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ng the Cubs in the final game of the season。
As Dewayne and I retreated from the dessert table with our last cups of ice cream察we walked behind a quilt where half a dozen young women were resting and talking。 ;Well察how old is Libby拭─I heard one of them say。
I stopped察took a bite察and looked beyond them at the game as if I weren't the least bit interested in what they were saying。
;She's just fifteen察─another said。
;She's a Latcher。 She'll have another one soon。;
;Is it a boy or a girl拭
;Boy's what I heard。;
;And the daddy拭
;Not a clue。 She won't tell anybody。;
;e on察─Dewayne said察hitting me with his elbow。 We moved away and walked to the first´base dugout。 I wasn't sure if I was relieved or scared。 Word was out that the Latcher baby had arrived察but its father had not been identified。
It wouldn't be long察I thought。 And we'd be ruined。 I'd have a cousin who was a Latcher察and everybody would know it。
The tight pitching duel ended in the fifth inning when both teams erupted for six runs。 For thirty minutes baseballs were flying everywhere´line drives察wild throws察balls in the outfield gaps。 We changed pitchers twice察and I knew we were in trouble when Pappy went to the mound and pointed at my father。 He was not a pitcher察but at that point there was no one left。 He kept his pitches low察though察and we were soon out of the inning。
;Musial's pitching ─someone yelled。 It was either a joke or a mistake。 Stan Musial was a lot of things察but he'd never pitched before。 We ran behind the bleachers to where the cars were parked。 A small crowd was closing in on a '48 Dodge owned by Mr。 Rafe Henry。 Its radio was at full volume察and Harry Caray was wild´Stan the Man was indeed on the mound察pitching against the Cubs察against Frankie Baumholtz察the man he'd battled all year for the hitting title。 The crowd at Sportsman's Park was delirious。 Harry was yelling into the microphone。 We were shocked at the thought of Musial on the mound。
Baumholtz hit a ground ball to third察and they sent Musial back to center field。 I ran to the first´base dugout and told Pappy that Stan the Man had actually pitched察but he didn't believe me。 I told my father察and he looked suspicious察too。 The Methodists were up eight to six察in the bottom of the seventh察and the Baptist dugout was tense。 A good flood would have caused less concern察at least at that moment。
It was at least ninety´five degrees。 The players were soaked with sweat察their clean overalls and white Sunday shirts stuck to their skin。 They were moving slower´paying the price for all that fried chicken and potato salad´and not hustling enough to suit Pappy。
Dewayne's father wasn't playing察so they left after a couple of hours。 A few others drifted away。 The Mexicans were still under their tree by the right´field foul pole察but they were sprawled out now and appeared to be sleeping。 The ladies were even more involved with their shade´tree gossip察they could not have cared less who won the game。
I sat alone in the bleachers and watched the Methodists score three more in the eighth。 I dreamed of the day when I'd be out there察hitting home runs and making incredible plays in center field。 Those wretched Methodists wouldn't have a chance when I got big enough。
They won eleven to eight察and for the fifth year in a row Pappy had led the Baptists to defeat。 The players shook hands and laughed when the game was over察then headed to the shade察where iced tea was waiting。 Pappy didn't smile or laugh察nor did he shake hands with anybody。 He disappeared for a while察and I knew he would pout for a week。
The Cardinals lost察too察three to zero。 They finished the season four games behind the Giants and eight games behind the Brooklyn Dodgers察who would face the Yankees in an all´New York World Series。
The leftovers were gathered and hauled back to the cars and trucks。 The tables were cleaned察and the litter was picked up。 I helped Mr。 Duffy Lewis rake the mound and home plate察and when we finished察the field looked as good as ever。 It took an hour to say goodbye to everyone。 There were the usual threats from the losing team about what would happen next year察and the usual taunts from the winners。 As far as I could tell察no one was upset but Pappy。
As we left town I thought about the end of the season。 Baseball began in the spring察when we planted and when hopes were high。 It sustained us through the summer察often our only diversion from the drudgery of the fields。 We listened to each game察then talked about the plays and the players and the strategies until we listened to the next one。 It was very much a part of our daily lives for six months察then it was gone。 Just like the cotton。
I was sad by the time we arrived home。 No games to listen to on the front porch。 Six months without the voice of Harry Caray。 Six months with no Stan Musial。 I got my glove and went for a long walk down a field road察tossing the ball in the air察wondering what I would do until April。
For the first time in my life察baseball broke my heart。
Chapter 24
The heat broke in the first few days of October。 The nights became cool察and the rides to the fields in the early morning were chilly。 The stifling humidity was gone察and the sun lost its glare。 By midday it was hot again察but not August´hot察and by dark the air was light。 We waited察but the heat did not return。 The seasons were changing察the days grew shorter。
Since the sun didn't sap our strength as much察we worked harder and picked more。 And察of course察the change in weather was all Pappy needed to embrace yet another level of concern。 With winter just around the corner察he now remembered tales of staring at rows and rows of muddy察rotting察and unpicked cotton on Christmas Day。
After a month in the fields察I missed school。 Classes would resume at the end of October察and I began thinking of how nice it would be to sit at a desk all day察surrounded by friends instead of cotton stalks察and with no Spruills to worry about。 Now that baseball was over察I had to dream about something。 It was a tribute to my desperation to be left with only school to long for。
My return to school would be glorious because I would be wearing my shiny new Cardinals baseball jacket。 Hidden inside my cigar box in the top drawer of my bureau was the grand sum of 14。50察the result of hard work and frugal spending。 I was reluctantly tithing money to the church and investing wisely in Saturday movies and popcorn察but for the most part my wages were being tucked safely away next to my Stan Musial baseball card and the pearl´handled pocketknife that Ricky gave me the day he left for Korea。
I wanted to order the jacket from Sears察Roebuck察but my mother insisted I wait until the harvest was over。 We were still negotiating this。 Shipping took two weeks察and I was determined to return to class decked out in Cardinal red。
Stick Powers was waiting for us late one afternoon。 I was with Gran and my mother察and we had left the fields a few minutes ahead of the others。 As always察Stick was sitting under a tree察the one next to Pappy's truck察and his sleepy eyes betrayed the fact that he'd been napping。
He tipped his hat to my mother and Gran and said察 Afternoon察Ruth察Kathleen。;
;Hello察Stick察─Gran said。 ;What can we do for you拭
;Lookin' for Eli or Jesse。;
;They'll be along shortly。 Somethin' the matter拭
Stick chewed on the blade of grass protruding from his lips and took a long look at the fields as if he were burdened with heavy news that might or might not be suitable for women。
;What is it察Stick拭─Gran asked。 With a boy off in the war察every visit by a man in a uniform was frightening。 In 1944 one of Stick's predecessors had delivered the news that my father had been wounded at Anzio。
Stick looked at the women and decided they could be trusted。 He said察 That eldest Sisco boy察Grady察the one in prison for killin' a man over in Jonesboro察well察he escaped last week。 They say he's back in these parts。;
For a moment the women said nothing。 Gran was relieved that the news wasn't about Ricky。 My mother was bored with the whole Sisco mess。
;You'd better tell Eli