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urn bright red in October。 My father had helped me measure the exact distance one day last January。 It seemed like a mile to me。 From home plate to the left field wall in Sportsman's Park察where the Cardinals played察was 350 feet察and every time Stan Musial hit a home run I would sit on the steps the next day and marvel at the distance。 In mid´July he'd hit a ball 400 feet against the Braves。 Pappy had said察 He hit it over the barn察Luke。;
For two days afterward察I'd sat on the steps and dreamed of hitting 'cm over the barn。
When the Mexicans were past the tool shed察my mother said察 They look very tired。;
;They rode in a trailer察sixty´two of them察─I said察eager察for some reason察to help stir things up。
;I was afraid of that。;
;An old trailer。 Old and dirty。 Pearl's already mad about it。;
;It won't happen again察─she said察and I knew that my father was about to get an earful。 ;Run along and help your grandfather。;
I'd spent most of the previous two weeks in the barn察alone with my mother察sweeping and cleaning the loft察trying to make a home for the Mexicans。 Most of the farmers put them in abandoned tenant houses or barns。 There'd been a rumor that Ned Shackleford three miles south had made his live with the chickens。
Not so on the Chandler farm。 For lack of another shelter察the Mexicans would be forced to live in the loft of our barn察but there wouldn't be a speck of dirt anywhere to be found。 And it would have a pleasant smell。 For a year my mother had gathered old blankets and quilts for them to sleep on。
I slipped into the barn察but stayed below察next to Isabel's stall。 She was our milk cow。 Pappy claimed his life had been saved in the First War by a young French girl named Isabel察and to honor the memory察he named our Jersey cow after her。 My grandmother never believed that story。
I could hear them up in the loft察moving around察settling in。 Pappy was talking to Miguel察who was impressed with how nice and clean the loft was。 Pappy took the pliments as if he and he alone had done the scrubbing。
In fact察he and Gran had been skeptical of my mother's efforts to provide a decent place for the laborers to sleep。 My mother had been raised on a small farm at the very edge of Black Oak察so she was almost a town girl。 She actually grew up with kids who were too good to pick cotton。 She never walked to school´her father drove her。 She'd been to Memphis three times before she married my father。 She'd been raised in a painted house。
Chapter 3
We Chandlers rented our land from Mr。 Vogel of Jonesboro察a man I'd never seen。 His name was rarely mentioned察but when it did slip into a conversation察it was uttered with respect and awe。 I thought he was the richest man in the world。
Pappy and Gran had been renting the land since before the Great Depression察which arrived early and stayed late in rural Arkansas。 After thirty years of backbreaking labor察they had managed to purchase
from Mr。 Vogel the house and the three acres around it。 They also owned the John Deere tractor察two disks察a seed planter察a cotton trailer察a flatbed trailer察two mules察a wagon察and the truck。 My father had a vague agreement that gave him an ownership interest in some ;I these assets。 The land deed was in the names of Eli and Ruth Chandler。
The only farmers who made money were those who owned their land。 The renters察like us察tried to break even。 The sharecroppers had i he worst and were doomed to eternal poverty。 My father's goal was to own forty acres of land察free and clear。 My other's dreams were tucked away察only to be shared with me as I grew older。 But I already knew she longed to leave the rural life and is determined that I would not farm。 By the time I was seven察she had made a believer out of me。
When she was satisfied that the Mexicans were being properly situated察she sent me to find my father。 It was late察the sun was falling beyond the trees that lined the St。 Francis River察and it was time for in to weigh his cotton sack for the final time and call it a day。 I walked barefoot along a dirt path between two fields察looking for him。 The soil was dark and rich察good Delta farmland that produced enough to keep you tied to it。 Ahead察I saw the cotton trailer察and I knew he was working his way toward it。
Jesse Chandler was the elder son of Pappy and Gran。 His younger brother察Ricky察was nineteen and fighting somewhere in Korea。 There were two sisters who'd fled the farm as soon as they'd finished high school。
My father didn't flee。 He was determined to be a farmer like his father and grandfather察except he'd be the first Chandler to own his land。 I didn't know if he had dreams of a life away from the fields。 Like my grandfather察he had been an excellent baseball player察and I'm sure at one point he'd dreamed of major league glory。 But he took a German bullet through his thigh in Anzio in 1944察and his baseball career came to an end。
He walked with a very slight limp察but then so did most people who toiled in the cotton patch。
I stopped at the trailer察which was almost empty。 It sat on a narrow cotton road察waiting to be filled。 I climbed up on it。 Around me察on all sides察neat rows of green and brown stalks stretched to the tree lines that bordered our land。 At the top of the stalks察puffy bolls of cotton were popping forth。 The cotton was ing to life by the minute察so when I stepped on the back of the trailer and surveyed the fields察I saw an ocean of white。 The fields were silent´no voices察no tractor engines察no cars on the road。 For a moment察hanging on to the trailer察I could almost understand why my father wanted to be a farmer。
I could barely see his old straw hat in the distance as he moved between rows。 I jumped down and hurried to meet him。 With dusk approaching察the gaps between the rows were even darker。 Because the sun and rain had cooperated察the leaves were full and thick and weaving together so that they brushed against me as I walked quickly toward my father。
;Is that you察Luke拭─he called察knowing full well that no one else would be ing to find him。
;Yes sir ─I answered察moving to the voice。 ;Mom says it's time to quit
;Oh she does拭
;Yes sir。; I missed him by one row。 I cut through the stalks察and there he was察bent at the waist察both hands moving through the leaves察adroitly plucking the cotton and stuffing it into the nearly full sack draped over his shoulder。 He'd been in the fields since sunrise察breaking only for lunch。
;Did y'all find some help拭─he asked without looking at me。
;Yes sir察─I said proudly。 ;Mexicans and hill people。;
;How many Mexicans拭
;Ten察─I said察as if I'd personally rounded them up。
;That's good。 Who are the hill people拭
;The Spruills。 I forgot where they're from。;
;How many拭─He finished a stalk and crept forward察with his heavy sack inching along behind him。
;A whole truckload。 It's hard to tell。 Gran's mad because they've set up camp in the front yard察even got a fire goin' where home plate is。 Pappy told 'em to set up by the silo。 I heard him。 I don't think they're real smart。;
;Don't be sayin' that。;
;Yes sir。 Anyway察Gran's not too pleased。;
;She'll be all right。 We need the hill people。;
;Yes sir。 That's what Pappy said。 But I hate they've messed up home plate。;
;Pickin' is more important than baseball these days。;
;I guess。; Maybe in his opinion。
;How are the Mexicans拭
;Not too good。 They stuffed 'em in a trailer again察and Mom's not too happy about it。;
His hands stopped for a second as he considered another winter of squabbles。 ;They're just happy to be here察─he said察his hands moving again。
I took a few steps toward the trailer in the distance察then turned to watch him again。 ;Tell that to Mom。;
He gave me a look before saying察 Did Juan make it拭
;No sir。;
;Sorry to hear that。;
I'd talked about Juan for a year。 He had promised me last fall that he'd be back。 ;That's okay察─I said。 ;The new guy is Miguel。 He's real nice。;
I told him about the trip to town察how we found the Spruills察about Tally and Trot and the large young man on the tailgate察then back to i own where Pappy argued with the m