left it。
The hill people had been migrating from the Ozarks for decades to pick cotton。 Many of them owned their own homes and land察and quite often they had nicer vehicles than the farmers who hired them for the harvest。 They worked very hard察saved their money察and appeared to be as poor as we were。
By 1950 the migration had slowed。 The postwar boom had finally trickled down to Arkansas察at least to some portions of the state察and the younger hill people didn't need the extra money as badly as their parents。 They simply stayed at home。 Picking cotton was not something anyone would volunteer to do。 The farmers faced a labor shortage that gradually grew worse察then somebody discovered the Mexicans。
The first truckload arrived in Black Oak in 1951。 We got six of them察including Juan察my buddy察who gave me my first tortilla。 Juan and forty others had traveled three days in the back of a long trailer察packed in tightly together察with little food察no shade from the sun or shelter from the rain。 They were weary and disoriented when they hit Main Street。 Pappy said the trailer smelled worse than a cattle truck。 Those who saw it told others察and before long the ladies at the Baptist and Methodist churches were openly plaining about the primitive manner in which the Mexicans had been transported。
My mother had been vocal察at least to my father。 I heard them discuss it many times after the crops were in and the Mexicans had been shipped back。 She wanted my father to talk to the other farmers and receive assurances from the man in charge of labor that those who collected the Mexicans and sent them to us would treat them better。 She felt it was our duty as farmers to protect the laborers察a notion my father shared somewhat察though he seemed unenthusiastic about leading the charge。 Pappy didn't give a damn。 Nor did the Mexicans察They just wanted to work。
The Mexicans finally arrived just after four o'clock。 There had been rumors that they would be riding in a bus察and I certainly hoped this was true。 I didn't want my parents straining at the issue for another winter。 Nor did I want the Mexicans to be treated so poorly。
But they were in a trailer again察an old one with planks for sides and nothing over the top to protect them。 It was true that cattle had it better。
They carefully hopped down out of the trailer bed and onto the street察three or four at a time察in one wave after another。 They spilled forth察emptying in front of the Co´op察and gathered on the sidewalk in small bewildered groups。 They stretched and bent and looked around as if they had landed on another planet。 I counted sixty´two of them。 To my great disappointment察Juan was not there。
They were several inches shorter than Pappy察very thin察and they all had black hair and brown skin。 Each carried a little bag of clothing and supplies。
Pearl Watson stood on the sidewalk in front of her store察hands on hips察glaring。 They were her customers察and she certainly didn't want them mistreated。 I knew that before church on Sunday the ladies would be in an uproar again。 And I knew my mother would quiz me as soon as we arrived home with our gang。
Harsh words erupted between the man in charge of labo